View Full Version : Tunny Club Meet & Greet
17-07-2004, 11:45 AM
So the date is Sunday 25th. [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=balloon3.gif]
Currently attending:
Nat Bromhead
Tentative plan could be to meet at Spinnaker around 6:30-7am and then head out. Return and have a BBQ/drinks [smiley=gossip.gif] from 15:00 (depending on how the fishing is going).
flytime (Steve) can organize food and drinks as they do at their club meets, i.e. 2 burgers and 2 drinks for $5. He has kindly offered to bring the eskys and BBQ.
Please let me know if you are OK with this, or have any other ideas. [smiley=idea.gif]. Also please confirm if you will BYO food and drink or go with the $5 option.
Hopefully the weather will stop the following trend of going crap in time for the weekend [smiley=veryangry.gif] [smiley=shout.gif] [smiley=furious.gif] [smiley=shout.gif] [smiley=veryangry.gif]
18-07-2004, 02:27 AM
Hi Duckbill, are you going to br taking your Yak to this fishing trip ?
18-07-2004, 03:39 AM
Sound good guys. The 5 buck deal is the go.
A few years ago I had a similar thing going in Sydney. A simple get together like this became the 'Pittwater Flyrodders Annual BBQ' .
we met each Australia day for a fish and BBQ for a few years...It was great.
Morsey was there , and Starling made the 5 hour drive from the south coast one year ...(with Felty and Starlo hovering around the Barbee plate, you had to be quick...or go hungry)
Looking forward to the Bribie do...Duckbill may have created a monster...
5 bucks deal sounds good to me.
18-07-2004, 08:00 AM
I'm allways up for a BBQ
Let me know if you need a hand with the cooking( 1 for me ,1 for the Duck, 1 for me ,1 for Nat, 1 for me,1 for Steve........ ::) ::) :o ;)
Cheers Chris
18-07-2004, 12:33 PM
5 bucks sounds good to me to.
I may have another one or two starters,won't affect boat positions though as they have boats as well if required.
18-07-2004, 12:47 PM
Can you PM me names of the extras so I can keep a tally on the food and drinks...
18-07-2004, 02:02 PM
I bet my right one that Wes will be there too. He,ll be dying to show you guys how well his "Burn and Kill"Slow Rolling" and "Dead sticking " with soft plastics works on the Longys. :D MQ
18-07-2004, 04:47 PM
sounds like a good day coming ;D
and at $5 thats better the a big mac anyday [smiley=laola.gif]
19-07-2004, 10:56 AM
Looks like a plan, I just hope the wind plays the game. Looks like it's going to blow for most of the week, so it might settle down for the weekend. The $5 meal deal sounds good. ;)
20-07-2004, 03:29 PM
count me out david....................... :'( :'( :'(
gotta work on the sunday so i hope you all have a great weekend and brain the longies.
cheers, Justin
Well it looks like I better take up a position if the weather plays the game. I may be accompanied by the reigning world flyfishing champion too :) (don't hate me Voltz hehe..)
20-07-2004, 04:19 PM
go team 2-stroke!!!
cheers, Justin
20-07-2004, 05:07 PM
Krolla,,, not Voltzy,,,,, hes just such a show off,,,,,,, "Im the greatest", "Quinny, ya gotta do it like this....." ect ect. Just get him to drop my pressy from the states over and tell him ya sick, then turn up, you can fish with Killkenny.
Thunnus , My boss phoned and asked me to work on Sun, I told him to "go away ", or something like that. Sundays sounding like too much fun to be at work.
Heres hoping the weather is good, other wise we may have to sit at the ramp all day ,BSing and drinking.or Flatty fishin.. MQ
20-07-2004, 05:55 PM
Dont forget ya spin sticks boys!!
Run like hell!!!!! ;D
Krolla,,, not Voltzy,,,,, hes just such a show off,,,,,,, "Im the greatest", "Quinny, ya gotta do it like this....." ect ect. Just get him to drop my pressy from the states over and tell him ya sick, then turn up, you can fish with Killkenny.
