View Full Version : Leaders

19-05-2004, 05:12 PM
I have recently taken some fly casting lessons, I have a 7 weight rod and I am keen to try fly on bass. My reel is loaded with 7 weight sinking line.

I have never been that good at tying knots basically because I'm blind. What sort of leader should I consider when fishing for bass. I am not keen on tying leaders as am hopeless at tying knots and twists.

What would be the best leader to use and can I buy this leader ready made...?
A guy in a tackle shop told me to "just tie on some 15 lb vanish, that will work", Will this work ...?

Also after using a leader do I need a tippet...?

Help appreciated



20-05-2004, 12:35 PM

As far as I'm concerned what you have been told is correct and will work fine. A lot of "purists" out there will say you need tapered leaders etc etc but I just tie a simple loop in one end of what ever bearking strain vanish I want to use and tie a fly on the other end and I'm in business. For Bass 15lb would be fine.

You can go to the expense of tapered leaders but unless you are fishing for trout or bonefish it will not make much difference.

Keep it simple I say

I have caught Shark and Sapnish Mackerel plus Coral Tourt with straight 20lb vanish.


20-05-2004, 07:28 PM
Re: Leaders you would be beter of with a taperd leader
thay help with targting and give you a beter loop. all you need is to start with 30,20,15, and then what you want to fish with eg,10,8,6 what ever. there easy to tie.

I use them all the time. you will see the diff!

barra 8)