18-10-2001, 12:53 PM
Just got an email from the team at Gladstone Hatchery. Tomorrow they are releasing some Mangrove Jack fingerlings (50 -100mm) that they've bred. :D
These fish are sure to turn lake fishing in Qld on its head in years to come if enough of them can be bred.
Congrats to the Gladstone Area Water Board & the Gladsotne Port Authority for thier commitment to fish stocking in funding the hatchery there. ;D
Pity all other water boards didn't follow thier lead. :-/
These fish are sure to turn lake fishing in Qld on its head in years to come if enough of them can be bred.
Congrats to the Gladstone Area Water Board & the Gladsotne Port Authority for thier commitment to fish stocking in funding the hatchery there. ;D
Pity all other water boards didn't follow thier lead. :-/