View Full Version : REHASH of an OLD POST

26-03-2006, 09:29 PM
I posted some months back about travelling to england for work and play for an extended period. I got some replies on where to fish which was great. I just picked up my fly rod and reel the other day. A cortland 9ft 7 rod and shakespeare reel with intermediate line and a 9ft monofilament tapered leader. All suited to fish 7 weight. Also bought some nymps and some summer damsels. I have been told of a spot pretty close to london's centre. A group of reserviors near walthamstow. Which is about a 40 minute tube ride from me. Have just picked up my first issue of "todays fly fisher" just to see what was what in enland. Looks like trout and salmon are the top of the hit list whilst 7 weight seems a little undergunned for salmon but close to ideal for the size of the trout in england. Most of the fly fishing I will be doing will be off banks and jetties etc.

now - having never cast a fly line before do people have any videos or know of any online tutorials which have intructional videos. I am wanting to avoid lessons if i can as they are quite expensive over here, so if i can find videos and sort of teach myself then that willbe a plus.

any thoughts would be appreciated.


28-03-2006, 09:23 AM
Have a look at the Fly Fishing DVD's by Lefty Kreh

here - http://www.ausfish.com.au/books/flycastingdvd.shtml

and here - http://www.ausfish.com.au/books/flyfishingdvd.shtml

28-03-2006, 01:57 PM
If you are in London, then get hold of Ettiene at the Orvis shop. (Down a small street of the Ritz hotel.)

A South African lad who knows his stuff and will gladly assist on spots to fish etc. Those guys might even help you out with the casting, or refer you to a person who will be willing to teach at a reasonable rate.

Do yourself the service and pay for a decent teacher. It is money well spent before you start to learn bad habits which will take a lot of hard work to get rid off.


02-04-2006, 10:06 PM
is this the same Ettiene that has appeared in modern fishing a few times?

03-04-2006, 01:24 PM
Not sure, I have not seen the Magazine you are referring to.

It could also very well be the same guy. He was born with a rod in his hand and travels the world guiding clients. The kind of work I would love to be doing...... One can only dream :-/

03-04-2006, 06:25 PM
hes in several of the issues hang on ill find one to have a look...................i found an article in september 2004 issue the article is called 'play it safe' does he have long red hair. i reckon its him in the yellow rain coat. :-/

04-04-2006, 01:23 PM
Nagh mate, not him.

Short stocky little bugger with black hair.

Still amazes me that he chased bonefish in Mozambique using 4 weight trout gear :o

It is what he had and he could not afford anything else, yet 8-)

06-04-2006, 06:18 AM
It could also very well be the same guy. He was born with a rod in his hand :-/

Been hell of a busy so havent been posting or reading for a while - took a quick look tonight and saw this - my mind went straight to the gutter -