View Full Version : Monster longtail on fly

19-09-2003, 12:05 PM
Hi Guys,

I took my Dad out to try and collect longtails for the CSIRO research. He's never caught one on fly before and was wrapped when he got a 14kg fish. Not satisfied, he nailed this monster 29kg fish. It will be very interesting to see how old this fish is. We got this one off Bribie and we have hit quite a few 20kg+ fish lately so get out there! Just a hint though, we haven't seen a single longtail on the surface when we've hit them. So they are there lurking around.



19-09-2003, 12:08 PM
Here's another pic

19-09-2003, 12:28 PM
thats a stonker - bloody great job!

Wes - how about this weekend mate? ;D ;D ;D

cheers, Justin

19-09-2003, 02:17 PM

Awesome fish Shane, absolutely awesome!


19-09-2003, 02:34 PM
OOOOOHHH Baby, Thats a dream fish.On fly its awsome? Anymore details?? We want the lot(not TOO many details if ya trying 2 b hushush),,Tippet,Fly,Fly size,Length of fight ect, ect.Sorry but Im a newbe to this "Tuna on fly" and Im starting to get a little hooked by it all.. Great fish. WES,,I Emailed you b4, Let me know if u r keen, . Matt Quinn

19-09-2003, 07:46 PM

You don't need us to get you some fish for your research.

Beginners luck ;D. I'd rather be Lucky than Good. 14kg then 29kg that's unbelievable. Some guys(like me) have been flogging the water to a foam for years and haven't got a LT over 20kg. Tell us it was on fly :o

Quinny and I have been culling the smaller fish and left your Dad with the monster.

Some MasterBaiters(team_mongo, my brother George) don't believe you can land a LT over 20kg on fly.

I can't get out there this weekend, family stuff. Maybe I'll take some leave.

When you see a big one, you know why they are called Longtails.


19-09-2003, 09:15 PM
Now that bruises some bums cobber. Max

20-09-2003, 04:22 AM
Shane:That looks a lot like Allan Griffiths from Shellharbour ;)

Knowing Allan - it would have been on fly.

Great Fish 8)

Regards Scotto

20-09-2003, 06:36 AM
Hope Scott doesn't mind this going up again.

Scott Matthews, Longtail on fly, mid 20s from Moreton Bay early summer.

20-09-2003, 07:41 AM
Shane.. Question.. if no fish on surface how are you locating them????

20-09-2003, 07:46 AM
Scott, also can you let us know how old that fish was..

20-09-2003, 10:22 AM
Hi guy's
I just got back from Bribe Is.Without knowing about this report.I had about 20 shots at longtails with one hookup.My flies were too big. There only eating very small baitfish.The schools started from the beacons at caloundra to the 3rd lagoon. Thats as far as i went down to today.They were in pods of about 8 fish.Good luck on the weekend :)
Regards Steve

20-09-2003, 10:57 AM
Huh???!!!! ???

On fly? ???

Or Live bait as this post suggest ::)


Somebody aint straight talking

21-09-2003, 06:36 AM
:-X Just spoke with Allan to clear this up (Allan is partners in "The Tackle Box" at Shellharbour - and was my Phys-Ed teacher in high school ).

He was up for a wedding on short notice and had the opertunity to slip out with his son to wet a line.As it wasn't planned "they wheren't flyfishing" - rather using live slimies ( You can sleep again Wes - and I'm sure Noddy will be happy in the West as well ;) ).

Still a bloody nice fish and took 40 min's to subdue on 15kg gear.It will be very interesting to see how old the fish is as you don't see to many in this size range period ;)

Regards Scotto

21-09-2003, 09:10 AM
Only thing that dissapoints me is the original post claiming 'monster longtail on fly'. Why do it?

Especially as I got the heads up from another well known flyfisher and we spent a fair bit of his money on a long distance mobile phone call. Talk about crying wolf!

Even tho' I have the current 10kg world record for flyrod longtails, it's there to be broken. As all records are. And I wish anyone who wants to give it a shot all the best.Just do it according to the rules and leave the bulldust on shore.

Still a nice fish none the less and one of the biggest longtails heard of for a while.

I've posted this pic elsewhere before but this is a geniune flyrod 24.5kg fish. The current world record.


22-09-2003, 11:25 AM
Shame-Shame-Shame,DR.Shane,now what is every one to think about all your research now. :o :o :o

22-09-2003, 01:40 PM
Wes, this is for your brother. I posted this here a little while ago. It's either a yellowfin or a big eye, but I think the former. It was around 28 kilos and was caught up in Kiribati. We were surface casting deceivers, (see next photo) but in very deep water off the atoll, so the fish just sounded once hooked. When it stopped diving it was just a matter of winding it back up. Most unexciting tuna I've caught except for the size. The rod was a nautikos 9#.

