View Full Version : ECHO fly rods

02-03-2006, 04:10 PM
hi all
just bought a echo classic saltwater fly rod (9wt) the other day and i reckon its wicked.

has enyone got one of these rods or had an experience with one......... what did you think?

jim :)

04-03-2006, 12:10 PM
Looks interesting.

Can you get them locally? What is the warranty locally?

08-03-2006, 01:36 PM

Not the 9 weight but I've had a 5 and 6 weight for quite a while and I think
think they're quite a good rod for the bucks

I like the single foot guides and the super fast taper (5 # UD) and that they are
a 4 not a 3 piece.

On the down side they are a physically heavy rod for their AFTMA rating, my 5 weight weighs more than most of my 7 & 8 weights. I don't know about the 9 weight but mine could easily take one or two overlines.

As in warranty, I think they are but parts have to come from the states at least
they did a few months ago when I clousered the tip of one.

you'll get info from www.rajeffsports.com or www.echoflyfishing.com


08-03-2006, 01:41 PM
Some useless information, the brother of this Mr Rajeff who makes the ECHO rods is apparently the world distance caster record holder at something like 91 meters :o

Standard 9 weight with standard line. :o

Apparently he also holds the accuracy record, no idea what that entails?
