View Full Version : Final round up of the Rod Building Weekend
Sorry about the wait, but I don't have a computer in my home away from home......yet.
I arrived back late Sunday night feeling a tad tired after an eleven hour drive, but still it's always worth the effort.
Firstly I have to extend a big THANK YOU [smiley=laola.gif] To Stu.
It was a big ask expecting him to forfit his weekend for our benefit, but it seemes he wouldn't have had it any other way.
I also need to thank Greg & Sue for opening up their home & hosting the weekend. Nothing was too much trouble for those two. Greg even cooked us a BBQ lunch each day for next to nothing and also shouted us all a few beers on the last day.
Lastly I want to thank all who turned up and made the weekend the big success it was.
Most of you have familys that also need your time, so it was a lot to expect.
And for the actual rod building lessons.
We started off at about 10ish on Saturday morning, setting up our bits 'n pieces, getting the introductions done and putting faces to the names.
The first day was devoted to building the butt sections of our blanks, and Stuart was able to give everyone individual attention and advice, which was a huge bonus.
Almost everyone there had never built a fishing rod before, so it was good to see the confidence building as all the pieces started going onto the rods. The day finished with the tips going on after Stu back boned the rods.
Sunday was the day most of the guys discovered they had five thumbs, as it was 'learning how to bind the guides day'!!!!!
It was also the day some of your colour choices changed very quickly.....ya had to be there!!!
It doesn't sound like much, but learning how to do something basic as an underbind can often take quite a bit of practice. But that's all it is...practice.
Stuart made it look effortless, but don't forget he had to start somewhere.
I am hoping we can run this Rod Build Weekend again at around the same time next year. How about it guys????
Thanks again to everyone ;)
I havn't been able to work out what Stuart was demonstrating in this pic
Stu making it look very easy
flea getting expert advice
Greg supervising.
I think Mike had the best set up. He finished the weekend with a very good looking fishing rod.
Saving the best for last
I realise this is going to cost me big time....
Sorry Pinhead (well... not that sorry) ::)
Probably should post some photos of my effort.
Underbound and overbound in C black. Metalic blue and gold trim in A and metalic pearl to break up the blue metalic also in A. Hard to see in a photo.
The blank is a Samurai 5-8kg.
Will be used with a bait runner for catching Coffs Harbour vermin (snapper)
Hoping to start on the butt wrap in the next couple of weeks
another view
I think next time if I double over bind I will use A including the underbind
last one, hard to get the entire rod in the photo, although Ian did a good job with his.
03-08-2006, 09:26 AM
At last! A photo of Greg showing his true colours, now that didn't hurt to much did it? ;)
Roz, looking good make sure you post the butt wrap when you get it done, again thanks to yourself, Stu, Greg and Sue for the organising, without this weekend I doubt whether I would have tried on my own.
05-08-2006, 02:29 PM
It looks as though you have coated around 1/2 inch beond the thread onto the blank. This may become a problem as the coating will lift from the blank and become a white colour. If this happens you can take a razor blade and very carfully cut it off flush with the thread. When coating you only want to go over onto the blank by about 2mm, thats it no more. ;) Oopps, forgot to say that come out very nice as did every one elses.
06-08-2006, 02:07 PM
Hey Stui,
Here's a couple of questions about rod building, just thoughts.
1. Can you / is it advisable to epoxy the whole rod before any binding takes place ?
2. Can you ' sand' a rod blank prior to the abovementioned epoxy
3. When I said I was about to ' varnish ' the rod, could I use expoy or does it have to be varnish. Just my way of thinking is that varnish is a ' single " system and ' epoxy ' is a 2 pack ' system. In the painting game ( that's me ) we rarely combine the two different systems.
4. If I can epoxy the whole rod, can you sand in between coats ?
Have a question for you Stu.
I've been using Speed brand rod varnish, for the parts not covered by epoxy, and it's not lasting more than a half dozen or so trips out before it begins to wear off.
Is there a better product on the market? or should I be painting on sealer before applying the varnish.