22-09-2003, 01:43 PM
Deceiver used up in Kiribati..this was like the old patterns we used to tie then (four or five years ago)...blue and white deceivers basically but sometimes wih extra flash, and somtimes without the feathers, sometimes with. How tuna flies have changed!

23-09-2003, 07:50 AM
Geez I didn't realise such bad grammar could get me into so much trouble. Let me apologise for misleading. The title should have had a question mark, just to raise some attention, and I must admit now that the text is very amgiuous being written in haste. Yes, my Dad is a keen fly fisho and wanted a longtail on fly but the fish were NOT taken on fly, but live slimies. All other details are correct.

Following on from some of your responses:
- although we could see the longtails feeding, they seemed closely associated with pods of feeding frigate mackerel. We caught 5 fish (19-23kg) on sunday using the same method.
- the 29kg fish is extremely valuable for research and I estimate that it may be in the order of 12-15 years old, possibly older. We'll see in due course.

Once again I apologise for the misleading post.


23-09-2003, 11:23 AM
Shane, thats a great effort picking up LTs that size, how many more fish do you need to finish the research?


23-09-2003, 03:56 PM
Hi Guys,

I took my Dad out to try and collect longtails for the CSIRO research. He's never caught one on fly before and was wrapped when he got a 14kg fish. Not satisfied, he nailed this monster 29kg fish. It will be very interesting to see how old this fish is. We got this one off Bribie and we have hit quite a few 20kg+ fish lately so get out there! Just a hint though, we haven't seen a single longtail on the surface when we've hit them. So they are there lurking around.



Looks pretty straight foward to me.....


23-09-2003, 05:16 PM
Bit of a slip up for someone with letters after their name and fronting a contentious study.

I wonder if potential fish donors will be discouraged....

25-09-2003, 01:28 PM
Mmmmm ??? ??? ambiguous no - deceiving yes.

10-10-2003, 07:40 AM
Oh well, Shane's a fishermen like the rest of us and maybe stretched the truth a little.
There are plenty of others who do the same, exaggerating numbers of fish as well as size, particularly if they have done rather poorly and caught bugger all.
Can't look bad in their mates eyes, can they?
There are some very well known writers who have done the same. No names but there are a few- you'd be surprised ;)

11-10-2003, 02:35 AM
OOoorrr c'mon there fisheasy surprise us mate. Name the names and give up the guff....

Randall ;D

11-10-2003, 03:42 AM
;D ;D ;D Couldn't do that - some of my bestest of buddies are on the list.
What's the ol' saying. What happens on the boat stays on the boat :-X ;D ;D ;D

15-10-2003, 06:21 AM
Hi Guys,

I took my Dad out to try and collect longtails for the CSIRO research. He's never caught one on fly before and was wrapped when he got a 14kg fish. Not satisfied, he nailed this monster 29kg fish. It will be very interesting to see how old this fish is. We got this one off Bribie and we have hit quite a few 20kg+ fish lately so get out there! Just a hint though, we haven't seen a single longtail on the surface when we've hit them. So they are there lurking around.



Jeez I dunno Toddy. All it says is that he's never caught one on fly before and was wrapped when he caught a fish. Doesn't actually say the fish was caught on fly........ambiguous sure, but I'd rather give fishers the benefit of the doubt (maybe next time I get a bit overexcited telling a fishy story over a couple of stubbies they'll do the same for me!).


15-10-2003, 01:49 PM
Finnie,the title of the post is 'Monster longtail on fly'.
Read the post out loud and ask yourself how it sounds.Also,would anybody have questioned the capture if somebody else hadn't posted the same photos on another site saying exactly how the fish were caught?
I think not.They would still be slapping the Doc on the back.


16-10-2003, 07:02 AM
Fair enough Toddy.......still mate, a question mark here and a comma there and you have a whole different story.......granted they weren't in there, but I'll still give the big-fella the benefit of the doubt.

I don't feel especially mislead.....but then again I'm still trying to catch my first flatty on fly, so the longtails are pretty safe for the time-being!!!

I'll drop a picture in here when I get one (going to have a go this weekend I think, a flatty, not a longtail!), and you can let me know what you think.


02-11-2003, 12:32 PM
Most of your Photes discust me ??? >:( What is the use in a dead Longtail? It's not like there a good tuna to eat. A daed longtail is useless to everyone.

02-11-2003, 04:56 PM
there is no photo of a dead longtail mate - johnos fish is a yellowfin and if you dont want to eat one of them your a tool. As for the pic of scotty matthews - that fish was realeased, along with the other hundreds that him and his mates catch every season.

Whats the use of a dead longtail - research - Dr Shane Griffiths is currently studying inshore tunas and the longtail is one of the main quiries. The truth is he is having trouble getting fisho's (fly chuckers especially) to kill and donate longtails.

As for the rest of the longtails that 99.9% of the fly fishos on this site catch are released.

cheers, Justin