View Full Version : MaCkErAl On fLy

20-10-2005, 09:43 AM

On a recent trip to the western side of Hayman Island in the Whitsundays, I targeted mackeral on large flashy surf candy patterns. We were using a berley trail in about 7 - 8.5 meters of water using mainly pilchards and stripping with fast varying retrieves through the trail and back towards the boat. The mackeral responded well to this teqnique and I had one on about 35 minutes into the session. It stripped my Cortland intermediate line out fast from my 8/9 weight and moved into the backing line with one long sharp run. Getting the line back took about 15 minutes and it was in the boat.

The fly that was used was green, white and silver in colour with a large amount of flash, tied by Grant Spees from Whitsunday Fishing World Bait and Tackle.

20-10-2005, 11:27 AM
Nice fish there mate and a good pic, congrats.

26-10-2005, 06:45 PM
A Sharky to boot, congrats. Are the Tuna around up there yet? A few are around Mackay, no where near enough though.
Cheers, Fenton.

26-10-2005, 08:40 PM
Hi Fenton,

I just recieved your PM. (message)
Yes, I would be real interested in taking part in a fly tying night on the 13th and having a fish in the morning, but I live around the Whitsunday area, near Conway beach, and I dont often visit the Mackay area!
I am interested in tying different fly's and patterns, and am about to purchase a fly tying kit. My first fly pattern I would like to try to tie is Bob Clousers great fly, the clouser. I have heard the anorexic clouser is supposed to be a good pattern for the clear flats aswell. :o
Here are some lead head clousers tied by Grant Spees from Whitsunday Fishing World Bait and Tackle.

I will try to ring you this week or on the weekend on 49 429324.

P.S The website you gave me was 'Auto removed by Spam Filter', so I could not read it correctly.

Cy Taylor
Whitsundays QLD