Thunnus , My boss phoned and asked me to work on Sun, I told him to "go away ", or something like that. Sundays sounding like too much fun to be at work.
Heres hoping the weather is good, other wise we may have to sit at the ramp all day ,BSing and drinking.or Flatty fishin.. MQ
haha - After that serve, Voltzy will punish you by following 100 yards behind and catching anything you try to cast at. It'll be in the net before your fly hits the water.
btw, put me down for a burger!
(running too)
21-07-2004, 06:01 AM
He,ll do that anyway :( It was very refreshing to hear he lost 1 last weekend ::),,,,,Q
21-07-2004, 10:29 AM
David, don't be confused by the originator, using the work computer - got another boat for Sunday (Lucky Mick), he's keen as so I'll go as his non boater. Count us both in for the BBQ. Fingers crossed on the weather. See you there!
21-07-2004, 12:45 PM
Duck bill...You fishing with me , Just double checking.
Have a charter there on Friday so will let you all know the latest after that....
21-07-2004, 12:52 PM
Here is the list of people that have confirmed:
Nat Bromhead
Lucky Mick
Gcourt + Thomas +Mario
All are OK with the burger option, that makes it 14 [smiley=gossip.gif] [smiley=gossip.gif] [smiley=gossip.gif] [smiley=gossip.gif] [smiley=gossip.gif]
Total boats are 9 which means room to spare... [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
Zeeke and JackLivesHere still haven't confirmed their presence. [smiley=huh2.gif]
Any more feedback on the BBQ start time???
21-07-2004, 04:17 PM
Re Times; How about meet at ramp bet 6.00 & 6.30am & return Around 1.00 pm for BBQ at 1.30-2.00, Then maybe beat the trafic back to Brisvegas ???
21-07-2004, 06:04 PM
Your time suggestion sounds good, especially as far as beating the traffic is concerned. I think that the best thing is to set the meeting time (6-6:30) and then once we are all there we can decide on the return to ramp/BBQ time.
It would be great to fish with you. I have a lot to learn...
21-07-2004, 09:23 PM
I'll be fishing with Matt Knoll in Coca Knolla. ;D
Jack- missed your call the other day- we'll play "phone tag" again later this week ;)
Quinny, I'll have to sort out that shit i bought back for ya, its all over the place ATM. Bring on the "Delta Death". ;D
Is wes coming? I'll bring head gear if he is ;D ;D
See ya's there.
PS Randall, you know where ya can stow those spin rod's buddy... ;) leave them on the lounge. hehe
22-07-2004, 05:01 AM
Hey think flattery will get you the first shot of the day do you ;D ;D ;D
Looking forward to the outing....see you at the ramp at 6.
22-07-2004, 01:39 PM
got you down for food as well...
Nat, a bit of flattery always works wonders... ;) ;) ;)
Looking good for saturday (10-15knots) , fingers crossed for sunday
22-07-2004, 01:54 PM
i wont be able to make it, sorry fellas, got visitors here from Melbourne and they will want to go fishing on the weekend... so ive been stuck with them, sorry
22-07-2004, 04:51 PM
david - roster has been changed for the weekend and have been able to get sunday off.
question is there room on a boat for me?
cheers, Justin
22-07-2004, 05:05 PM
G,day All
you can fish with me if you like.
might be a good idea to put up a list of boats and passengers.
22-07-2004, 05:20 PM
Was just about to do that. I spoke with flytime and he will be there with food for 20. [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
Current boat list is:
1. nat and duckbill
2. witchdoctor and double whammy
3. Chris Y and thunnus
4. flytime and quinny
5. DazB and jackliveshere (dave please confirm ???)
6. Matt and Voltzy
7. gcourt, Mario and Thomas
8. wrightone and Lucky Mick
please let me know if there are any problems with this.