Hi Roz. i personally would not use the varnish, it will end up looking like the old yellow beach rod that everyone has in their shed, the one with all the brown varnish peeling off that is really ugly.. :-/
best left with factory finish. if you have to do it you can use the same epoxy as on the guides, but apply really thinly, been years since i did it, but you can thin it with something, i'm sure Stuart will know.
if you cannot thin,i applied epoxy with the same bristle brush you use to apply to the guides, pour epoxy on to an ice cream lid ( i covered lid with foil first) give a hit with gas bottle or hair dryer untill thin, brush sparingly onto blank, then (carefully)using heat on to the blank try & basically wipe off with the brush what you have just put on. you should end up with a very thin coat of epoxy on the blank.
clear as mud.. :)
probably a better way these days, but this will work.
07-08-2006, 09:40 AM
I wouldn’t coat the whole rod before binding takes place, would be more trouble than what it’s worth. You can sand a blank providing it hasn’t already been sanded by the factory, you will know because a factory sanded blank will be nice and smooth with a very good paint job to boot. Don’t ever use Varnish, its hideous stuff that lasts about two trips before turning a nice dog shit brown. On your particular rod Phill M10 spaghetti rod, coat the whole thing and DON’T sand in between coats, no need to mate. ;)
07-08-2006, 09:45 AM
Don’t use any other product other than epoxy based one’s. Varnish is a particularly nasty product that can make your week long love affair with your new fang dangled art piece look like a lame dog has just taken a dump on it. Avoid it at all costs especially if there are lame dogs hanging around. I don’t see the need to epoxy the whole length of a rod if it’s very light like the one you have built Roz, it can add unnecessary weight and dampen the whole rods feel.
I wasn't contemplating varnish on the Samurai.
I've got a few Shakespear Uglies (another type of spaghetti) that have long lost their shiny black factory finish, and it is shedding very fine fibreglass splinters, so I need to stabilize them with a coat of something. Sorry I didn't give enough info in the first place.
I've heard Iso-Propyl Alchol (from my lab days) used at between 10-20%, can dilute epoxy. I've never tried to do it, only ever used it to sterilize stuff.
07-08-2006, 07:26 PM
Thanks Stu,
The Phill M10 Spagetti Rod ( :P ) will recieve a ' thin ' coat of epoxy next. I want to clean the rod up prior to doing so, that is remove any hand oils, masking tape residue etc. A wipe over with a rag touched in metho ? does that sound OK ?
08-08-2006, 11:26 AM
Thats fine Phill, just make sure the cloth you use doesnt leave to much fiber behind.
08-08-2006, 11:32 AM
Now I have the info you shouldn’t use epoxy coating to stabilize these broken fibres. It won’t harden enough to offer any real benefit in terms of strengthening the fibre or laminate that has detached. Use the automotive clear two pack finish. You will need to apply several coats to bring the blank back to new. It’s important before I forget to put one coat on and let site over night before giving it light sand with 800 wet and dry then give it around two or three more coats over the next three days.
13-08-2006, 01:34 PM
Finally finished the rod pretty much. I'll probably still add some letraset for rod blank details when I get a minute. I had an idea for the butt wrap which turned out pretty much ok, thanks to Angus Jack - Tony for helping with the printing and actually understanding what I was trying to explain. As I said it almost worked maybe the next time I'll sort the the couple of niggles.
I cheated a little with the epoxy, I've been lucky enough to meet a bloke who is an absolute nutter for rods :)(in a good way) and his collection probably desrves 6 0r 7 pages on the thread "Have I got a problem" all to itself, but he was good enough to keep a weather eye out as I epoxied the rod up, he also pointed out the traps and pitfalls before I could find them myself and showed me a couple of techniques to help get a better finish, he also threw it on his drying machine, god love him, as a one year old trying to help at home and hand turning a rod to dry don't mix. So thats the next thing to organise for the workshop, a drying machine, it will be very handy.
I'll attach some photos and as I said before thanks to all for the help and advice.
13-08-2006, 01:35 PM
another butt of CALDAD 06
13-08-2006, 01:36 PM
13-08-2006, 01:37 PM
13-08-2006, 01:38 PM
13-08-2006, 01:41 PM
And finally the rod's owner, young Callum, I may have to break it in for him a little bit first though. ;) All in all for a first go, I reckon it's not too shabby.
