View Full Version : DK DANCER ON FIRE ..AGAIN

12-05-2006, 11:54 AM
Hey guys

Just had a text from Lionel whi is ecstatic yet again.

The co- creator o fteh DANCER paul Dolan has just nailed a 110 cm barra on teh fly at Awoonga.
great stuff guys.

Will look fwd to seeing the pics when PD gets home.

The guys have put in , and are still refining the fly, and anyone who knows or who has met PD will
vouch for teh passion he has for his fishing but also for the welfare of our great sport and even more so the fish he targets.

Watch this and any other fly spaces cos I am sure we will all be seeing and hearing a lot more about the Dancer.

May even have to attempt to tie some myself , or get Voltzy to do them for me. :-/ :-X ::) ;D


12-05-2006, 11:42 PM
Oh Dear, i really need to get handles on Names in this place. :o Chuffed as with Paul ;D

13-05-2006, 08:59 AM
talked to paul last night, more barra in the boat two over the mt mark and three under ;) ;) :) :) :) :)

13-05-2006, 06:13 PM
Gidday Dan

Havent heard from you for a bit.

I bet PD is stoked.

He is a prick really. LMAO

Wish I was with him. Cant wait to see the pics.
Will hav eto talk to him when he gets home.

Will no doubt see you again soon up at the dam or in the bay.


15-05-2006, 08:44 PM
g-day waspy :)
give me a yell next time ya up and we'll get together for a fish 8-) 8-)
if ya want :D :D


16-05-2006, 09:20 AM

Me fish!!! ::) :'( ;D ;D

Yeah sounds good mate, unless you keep posting pics of Longtails.... >:( >:( :-/ :'(


Waspy ;D