Meet at Spinnaker between 6 and 6:30
seems to be working out [smiley=laola.gif]
22-07-2004, 05:30 PM
thanks David
as I said in the PM ,if you need another boat let us know and i'll bring mine up as well.
23-07-2004, 04:48 AM
Voltzy, Krolla you guys have got room for Uncy Bazza dont ya, 40yrs of SWF experiance, We can finnally get some tips on how to catch these Tuna,,,,,,,,,,,,, [smiley=evilgrin.gif] ,,,,,No room in Flytimes hornbag for 3,,DAMN.
NAT , Will you be bringing some SaGE gear for us to fondle [smiley=smartass.gif] while the burgers are cooking?
Ive just spent the morn at the beach [smiley=mellow.gif]and it wasnt to bumpy at all, hope its good weather on Sun. Cant wait, flytimes the master of sneaking up on Longys, and good company, I may even land Longy no2 for the year (Im gettin cocky now). See Yas there... mq
23-07-2004, 05:05 AM
Hey Quinny,
Whats this flyfishing and catching longtails business. I didn't think deckies done those sort of things ? ??? I thought you were tying on my flies , handing out the sangers , getting me drinks and tailing "my" longtails ;D ;D ;D.Been out once and your captain already ::)
Steve ;D
23-07-2004, 05:13 AM
Yep...SAGE XI2's rigged and ready, an 8 and a 10 wt.
RE stains left on the rods though please....
Forecast isnt looking too bad...the high should be well out of range by Sunday.
Let's hope we see a few of these....
23-07-2004, 08:21 AM
Hey David, Lucky Mick and I may be up a little later than 6-6.30am (we're old farts and usually run on 'gentlemen's hours'). Looking at the tide times (always a good thing before going fishing) I don't think a later start will handicap us - remember no run no fun. Hope this isn't the case for all you early starters given that dead low tide will be around 0845 on Sun. No doubt we'll find you guys, just keep a look out for us -we'll be the one's pretending to look like we know what we're doing!
For the tackle fondlers, I'll bring up a couple of Scott S3s', same as Nat though - keep it in your trousers - no stains please! :-*
Oooh, there's a thought, maybe Wes will be there with a gloomis and/or abel that we can bust. ;)
Hi all.
Looking good for Sunday. Count me in for a burger etc.
Current forcast is NE/NW 10 to 15 so it should be sweet.
See ya all there
23-07-2004, 10:19 AM
Jeez Steve, I didnt think youd wanna fish >:(,,,,,spose you can have a cast or 2,,, anyway TrUST ME you dont want me tying on your flies, I have a problem with loop knots, mine break at lower % than anyones,,,,,,,, um forget I said that :-X yeh Ill rig up for ya. MQ
23-07-2004, 10:38 AM
Looking forward to sunday, bbq , beers , longtails.......etc
steve ;D
23-07-2004, 01:13 PM
Sounding better and better for sunday...
Low winds, new rods to play with, food and drinks.... I am getting a bit suspicious... Maybe Mother Nature has a surprise in store for us to bring the balance back... Tsunami? Flash cyclone? Packs of jumping white sharks? :o :o :o
Looking forward to it, and will bring my camcorder just in case the sharks and the cyclones show up ;D ;D ;D
Is the bbq on the beach? My dog ate through the cabling on my trailer lights so I was gonna put in at the Scarborough ramp which is nice and close. Will only do it if we're pulling the boats on the beach for the eating though.. If not, no biggie, I'll just have to make sure I fix the lights before Sunday.
