View Full Version : Chasin' Tuna on a yak
19-05-2004, 12:57 PM
Just got myself a Hobie Mirage Outback fishing kayak, and I was contemplating launching off the beach at Bribie and going out to chase some tuna... Any thoughts, suggestions, comments are most welcome...
Lots of crazy yanks do that over in the US, how about over here?
19-05-2004, 12:59 PM
count ya toes ;D
19-05-2004, 01:36 PM
try noosa - there seems to be heaps of macs and mackeral just off the bar at the moment - and if you get into trouble there are lots of boats around to help you out - unlike bribie.
watch out for the sharks but!
cheers, Justin
19-05-2004, 03:16 PM
Is the shark issue a big problem? The kayak is 12' long and quite wide, so I don't think it would be a tempting profile....
Any more thoughts?
19-05-2004, 03:27 PM
We spent a lot of time chasing Tuna off Bribie last year and there was a 10 foot plus resident Whaler Shark which liked to hang around the boat. We lost a few fish to it. I think it learnt that any boat in that area was after Tuna and it was after an easy feed.
Would be fun though........but don't fall in. ;D
I don't think the Yank Yakkers know too much about Whaler sharks and their love of tunnies. I'd be a bit careful where I put the Yak. The dam things are dangerous and can bite Yaks big time. I watched a program last night on whites and surfboards, very nasty and they get up into Qld waters. the idea makes me shudder. Max
19-05-2004, 06:01 PM
wouldnt get on that kayak if you paid me ;D
20-05-2004, 10:41 AM
If you look at you will see a yak club has been formed by Billy watson . They regually go out and catch big tuna and mackeral. But it's not for me though to many bities out there !
Good luck Steve :)
20-05-2004, 01:14 PM
The tiger shark that took a tuna at the boat last year was every bit as long as my 4.5m hornet. :o :o BIG FISH. It was only 500m off the shore, just down from the swimming beach.
20-05-2004, 01:35 PM
I too saw that tiger last year, took at least 2 macks that I know of, & very close to the boats in ?. I would be very reluctant to take a kayak out there as the sharks are known to hang under your boat & wait for a free feed :o. When they lunge at the tuna's they cause quite a bow wave under the boat (almost knocked me off my feet).
Cheers Chris
20-05-2004, 02:04 PM
Id be getting familiar with the local dams and the awsome flyfishing they have, our Bass is a great fish and the Togas are THE best flyrod fish in Qld.Since I started fishing"out the front" I havent been swimming at Bribie as much as I used too.Most sharkings happen at the boat too, they like to let you watch :-[ Matt Q
21-05-2004, 07:46 AM
Thanks for all the info. Just to tranquilise you all, I won't be going out there anytime soon. First I will get used to it on lakes, then slow moving rivers and estuaries, but maybe sometime in the future I will go out there and try. After all what is life without the occasional jolt of adrenalin...
What about staying inside the shark nets? do the tuna go there as well?
If the tuna can get inside the "shark net" so can the sharks :) :)
25-05-2004, 11:02 AM
Whoa! What a picture Quinny69! Bit clean off! :o
There was a story a while back that happened here (I think California) about a sea kayaker. He goes out for a paddle amongst the seals (you know, the things the sharks eat). Sure enough, BAMMO! A great white whacks the kayak from beneath. The kayak gets bit clean in half right behind him. He goes flying in the air, half of his kayak goes with him and splash! By a miracle alone, the shark doesn't eat the guy as he swims back to shore.
From this story and that photo, I'd say you made the right decision to stay in the inland waters. Unless, of course, there are poisonous water snakes and/or killer crocodiles about! ;D
25-05-2004, 01:53 PM
Hi duckbill
When I had my sea kayak I used to go out through the Maroochy bar and then troll to Mooloolaba, was never bothered by sharks.
What method do u use?
By the way u didn’t happen to be at borumba dam a few weekends ago did you?
