View Full Version : lake cresent???
09-06-2002, 02:29 PM
does anybody know what has happened to lake cresent in tasmania since they drained it??? im planning a trip to tasmania next year and stopping here as ive fished here before. all info appreciated!!!
13-06-2002, 09:03 PM
Gday Fishy Phil
Mate Lake Crescent What a great trophey lake that once was with such big fish in the lake......Mate if you are planning a trip to lake crescent you may find that lake is still closed and prolly will be for some time to come unfortunately but you could possibly ring the tasmanian inland fisheries to find exactly whats going on at Lake Crescent ......
But if you are going to plan your trip to purely frsh water lake fishing a better option is probably Arthurs lake which i think is a far better lake anyway may not have the big trophey lake fish that Crescent once had........
Or if you are really just interested in Some big fresh water fish and thats if the inland fisheries still stock this dam with spent atlantic salmon then i would be trying Meadow bank Dam which is roughly an hour-hour and half from Hobart here you will find some big Atlantic salmon upto 10kg specimans...And what i mean by spent is the atlantics no longer can breed.........
anyway if you would like any other options feel free to let me know i maybe able to help you out....
15-06-2002, 01:43 PM
thanx ozdevil
when im down there ill keep this in mind ill give em a ring. yeah old trusty arthurs lake was always the best lake for a reliable feed, second only to sorell but i think it met the same fate as cresent. in recent seasons how has the average size been in arthurs??? when i fished it last my avg size was around the 2-3lb mark. i used to just fish out of a boat and troll walures, tassie devils and the like around. what is youre fav method? do any good with baits??
all info appreciated
15-06-2002, 01:52 PM
also how are the western lakes fishing clarence lagoon, lake sally etc.
my dad did alot of fishing in this area but i never went with him he used to get some huge trout:brookies and rainbows with the average size brownies too.ive been looking at some of his photos of the BIG trout he caught or saw and in the western teirs n walls of jerusalem lakes some were bigger than cresents fish one photo i saw the fish was in the high 20s, 28lb i think...taken from lake nameless.
15-06-2002, 06:15 PM
Gday Phil
Mate i have to say that i no longer live in Tasmania but i still like to keep an eye on things and whats going on over there as was born and bred in Tassie.....
Mate As you know Sorell may have cuaght a beating as well as crescent but I dont think that was the case at all i think the main Reason why Sorell went down over the years was that they drain part of sorell for some reason to help out crescent i dont know the whole story there...But i agree Arthurs was 2nd to Sorell....But i would have to say as good trout holding lake that Arthurs would be #1 now....As for the size of the fish ya prolly Still looking at Around 2-3 pound mark which i think are just right size fish anyway.... i Also think the water clarity is a whole lot better then Sorell.....
I havent heard alot from whats happening to the western lakes and clarance and sally but i still say they would be fishing good ....
I went back to Tassie at christmas time and did a spot of fly fishing Around the rivers and boy did i see some great fish i had about 12 hits on the fly just in a 1/2 days fishing and saw alot more fish rise....
I managed to hook a decent river brown what would have been around 1kg mate did the trout go.......
Mate If your heading over there in August i wouldnt even think about any of the lakes until around October....I would be concentrating on The Derwent River or some where like that for some sea run trout action and believe me the average fish would be around 2kgs which is a pretty good trout......
anyway if i can still help you out i would be more then happy to
05-07-2002, 09:10 AM
G'day Phil.
Ozdevil has covered most, but I can add a little.
A few mates and I camped on Arthurs a few Febs ago and had a blast.
Heaps of fish, and once you figure them out, dry fly fishing at it's best!
Best fish was around 1.5 kg, but there were fish to 2kg taken as well as a lot of smaller stuff.
They were VERY keen on a black spinner (dry fly) with a gun-metal grey thorax/body.
This was getting 4:1 hits to a plain black spinner.
Lake Crecent and Sorrell were close due to carp infestaion and I suspect this is why they drained them.
When we were there a bloke fishing the Lagoon of (weeds) Islands had grassed 2 trout INXS of 10 kg ea so that might be worth a look...
This lake is overrun with runt reddies so take a few reddie fry imiataions.
Hope this helps.
Cheers, Slates
06-07-2002, 10:18 AM
I fished Arthurs in Dec/Jan this year and had a ball. 14 trout in the two days of fishing.
Must say the quality was not there though - most fish up to 2lb with only one over. Some of the smaller fish were pretty lean as well.
I hadn't fished Arthurs in 10 years but all the reallies now think it's the only way to go.
Actually the feeling being bandied around down there at the time was that it was OVERSTOCKED would you believe. The thought was too many fish for area and feed thus not allowing bigger fish to grow. This was coming from many locals that fish Arthurs pretty heavily.
Anyway I had a ball and can't wait to get back. The temp was bloody freezing there to at the time around 4 degrees over summer - didn't put them off but.
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