View Full Version : tie by feel

10-10-2006, 10:28 PM
just tied this fly literally minutes ago. just sat at the vise, looked at the materials lying around and whipped this out. please comment :D .. its been a while since i tied by imagination rather than "by the book". i think this fly with some modifications could imitate some of the fatter and semi wide bodied baitfish. please comment on my fly. :-[ my fly tying aint great. sorry for the less than nicelyl tied fly.







thanks for the comments in advance.


11-10-2006, 07:09 AM
Hey mate
I reakon thats a good little fly, i have just started tying and im not that good yet


12-10-2006, 01:46 PM
How about giving it some eyes?

What you gonna call it?

Looks good, I still need instructions to tie my shoelaces ;)


12-10-2006, 03:57 PM
good proportions mate, it is just lacking that X factor, the sort of thing to turn the lookers into grabbers, wessel is onto the right track with the eyes, maybe scrap the red lateral line and put it on the chin to look like the gills just a hint of red though, i would not change the proportions, it has a nice small head on it which i prefer... these are just my thaughts others might differ and they are welcome to do so...

27-11-2006, 12:13 PM
Coupla things. Evolution has devised a camoflage system for little fishes, which make them difficult to see, remember they are the bottom of the food chain, but having provided that camoflage why would evolution give a fish very prominant eyes to bugger things up. Scientists think that the number of skin layers over the eye of fishes actually change the appearance of eyes so that they are not visible to predators.. The predators are not humans. Worth tremembering.
And gills are covered by plates, like very heavily protected and not always visible.
What if the predator is a pelagic species and doesn't see red, that red then becomes black, like a hole in the visual field.
there are over 25,000 fish species inthe ocean, not all see all the colours and some don't see red and some see in grey scale.
Water also attenuates light very heavily depending on the water colour, the depth and the distance. Also remember that light striking the fly and being reflected also relates to its depth, and distance from the fish. In all of this the most visible colour is fluorescent chartruse.
White is good, since white reflects all of the colours, flash can be marvellous. Like all silver, and in muddy water all gold.
What fish see is a very dificult subject, since there are so many fishes with such variable visual systems.
I use mostly white deceivers, or Fluoro chartruse Deceivers, no added colours or dark tops, no red gills and a bit of flash. I have used flies tied with ALL flash and the biggest tuna I've hooked, like around 70 plus pounds, took an all silver fly at 100mph. Didn't get it, off a rock.
The pic is from the days of everything goes, mostly junk.