26-05-2004, 04:11 AM
Just got my yak last week so it wasn't me up at Borumba. I am still getting to grips with the yak, as yet only been fishing on it once, up at Baroon Pocket. Very stealthy, the bass were biting right next to the yak... At the moment I am still experimenting, as far as gear and methods go...
Good to hear that you were never bothered by sharks... The fact is, it depends a lot what the local food supply is... There aren't any seals that I am aware of in the area, so the profile of a 12' long yak should not be a familiar sight for the toothy bastards... Anyway, will get a bit more practice in before I head out offshore...
26-05-2004, 06:29 AM
It might be a bit early to ask but what are the hobies like?
right now I have a surf ski that I use but I am looking to get rid of it.
26-05-2004, 07:12 AM
The hobies are fantastic. Very stable, quiet, and as you are almost motoring along they are alot more constant in their forward drive, and track very straight. I was going along at an easy pace and doing 3.5 knots, and flat out Kilkenny and I hit 6 knots. They are very manoeuvrable and comfortable as well... I am very happy with mine, and Kilkenny will vouch for his as well...
26-05-2004, 12:13 PM
Sharks do get inside the shark nets. My cousin caught a 7ft whaler or kings beach, Caloundra which has shark nets
29-05-2004, 09:18 AM
Having caught tuna from kayak i would have to say i dont really think a kayak is a suitable for fighting on fly gear a fish of a longtail's power. If any sort of swell is running and you have a fish slugging it out beneath you you will find it very hard to control it, and stay onboard, without snapping your rod. Fighting one from a boat on fly requires nimble feet and manouvering in a kayak you are glued into one position. I wont say its impossible but its not really worth the risk to your gear. I suggest 8kg spin gear and get ready to be towed around a bit. As for sharks i do, or take faith, in the following-
[list] Dont sit still for lextended periods. Sharks are attracted to anything floating.
[list] Have faith in the fact whilst you fight a fish - and are still on the water - its struggling is a lot more attractive to a shark than a chunk of floating plastic
[list] When releasing your catch dont dawdle ! Either just cut the line or lift the fish in clear the hooks and revive it keeping your hands out of the water !
[list] And lastly find yourself a fishing partner... dont go out alone in water where you can be prey !
I certainly prefer fly fishing estuaries and protected waters where you dont have swell & serious gear damage/loss to contend with.
29-05-2004, 11:41 AM
Thanks for all that info, that was exactly what I wanted to hear...
You should also see a head doctor before you start, its not one of those things that normal humans do for fun. I'd put it at the same level as diving with whites, stalking tigers with chop sticks, or poking polar bears in the bum. Max
30-05-2004, 04:52 AM
my boss does plenty of yak fishin off coolum... hasnt had any shark encounters that i know of. he gets plenty of longtails (on spin gear). he hooked a sail out of it the summer before last in between schools of spotties :o
30-05-2004, 04:56 AM
Jeff, guess might be the boss sooner than you think ;)
30-05-2004, 05:07 AM
suits me ;D ::)
30-05-2004, 03:55 PM
Hi Duckbill and Killkenny.
If your not playing games and joking, please do what Max suggests, go and see a Doctor or if you want to spill blood, give it to the Red Cross and the Blood Bank, they need it.
Or will I be addressing a Dead Duck and a Killed Kenny ?
Both of you people cannot have had much time spend fishing the Oceans or you would not have come up with such a dead duck type idea.
Totally unbelievable, even the idea !
BUT, if you must die, please lets not waste your life, as with a little notice we can arrange a suitable video and record your death, sell it to Funnist Video or The Most Dangerious Sports programs and both your families might make a dollar or two.
Now please say, it was only a silly joke?
Kind regards and the best of Kilkenny to you.
01-06-2004, 05:38 AM
You seem a bit drastic in your comments... Anyway, to comfort you, we won't be going out there any time soon. But I am pretty sure that I will go and give it a try one of these days...
But if you look at the poll it is 50:50 on whether people would do it or not.... ;D ;D ;D
01-06-2004, 05:55 AM
Good morning Duckman.
