View Full Version : Longtail Tuna Chase.....Results

18-04-2005, 12:15 PM
Hi All,

Here's the results,

Champion Angler - Steve Dahl.....(Flytime)

Runner up - David Revitto......(Duckbill)

3rd place -Carl Bernard

Champion team -Kim Strathern and Carl Bernard

Runners Up -Duckbill and Wes Pang

Third place -Steve Dahl and Glenn Court

Junior Champion -Brock Klar

A total of 96 tuna caught and released over a day and a half of fishing. One longtail and 95 macktuna

Thanks to The Tackle Shop Carseldine for being our major sponsor and to all other sponser who have supported us. A special thanks to all the competitors who fished last weekend (cancelled)and this weekend .


Saltwater Flyfishers Sunshine Coast.