View Full Version : ESPN Fishing programs

01-10-2003, 01:58 PM
Hi guys,
Long time lurker first time poster : )

Anyone here have Foxtel with ESPN channel and can comment on the fishing programs they have every week, a whole heap of fly stuff by the looks of it.
Just interested before i get the channel added to my list.

Ben [smiley=bomb.gif]

01-10-2003, 04:36 PM
"Spanish Flys" pretty good, alot of bait fishing as well, not much fly fishing done at all really.Theres another show after called "Insearch of fly water" Ive seen some great episodes of this but also some to sleep through. The rest of the stuff is hunting and dog shows with the same ESPN ad every 4mins.Every so often there is a great bit of fishin TV but its very rare.I got pay so I could see "Walkers Cay cronicles",thats a fishin show,Lefty and Flip doing there thing, but it aint on Fox :-[. I wouldnt keep it for the fishing shows. MQ