View Full Version : Barra Fly's

30-11-2006, 11:46 PM
Gday folks
Just wondering if anyone know where i can purchase large saltwater flys and also Flys suitable for big barra online??
Also i want to add rattles to the fly's for barra, can fly's be purchased with rattles or do i have to do it myself?
Any info would be greatly appreciated!!
My next mission is a big barra on fly!! cant wait :D

Any fly's highly recomended???

Cheers Rob.

01-12-2006, 07:46 AM
Hey mate dk dancer, refere to Fraser coast sports fishing and eco tours (Paul) i think its on his web site, He has had plenty of success at Awoonga, and lenthalls


01-12-2006, 08:08 AM
cheers mate will suss it out

01-12-2006, 01:36 PM

I had a look on his web site and tied myself two before I went up on the last trip. I got the 80cm Barra on the Pink DK Dancer. Mate they hit it pretty hard. :)


02-12-2006, 08:18 AM
Hi Rob

Check out Andy's Barra Boofers, they have been very successful for us ;)


Best of luck on your mission Mate.

Neil :)

02-12-2006, 07:26 PM
Thanks guys

Anyone know of a person that will make me some fly's? for starters the dancers? I dont have the gear to do it myself nor the experience ( i just wanna put the fly into the barra's gob)
Bought a Penn inter fly reel the other day just need to purchase a rod and some flys and im on my way!!!

02-12-2006, 08:17 PM
Mate talk to paul, or try tie and fly at Kawana. they will Know!


02-12-2006, 08:59 PM
Paul Dolan is the man to talk to mate, his a Fly Specialist.

The Pink Thing is a good fly that I have seen being used in the past... And my father tells me that the Hot Flash Minnow is a good one. Im really keen to get into Fly'ing... Add another Style to the Weaponry.

15-12-2006, 09:16 AM
if anyone would know it would be a member on ausfish called lonk
he and paul are the two who developed the DKdancer ;)


18-12-2006, 12:20 AM
Hi Guys,

I've tied several DK Dancers and their action is very similar to that of soft plastics in some ways. If you have the basic knowledge and skills of soft plastics then you'll have the idea of how to work the DK Dancers.

Having been doing sport fishing for around 8yrs now, I must admit for those new into Fly fishing, it is a buzz and will certainly help improve your soft plastic techniques and skills.

Tie some gold bomber style DK Dancers, just like the hardbody cousins, but something about the gold bomber DK Dancer from the reports I've heard thus far, sends the barra absolutely nuts.

My impression on closely looking at the fly, is not only the action the fly imparts, and the flash, but also the vibrations it would make through the water on the pause and on the strip.

I've just used on on snapper in shallow reefs in Moreton Bay to see what they're like compared to the soft plastics, and boy I must say, they hit like a freight train!

Good luck and certainly I'd like to thank Dolan and Kemp for creating such a wonderful fly for our conditions...... I have a great feeling it'll send a shiver overseas too.