23-07-2004, 07:32 PM
the BBQ will be in the picnic area right next to the ramp, so you should be fine if you pull up on the beach there. Should be able to keep your eyes on the boat... [smiley=devil.gif] [smiley=rifle.gif]
See you Sunday
24-07-2004, 03:26 AM
Wichdoctor and I might be bringin another fello flyfisher ( if the wife lets him ) u guys might know him from the tackle warehouse (Keith Gough)
All looking good for sunday ;D
24-07-2004, 04:49 AM
Oh my god! I thought for a moment there we were going to have Gordon McDonald, Uncle Barry and Wes in the same place at the same time! :o
24-07-2004, 11:40 AM
lucky i didnt mean gordo then by the sounds of it [smiley=wiseguy.gif]
24-07-2004, 02:01 PM
Double Whammy, what I was actually hinting at was given gordo's obviously great at landing big sharks, he'd be just the bloke to have around on Sunday - plenty of berley, some big baits in the water...... duckbill on his kayak, uncle barry with video camera (and advice on choreography/camera angles etc), large white pointers (right time of year) ....and finally to set the scene - Wes trying to catch (and land) a noah on a gloomis. ;D wouldn't miss it for quids!
24-07-2004, 02:19 PM
sorry i missed that angle all together ;D
but u are right it would be somthing wouldnt it [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
24-07-2004, 02:23 PM
Have a charter there on Friday so will let you all know the latest after that....
So wats the reports out there 2day nat
24-07-2004, 04:01 PM
Hi guys...just home.
Left Mooloolaba ramp before dawn, was a bit lumpy around Point Cartwright and Caloundra but not a bad run down.
Although it was around the turn of tide when we arrived were a few small bust ups just north of the 3rd lagoon (surprise surprise).
Saw an absoloute monster single fish slowly slurp a bait about 20 feet away...that was awesome
By about 8 we had had a couple of good shots but failed to connect...then the wind started...
Headed back north ,finding the occasional small pod of fish right in behind the breakers, had another shot or two but the fish were super spooky in the 3 to 4 m of water...zig zagged out to the beacons and back into the beach a few times and saw a heap of birds but not much else
Sadly the weather beat us today...Queenies, Bream and Flathead in the Mooloolah then the Maroochy made up for it.
Looking forward to Sunday...Piccy is Al Donald having a shot this morning
Pretty well identical to last Saturday.. Wes isn't making it either unfortunately - he's fishing Saturday.
24-07-2004, 07:32 PM
so it was your boat i saw this arvo Nat, i was hanging off the motorway bridge in my boat casting the flyrod around... not a whole lot of action for me to see... i looked up and saw a boat with a strange lookin lean bar on the front and was going to the other fella "ive seen that boat before.. on ausfish!"
how'd ya go in Maroochy??
25-07-2004, 01:40 PM
Pretty quite in the Maroochy mate...had to go somwhere aS tthe wind blew us off the water at Bribie.
Got a bream and Flatty near the twin waters pipe, jigged some p[lastics and a fly or two round the bridge pylons but nothing...Heaps showing up on the sounder there though..
See you round
25-07-2004, 02:01 PM
yea, maroochy has been very quiet lately.. my friend got a 50cm flatty and a 50cm stargazer around the bridge casting a 5" tsunami paddle tail... did u try around the mouth?? ive been going around via cottontree and anchoring up on the edge of the channel, there has been plenty of small trevally being caught, i havent gotten any, but guys using 3" berkley dropshots have gotten them, ive tried surf candys, clousers and polar fibre minnows, i think the current has been too strong for my line to sink down deep enough.. where as a jighead has the advantage
25-07-2004, 02:08 PM
Dave(JackLivesHere) and I went out off Bribie today.
The final score was:
Longtails 1 Gummy Minnow 0
The Longtail wanted my Gummy so badly, he took the fly down deep and bit me off.
We only saw 1 small(4-5) pod of Large(14kg) Tuna all day. They were north of the lagoons in close to the beach.
Hope you guys have a better luck tomorrow.
25-07-2004, 02:47 PM
Thanks wes for the report. pitty you couldn't make it tomorrow, would have been good to finally meet you.
Steve :)
25-07-2004, 04:03 PM
looks like the weather gods are smiling ;D ;D
see ya all at the ramp(gotta find it first as we,ve never been to Bribie :o)
Sorry for the late notice Guys but I have to pull the pin on tomorrow. I have my boat for sale and a bloke who lloked at it wants to take it for a spin. Tomorrow of course.
