07-07-2004, 09:25 AM
The 2004 Saltwater Flyfishing Challenge is on again at Bynoe Harbour NT

Date September 24,25 & 26th

More info available at www.darwinflyrodders.org.au

I'm looking forward to my first one of these.

Regards Snelly

07-07-2004, 09:38 AM

Who are you fishing with?

With the cheap arirfares, I would be great to make a lightning visit up there. I'd have to fit in the Darwin Harbour Milkfish though.


07-07-2004, 09:59 AM

I'm fishing with Laurie O'Sullivan from Erskines

Not looking forward to the 2300km drive both ways but the fishing will be woth it


11-07-2004, 02:36 PM
Hey John..nothing to do with the challenge..but attempting to show you the front deck layout, it's the only pic I have thats under 100kb...(will have more picks on Monday. Nat

11-07-2004, 05:46 PM
Nat, Looks good Nat bang us up a couple of the whole thing.
Say hi to your new friend Mike for me, regards Dave.

You have my email, will reply with some very interesting pics. :o

12-07-2004, 12:56 PM

That looks very good - cant wait to see your pics of the rest of your new machine

Still blowing 20Kn up here so not much flyfishing being done - However I did introduce Cam to Sp's yesterday - His best fish for the day a 55cm Grunter


12-07-2004, 01:40 PM
Ohh no ........Snelly what have we done.
introducing Cam to sp 's .
I remember when we first got him into lure fishing , he'd have to be one of very few that started off with fly and is progressing backwards to lures ,softplastics and so on ... ;) soon our devious plan will take full swing and he'll be sitting on the bank with some dead prawns and a handline..and that will mean more fish for us on fly..hehehe ;D.
Say hello to him for me and the rest of the crew up that way. Bloody oath its cold down here. brrrrrrrr

Steve Ooi

12-07-2004, 01:41 PM
Good old Captain Cam 'eh...top bloke...always good to see him.
Heres another attempt at a pic.

13-07-2004, 05:16 AM

Good to hear from you again - You seem to have been a tad quite of late. Trust all is well with you down there. I'll say hello to the crew up here form you.

Yes well Cam took to the SP's just fine and caught a few. Yes interesting evoloution for him coming from fly back to lures and yes I have got him doing a bit of bait fishing out the reef as well.

I know its colder down there but I reckon it's prety chilly up here too.


Yes I always enjoy fishing with Cam.

With the Boat pics your getting me more intrigued - Still waiting for more and I like the signwriting - The whole thing looks great -Just keep the pics coming

Cheers Snelly

13-07-2004, 05:38 AM

What have you done to a fine flyfisherman - Captain Cameron? Soft plastics on spin gear is EVIL.

Soft plastics on flyrods on the other hand is OK!!


Boat looks good. Should be able to sneak up to all the fish with a glass boat and 4-stroke. Too easy!!

Takes skill to catch fish out of a plate boat with smelly loud 2-stroke ;D.


13-07-2004, 05:54 AM

No not spin gear - Baitcast gear - not sure if that makes any dif though.

Well he still has the flyfisherman in him - where we started fishing was way up a small creek and his first comment was - It's a bit tight for fly ( the creek at that stage would have been less than 20ft wide )

And if we had some decient weather we would be out the reef chucking the fly around. With what we have at the moment you just have to make the most of it anyway you can.

And yes you don't realise how noisy tin boats are until you have a go in a glass boat and you don't relaise how smelly and loud a 2 stroke is until you try a 4


13-07-2004, 06:05 AM
Jon..got to agree on the alloy noise comment.
Am forever amazed hearing an aoproaching alloy hull.

My Galeforce is absoloutly chocka block with foam (for 2C survey), so even quiter than quite, just like roof insulation, with no void between the skins to resonate sounds...super quite.

May start another header and post some casting deck pics...finally getting the hang of this picutre posting... ;D

PS notice the SP's....

13-07-2004, 07:20 AM

Keep them coming - Looking very good - interested in the front deck and hatches and storages etc - anchor well and cleat etc

Are there SP's on those spin rods ?
