View Full Version : OKUMA FLY REELS

13-01-2004, 07:52 AM
Anybody used or heard anything about the Okuma Integrity Fly reels - Looking for something to use with a 9wt

Thanks in advance SNELLY

14-01-2004, 05:25 PM
Hi Snelly.
Well, I thought that with the number of experts out there you would have had a detailed answer by now.
The Okuma range of fly reels are very good value for money, a simple and pure statement.
They are made of a Graphite plastic type of compound and if your looking for a cheap robust non corroding reel, they will do the job fine.
There is really no reason any more for the need to pay $600 to $1000 for a reel for the average fly fishing.
Kind regards.
Uncle Barry

15-01-2004, 04:35 AM

Yes quite surprised to have not heard from anyone

The Integrity series are all metal - there is another series that is composite

Thanks for your comments


15-01-2004, 12:37 PM

I've got an 8/9 and couldn't be happier. There is no better value for money.

Showed it to a mate who is a professional engineer and a very experienced fly fisherman . He went straight out and bought one for himself.

We both own more than our fair share of fly reels and are not easily impressed.


15-01-2004, 01:34 PM
Hey Snelly. Yeh the Integrity is a metal reel, don't know why Talon put that firfy in ???
Been using one for about 8 months now on my 10wt. Hooked about 4 longtails to date and not had a problem at all with the drag. If something was going to give I thought it would have on these speedsters. For the price and finish I give it a big thumbs up there [smiley=2thumbsup.gif] considering you can buy 2 or even 3 Okuma reels for the price of some of the other big brands.

15-01-2004, 02:31 PM

Thanks for that much appreciated

Jack, Thanks also - what size have you got the 8/9 or the 10/11

Cheers JON

15-01-2004, 04:20 PM
Hi Dave.
Great to see or is that read your still about.
Your command of English is something, can you please tell all what the word you made up means, the word, "firfy".

The Australian Oxford Dictionary hasn't got it listed.

And I thought you were a Tibor caster/fisher, guess you learnt something every day.
Kind regards.
Your mate Barry.

15-01-2004, 07:02 PM
jump on US ebay. they are cheap there. something like $10US - $14AU.. + shipping is about another $15AU

spose you might not get a warrenty, but if it saves you $50 might be worth thinking about..

16-01-2004, 12:22 PM
One of the best things about OKUMA is you can buy spare spools from a guy down in Syd,(Freetime group) for something like $30 for the Integ, and $15 for the Airstream. Ive used an Airsteam and seen Daves Intergretty in action and the Latter is a great reel, Some dont like sealed drags but they are very dependable in salt and sand. MQ

16-01-2004, 03:29 PM
how much do these reels go for in australia

17-01-2004, 04:31 AM
I've got the 10/11 snelly. Holds plenty of backing. Like Quinny said, some people shy away from sealed drags but this reel has performed flawless for me in the short time I've had it. I give it a fresh water rinse after every trip.

19-01-2004, 06:33 PM
If i remember correctly Peter turned up at the club the other day wth a bunch of reels. The Okuma was one of them.

Its a nice reel (just playing with it on the night) but there is a guy in a tackle store at woody point who is starting to stock FF stuff.

Sorry don't know prices but its worth checking out...