50/50, Is your life worth the bet, mine isn't.
Then ask yourself, the yes 50%, have they had much time fishing the Oceans?
Then also think, yes, its ok, the Duck season was opened last weekend.
The best of Kilkenny to you both.
01-06-2004, 11:41 AM
Barry, I agree with Duckbill you seem a little over the top. life is one big adventure and even though i voted no to bribie i would happily do the same thing in other areas.
You suggest that maybe the 50% havent spent much time of the can spend decades on the ocean and not see a shark - sure they are there, you may well drive over hundreds each time you go for a spin - but unless you actively go looking for them they are not all that commenlly sighted. I would say you are more likely to see a whale broch or a billfish freejump then a shark on any given day. The other side of the coin is yes - where you find baitfish you find the big fish, that is why the tuna are there, and intern the sharks.
Duckbill - go for it, maybe not so around bribie or with fly, but somewhere you are more visable to more boat traffic. The only people running up the beach at bribie are more then likely chasing tuna (which means only a small percentage of total boats), but somewhere like mooloolaba or noosa, you have a wider range of folks looking out for you.
If you want some more info - go to and make a post about it, I beleive Randell went on a trip last year to Mexico where they did a bit of big fish yak'in. Other then that i have a mag laying round here somewhere that has some good info for setting your rig up and techiques for fighting fish - it also includes some pics and story of some fellas in the states catching small blacks and sails out of there yaks. If you want it PM me your addy and i will post it off to you.
cheers, Justin
02-06-2004, 02:08 AM
Does all this mean people on surfboards are safer than Ducky n Kenny on yaks....We have been carving up on all sorts a fushn situations so far...
The earth is flat, dont go ner the edge....or let alone swim at Bribie [smiley=end.gif] Kilkenny
02-06-2004, 10:03 AM
Justin,Kenny,,,,I found what sounds like the same artical in a US sport fish mag. Great read, Although there not using flygear (theres some inshore Redfishing with fly from the yaks),,,,,,,, Id give it a go with spin gear/handlines like these guys..If you want the mag Ken, give me a ring,.These guys are fully rigged, Sounders and sea ancors on a yak,,, that old tinnys lookin cheaper/less trouble already hey Ken.... MQ.
02-06-2004, 05:57 PM
thats the one quinny - also got one with some dudes chasing Black Drum (more weird arse yankee fish) with yaks. Should of seen the longtails at noosa today - eating 20-40cm longtom - try and match that profile!!
cheers, Justin
02-06-2004, 07:12 PM
Well, I hope you guys are safe and know what you're doing. Here's a site I found that has a forum for kayak fishermen. There is information about kayaks as well as pictures of guys fishing in their 'yaks. Looks like a lot of fun but kind of risky. It's up to you. You're big boys. Please be safe. :-/
Be sure to check out the post titled, "Back from the East cape." Amazing pics of the guy fighting a marlin.
03-06-2004, 05:54 PM
Its ok to do crazy things, I've done this sort of thing before. You must realise that if you done it properly without mishaps then you're the greatest but if you stuff up and get into trouble and get rescued then be prepared because the media will show you as the biggest idiot in the country.
04-06-2004, 11:53 AM
With all the people that will be out there filming us, we won't be too far from anyone... [smiley=laola.gif]
04-06-2004, 12:19 PM
Duck & Kenny ,
Get out there NOW !!!!!!!!!
I want to see you's on Channel 7 tonight at 7-30pm
04-06-2004, 02:47 PM
Hi Jon.
Who are you addressing the Dead Duck and the Killed Kenny?
Does channel 7 run Funnisest Home Videos ?
Just think with a dead duck and a killed kenny you could win thousands of dollars of prizes, better odds than Gold Lotto.
Then a re run, the second coming, called 'Look in the Shark's Belly', more free prizes from Funnest Home Videos.
