View Full Version : Caloundra Nov '04

11-09-2004, 06:13 PM
Gday all
Heading to Caloundra for a week in late Nov. Any help in regards to species, flies and, obviously, spots would be awesome. Thanks in advance lads and lasses
Booya to you all

12-09-2004, 02:22 AM
Get yerself up the Kin Kin creek and have a flog for the Tarpon.
Gurglers have been the only thing I ever got them on to date...
Good luck, Kilkenny.

12-09-2004, 07:47 AM
your going at a good time for flatties and trevs. Fish the bar and also the little creek and drain mouths out the front of hybiscus/tripcaney caravan park for both species. Bottem of tide early morn, late arvo for the flatties, top of the tide just before dawn and just after sunset for the trevs. Dont forget to check out the canals any morning or arvo with no wind, a few surprises turn up in there every year.

cheers, Justin

24-08-2005, 06:21 PM
There is a little creek with a drain around the back of the twin waters resort. It runs from a canal into the Maroochy river. You can fish on either side of the drain, and we have caught some beaut GT in this spot. While i don't use flies (the fish we have picked up have been on live herring), on several occasions the fish have been fairly active (hitting bait on the surface regularly) and im sure they would have no hesitiation in taking a fly. Best time we have found to be about 4-5 pm as dusk is approaching. Great fun (approx 3-5 pound fish) lots of snaggs to watch out for when you hook up.
Hope this is of some value,
Cheers Fritzy