View Full Version : Do you tie your own flies ?

19-01-2006, 07:19 AM
I started out tying up fresh water patterns, before the saltwater bug hit me. To be honest except for a Wooly Bugger and a Coch-y-Bondhu I never really got past first base.

Now in the salt range it's a different story - I can stay at the vice for hours on end. (Except for foam poppers - I give in and buy the pre-made bodies).

I wanted to pst a pic of a few flies I've tied recently. So I got a selection of just 3 flies out, placed them on white paper, under a spotlight on the pub, with a good pic in the background of my two biggest Macs, and my mounted trout of 2.5kgs.

But alas luck was not on my side. In fact really bad luck tonight.

The batteries in the camera were flat, Sarah my wife, and mom of the worlds most enthusiastic fisherman is alseep, and after tidying up negelected to tell me where she has hidden the camera charger and the battery charger - so I raided the Tv and Video remotes, their batteries are too flat for the camera. I Guess I'm not going to be taking that photo after all.

I'll try again tomorrow.

Anyway - Do you tie your own flies, and which do you prefer tying ?

19-01-2006, 03:51 PM
In my opinion, there are three kinds of fly fisherman;

Those that can tie a fly
Those that should not tie a fly
Those that support others in the first group, and know that they belong to the second group.

I belong to the last group. More than happy to support others who tie their own flies and not ashamed to admit that I have problems remembering how to tie a granny knot.


19-01-2006, 08:50 PM
Yeah I do, taught myself years ago, picked a few brains along the way and now manage fairly well, even coming up with my own patterns, mainly salt fliy but have done a few freshwater for bass etc. have also tied flies to oreder and sent them overseas for a few people.

20-01-2006, 05:10 AM
Wessel, good to see you're still active. I've seen some flies that fall in Category 2, bloody hell I've tied a few as well.

I managed to get the pics - see below:

1. Crazy Charlie - tied with Pink Swanundaze for ribbing
2. Sparsely tied Streamer - tied with angel hair, and flashabou
3. Chartreuse Clousers -extra long and extra heavy (usually thrown with a10wt +)
4. Lefty's Deceiver in Chartreuse

Note how I use red / orange cotton in all my tying - I'm convinced it gives the red throat effect.

These flies have all taken their share of fish, but it has to be said the simple saprsely tied streamer has been the best all round producer for me, especially on G.T's

22-01-2006, 07:33 AM
Hey Catchy

Great lookin flies mate.

It doesnt matter in fly fishing if you tie your own or someone else does it for you.
I was lucky enough to have recieved some awesome tips from a lot of great fishos over the 20 years of tying.

Its like everything , you get the advice then you may change one little thing to suit the way you do it and away you go.

HOWEVER, I believe that there isnt any better thrill than tying a fly and catching a fish on it, it just gives a great feeling of satisfaction and seems in a small way to add to the excitement.

I havent been at the bench for a few weeks, been chasing fast things offshore, but will be back on it in the next few weeks tying for my mates next trip to Weipa later this year.

Poppers can be difficult to shape, I can remember guys tying them out of teh thick soled thongs (feet type!) years ago. But I use the Raineys pre shaped, then all you have to worry about is sliding the hook thru and tying on the tail, and fish love em! (these are the softer heads)

Keep tying and smiling mate :D

23-01-2006, 05:49 AM
Oscar 64

You joined Ausfih to reply to my post ?, I'm honoured. Welcome. This site will keep you going for years.

I also use the soft head poppers, slide on type - diff brand, but they are probably v similar.

And oh yes I agree about catching a fish with your own fly - makes it all worthwhile.

But it did take me more than three fishless trips - the secret I suppose is to believe that your creations will attract fish.

I must have just had incredibly bad luck, when I started using my own flies.

I no longer by flies for salt, 100% of my 600+ fly selection is all tied by me - I love it almost as much as fishing - it's a good second, anyway - I must tell you though that Ausfish interferes with time at the bench.

Catchy Fishy