After that Dale could be used sticking the bits back together, another movie, this is all too easy, I will have to phone MovieWorld and explain the story and how we have these two people that are willing to die so the TV and all can make a quick dollar, fantastic, hey, might even get a Federal Govenerment grant, to make 3 movies about how to die in , what could be call it, Jaws 4, 5 and 6 or Kenny and the Dead Duck 1, 2 and 3.
Now please wait a while till the Whale season starts full time, that way we can get some great footage of a White Shark attacking a 'YAK' while thinking its a baby Whale, o' another chance for a movie.
This time, even the Greenies will love the move, this time we will cut all the bits left on the floor and reconstruct the movie, hey, we will make millions out of you guys , We are up to Kenny and the Dead Duck 4.
Then if we obtain managerment rights over your families, we can even con the TV stations out of a couple of hundred thousand dollars.
Fantastic !
Which brings the conclusion to, you won't be around to enjoy the beautiful Earth we live on or the beautiful things that live here. But everybody else enjoyed your death or loss of leg.
Best of luck and please inform me when your going.
04-06-2004, 03:16 PM
Here is the program for tonight on Channel Seven
6.00 Seven News
6.30 Today Tonight
7.00 Home and Away
7.30 Stupid Behaviour: Caught on Tape
8.28 Powerball
8.30 Starship Troopers
04-06-2004, 04:30 PM
Hi Jon,
Did I see, the new programing,
Here is the program for tonight on Channel Seven
6.00 Seven News, featuring Dead Ducks
6.30 Today Tonight, why do Ducks Die
7.00 Home, Away and Dead Ducks
7.30 Stupid Behaviour: Caught on Tape Why Ducks Die
8.28 Powerball
8.30 Yakship Troopers Dead and Alive
11.15 Closed and Dead
06-06-2004, 12:39 AM
[smiley=angel.gif] [smiley=angel.gif]
Duckbill Kilkenny
06-06-2004, 09:50 AM
Yes, tragedy struck and sent them to heaven where they fished and fished from their kayaks in peace until tragedy struck again and they were eaten by angel sharks and sent to fisherman's hell.....better known as Chicago. So, will I be seeing you down at Montrose harbor? You're the new guys so you're buying the bait! ;D ;D ;D
Are you all familiar with "South Park"?-----"Oh my God, you Killed Kenny! You bas#@$d!" ;D
06-06-2004, 10:59 AM
El Crapo,
I thought of South Park and Kill Kenny the other day
I was waiting for someone to come up with that one
06-06-2004, 03:07 PM
And on channel 9 the line up for tonight is:
6.00 News. Top Story - gets award for best fishing forum.
6.30 A Current Affair. - The good and bad sides of swimming in surf. We talk to guys who have witnessed attacks, been in attacks and others who weren't even there but want to join in simply to get on TV
7.00 When animals attack - Rare footage of australian animals like the drop bear, hooping snake, and others.
7.30 Jackass
8.30 Movie: Grumpy Old Men (sponsered by Talon)
10.30 Merrick & Rosso Unplugged
06-06-2004, 03:47 PM
Hey boys,
Why not do your kayaking here in the Torres Straits, not only you have to put up with hordes of sharks but crocs too. Many have paddled from Cairns to Thursday Island with SE wind assistance. By the way have you figured out how you guys gonna land a tuna? From my experience of fishing from a kayak, a flathead proved to be a challenge with the flyrod to get the fish alongside the 'Yak and unhook the fish.
11-06-2004, 06:21 AM
How about off the beach at Mooloolaba??? A bit less sharky and more sheltered???
11-06-2004, 03:15 PM
Hi Dead Duck and Killed Kenny.
Both of you people may have had one too many Kilkenny's and you thinking has become a bit soft?
So, ok, whens the big show, when are you intending to feed our creatues of the sea ?
Now put make it all worth while, please wait till the Whales are moving and we can obtain some super footage of a big white in a Yak attack, it will do wonders for their sales, I am sure.
Or, just wise up and give your blood to the Blood bank, they need it badly, and more so over a holiday weekend.