If I have time (and stilll have a boat :) )I might make the run down from Mooloolaba and try and catch up with you guys on the water. If I do that does any one know if I can get fuel at Spinakker Marina (I have a 115 2 stroke thirsty sucker) If so I'll try get to the bbq and motor home after. Otherwise have a good day everyone.
25-07-2004, 06:55 PM
if ya got room and im not already fishin, ill come for a spin with ya Daz ;) chip in some money for fuel in the big donk too
25-07-2004, 07:09 PM
Daz - Yes you can get fuel at the marina. $$$$$
Guys - If it helps for your fish tomorrow, I was out this afternoon from 12:00 onwards chasing cobes at the NW markers and came back in close to Bribie to see if any schools/birds working but did not see anything all the way back around Bribie. There were huge bait schools (no fish workin them though) around all the northern main channel markers towards Caloundra so they maybe worth a look in the morning if there is no action in close. Good luck !
25-07-2004, 07:40 PM
welp, ill be fishing.. but at Mooloolaba
Well, I guess its lucky I didn't make the trip down. When I went for a run this morning I discovered the boat won't rev past 3000 when in gear. It has just been serviced and this was the first time in the water since the service. Whenever the throtlle is pushed past 3000 it just dies. Needless to say the place I got it serviced will be coping an earfull tomorrow. I won't tell you all who it was yet. I'll give them a fair chance to right their wrongs first.
Of course the boat didn't sell. :'(
Hope you all got plenty of longtails.
26-07-2004, 10:26 AM
had the same problem Daz.. bloody powerpack went in the engine... $750 later and a new powerpack and it was fixed...
$750... :'(
26-07-2004, 02:44 PM
Good day on the water guys,fish didn't play but you get that.
Thanks to Steve the cook and to Banana Dave(formally Duckbill :P) for organising,lets do it again soon.
26-07-2004, 04:02 PM
Top day on the water boys, the fish didn't play the game but that’s fishing. Thanks for organizing it "Banana Boy" ;D, and also thanks to Steve for the BBQ.[smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
A few photos of the day......Speed Bump.
26-07-2004, 04:05 PM
:) Chris and Justin.
26-07-2004, 04:07 PM
Nat and Banana Boy. ;D
26-07-2004, 04:10 PM
Matt and Voltzy (The World Champ). ;D
26-07-2004, 04:12 PM
26-07-2004, 04:16 PM
A quiet day on the water, except for the chopper filming a TV ad on the beach.
26-07-2004, 04:18 PM
26-07-2004, 04:21 PM
Steve and Quinny.
26-07-2004, 04:24 PM
26-07-2004, 04:27 PM
BBQ........did someone say BBQ? ;D
Some awesome photos there Witchy! Thanks guys for the great day and yes, especially to the organiser and head chef ;D
The weather, company and good humoured sledging well and truly made up for the lack of fish and looking forward to the next one.
26-07-2004, 04:45 PM
Yeah, great pics, well done mate.
Let's keep in touch RE Rooneys.....
26-07-2004, 04:57 PM
Sounds good mate, love it up there. ;)
26-07-2004, 05:37 PM
Isnt that just the best looking water u've ever seen
26-07-2004, 06:46 PM
thanks to every one who had anything to do with the organisation of the day, had a ripper of a time dispite the lack of fish.
Hopefully we can all do it again in the near future.
cheers, Justin
26-07-2004, 07:34 PM
Thanks to everyone who turned up, and a big thanks to the chef, who cooked up a great BBQ. [smiley=chef.gif]
It was great to finally put some faces to the names, and I am looking forward to the next one... (Rooneys...)
And once again I would like to apologize to all for jinxing the day with that snack I had :-X :-X :-X
But now I know better... [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
26-07-2004, 07:46 PM
Well, while you guys were lurking down around Bribie, i was lurking Mooloolaba river trying to get out of the winds doing this at 4pm this arvo
Unfortunately, the fish just were not playing!!!! oh well, try next time!!