11-06-2004, 07:12 PM
m'bah would be a good shot - try just out the front of alex heads and work your way north around the tide line from the maroochy river and on up to old woman island. If you cant get any tuna there should be some nice talior and trevs hanging around in the washes at old woman, and you may still be able to troll up a few small school mackeral on your way to and from.
good luck, Justin
11-06-2004, 07:18 PM
Mooloolaba is a very good option, pretty quiet, plenty of other yak attak fellas rowin around out there, so u prolly wouldnt be alone on a good day
11-06-2004, 10:25 PM
;D Hey sNelly! I just noticed you're typo (at least I hope it was a typo! ;D)......It's "El-CARPO", not "El-Cr@po"! ;D Don't feel bad, I make the same mistake all the time ;D. If it wasn't a typo, you're going to be known as "Smelly" from now on >:(..... ;D ;D ;D. Just kidding. I don't care at all either way. Just thought it was funny. Though "El-Cr@po" does more accurately describe my fishing skills at times. ;D
So, have you guys gotten around to any of this ocean kayak fishing yet or are you still thinking it over and/or making preparations? When you go, let us know how you fared O.K.? You've got us all interested.
12-06-2004, 01:45 AM
Yup, wees are ready to go this weekend...
Up north and on to old Bazzers island eh...
Ole Kilkenny. [smiley=wut.gif]
12-06-2004, 05:09 AM
El Carpo,
I must confess it was not a typo but I did missread your name.
My apologies.
Tell us about what El Carpo menas
12-06-2004, 07:43 AM
Hi Snelly,
I got your PM and sent a reply.
I figured it was just a mistake. I knew you were a good guy. I was just clowning around and pretending to be upset. Hope you didn't think I was angry or anything. Sorry, if you did. :-[
O.K., now to the origins of "El Carpo." Well, it's like this. A few years ago, I had a horrible string of bad luck. It seemed that no matter where we fished or what we fished for, all I could catch were carp. I'd even get them on spinner-baits!!! All sizes...carp after carp after carp. Well, anyone who has brothers knows how they can be. ;D They started making up nick-names for me to celebrate my misfortune and drive me crazy. I was, "Big Chief Dances With Carp", "Rubber lips", "Carp Boy", "Dough Bait", etc. etc. etc. until one day I said, "Enough already! Think of one good name and stick with it, will you please?!!! You're driving me mad!!!!!!!" They thought long and hard and after much debate, they came up with "El Carpo" which I think means "The Carp" in Spanish. They based it after the comic book hero "El Zorro" which means "The Fox." They have a whole story line to go along with it. They even do the accent when they get on a real roll.----"El Carrrrpo, joo must save dee veelage frrrom the eeeevil General catfeeeesh! Porrr Favorrrr! El Carrrrpo! Use your magical dough bait and corn to save us!" ;D It's annoying but it is kind of funny and it passes the time well when the fish aren't biting so I don't complain. :)
So there you have it. The legend of "El Carpo" revealed! ;D
Thanks again Snelly for explaining and I really was just kidding. No offense was taken at all. In fact, I thought it was kind of funny even if you had done it on purpose. ;D
12-06-2004, 07:54 AM
El Carpo,
No probs - Interesting story that
I thought only the POM's had those useless things
Some people over here find them good sport with a 12gauge
12-06-2004, 10:47 PM
They use bows and arrows over here. Bow fishing. Never tried it myself.
Great story El Carpo...enjoyed it. (I too was wondering the origins). Hope to bump into oyou on the water someday.
13-06-2004, 10:01 AM
Ha ha, well, believe me nat. I'd really love to get a chance to fish with you and the rest of the Ausfish community some day but I'm living in Chicago, IL, USA and unless I win the lottery or something, I don't think I'll be able to afford a trip to Australia any time soon. ;D That's my way of saying I'm flat broke. ;D Ah well, maybe in my next life eh? ??? Wait, I'm Catholic, I don't believe in reincarnation! I better start collecting some pennies! ;D Some day! Some day! ;D
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