27-07-2004, 05:12 AM
Hi All,
Had a great day out also , thanks Quinny for the company out fishing, Duckbill for organiser,witchdoctor for the snapshots and all the new fellow flyfishers i met.Also thankyou to Steve Brown (ausfish) for letting us use this web site to organize a meet and greet.
Thanks for a great day
Steve :)
Duckbill time to start a poll for oct- GOLDENS ?
27-07-2004, 05:43 AM
Thanks to the organisers and attendee's- it was good.
There were some great boats there too.
The october golden trip sounds great.
Witchdoctor- great pics mate ;D
27-07-2004, 04:35 PM
M&G at Hervey Bay sounds good. I think Roonies would be out of the range of the smaller boats, (150 km round trip) especially if it blew up. But fishing the bottom end of the Bay for Tuna, Goldens, Queenies, etc would be a good option. What is the best time of year for these? October onwards........I'm keen.
27-07-2004, 05:16 PM
Count me in on a Hervey Bay M&G. ;D
27-07-2004, 06:10 PM
Yes, twas a great day fersure,,, Thanks Steve for putting up with me onboard again, really enjoyed it, always learning.
There was some awsome boats there to perve on, good to have a yarn with some old faces and new, good food, BEER ;D If there were some fishes it would have been a fantastic day. Bananna Boy, better start getting us planed for the Hervey/Rooneys trip,we dont want you organising the food but, cant have another Bananna (like a box full,"a few for each boat")episode,,,,,,
Maybe we should look for a long weekend for the Hervey Bay trip,Is there any around that time?cant wait for it, I love Hervey, only fished there a couple of times, (I cant catch fish up there though :( only watch Wes do it) see you guys again next M&G. Quinny
27-07-2004, 07:27 PM
How about the last weekend in Sept.
25th and 26th ( with the full moon on the 28th)
Good mid day lows...tuna in the morning, goldies for lunch...
Hope the waters warm and the tails are glinting ....
28-07-2004, 04:57 AM
Hi All,
Sounds good to me
Steve :)
28-07-2004, 05:02 AM
25th and 26th sounds excellent... Where should we stay? Never been up there, but am keen to go and catch some of those goldens...
28-07-2004, 05:44 AM
I have been following you fellas escapades on this thread and when you mentioned a M&G at Hervey Bay I thought I might see if I could get onto some of these cheap flights and bum a lift with one of you guys. But Spetember 25 & 26th will see me at the Saltwater Flyfishing Challenge at Boynoe Harbour
The caravan park across from the boat club is pretty good and reasonably cheap.
28-07-2004, 03:03 PM
luv the avatar Duckbill [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
28-07-2004, 07:04 PM
i second matts idea of the caravan park, very close to the boat ramp and even closer to the boat club!
but seriously if we get 2 or 3 of us in each cabin it would work out pritty damn cheap.
cheers, Justin
29-07-2004, 01:01 AM
Yeah Van park is the go.
A spit from the boat ramp, within staggering distance from the boat club ( or the 'Grab a Granny Bar')
Look forward to it guys..
29-07-2004, 04:42 AM
Grab a granny, now that sounds like the icing on the cake ;D :o ;D :o
Apart from September 3 to 19 any date is good, and the 25-26 is fine for me... Would have liked to have gone up to Darwin, but I don't think I could get away with taking days off the week after I get back from 2 weeks vacation :o :o :o
Time to start a poll ? ? ?
30-07-2004, 07:56 AM
Hi All
sorry for the late reply.
Thanks to dave for organising the day and to steve for the BBQ. Had a great day. Was good to put some faces to names and have a chat. Witchdoctor great photo's mate.
Count Glen and me in for Hervey Bay.
I'll be in it. Been meaning to get up that way for a while now but never seem to find the time. Not sure if the new boat will be ready but see what happens closer to the date. Great photos witchdoctor.
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