Very much like the your finished work Shayne, I bet you're rapt with it, as you should be.
I am bogged down with mine at the moment, I am going to wait until I can get the colour combo's I want in threads.
Also one of the masters is going to run through the spacing calculations with me again, as I've lost my way.
But apart from getting the butt wrap completed, the rod is ready to go fishing.
Are you going to post a pic of the first fish???? regardless.
14-08-2006, 08:59 AM
Without a doubt, I might even save it for when we're down your neck of the woods.
Without a doubt, I might even save it for when we're down your neck of the woods.
Yep yep,
Give me a yell.
cheers roz
15-08-2006, 10:36 AM
Way to go Shane looks like it turned out pretty well.
That sticker idea has some great potential, I am just doing a rod for myself at the moment, may use the idea myself!!
Regards, Tony
15-08-2006, 05:13 PM
shayne, you have done a great job mate , bet you are as pleased as[ i would be and n.s.w colours what more could you ask for].and it wont be long before the young one is showing you up.......... cheers sid
Aaaaaaagh I didn't notice the NSW colours Shayne!!!!! I take all the good stuff back :P
Good observation Ian.
16-08-2006, 08:52 AM
They're not bloody NSW colours >:( they're.....................aww crap now they look like bloody Cronulla colours it just gets worse :-[ :-[ Maybe I should stolen some of TOL's fluro thread.
They're not bloody NSW colours >:( they're.....................aww crap now they look like bloody Cronulla colours it just gets worse :-[ :-[ Maybe I should stolen some of TOL's fluro thread.
sorry, not Sharkies colours, they're sky blue, white & black..
but.. definately NSW colours [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
16-08-2006, 05:34 PM
no ,,,,,,,,,,,, not the fluro orange aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... it looks the goods as it is............. now we know that its the other side[ N.S.W] comming out of you cheers sid
16-08-2006, 05:36 PM
and its all GOOD
16-08-2006, 06:05 PM
Waaaaaaack!!!!!!!! Thats the sound of me giving myself a solid upper cut.
I might as well give my little bloke a doll and start making him wear dresses, it's about the same as giving him sporting gear in NSW colours. At least it's not Cronulla I 'spose. :-/
18-08-2006, 01:17 PM
Wow I built a rod in me marine studies class at high school & I have to say it didn't come out anywhere near that good, my eyelets are a little askew to each other & I varnished the whole rod instead of just the strind & eyelet section, its shortish but bigger than a ugly stick.
Hi Guys,
I've finally finished my butt wrap, except for sanding the cork on the fore grip & the extra coats of resin, it's ready to get covered in scales, slime & guts.
I had to get back to my mentor, Volvo for some help as I had gone a bit rusty on the spacing calculations. As I've said before, the man has the patience of a saint to put up with me, nothing is too much trouble.
Anyway, I copied the pattern for this wrap from Visualwrap, a rod building site. It has a step by step section worth looking at.
cheers r.
one more, the colours don't look as good in the photos.
you have been busy,looks really nice Roz, [smiley=2thumbsup.gif] [smiley=2thumbsup.gif] [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
i personally would not have used 'pink' :-* but it does look a lot better than black on black, although i have to stop that as it is getting hard on the eyes :-/
Thanks for the pat on the back Dave, actually it's not pink, just looks pink in the photos.
The colour is Gudebrod maroon 337, although it's not deep enough in colour IMO to be called maroon.
I also think the fish are too small, but that's my inexperience.
I think I can get away with that, as it's a thin butt, if it had have been thicker, I would have pulled the threads off and changed it.
cheers roz
01-09-2006, 03:00 PM
It's a credit to you, Roz. I don't know how you have the patience for it, let alone doing it on a pair of sneakers. You may have created a monster, mate, I've started a rod rebuild already and just ordered a MO catelogue.
Nah, You will find it's really worth while, specially doing up the old rods.
There's worse things you can spend money on.
As for the butt wrap, most of the credit should go to Volvo, he has been guiding me along the way & he can almost understand 'Roz speak' now.
Also trying to get a half decent photo, this one was taken in natural light but the colours still don't come out to well.
cheers roz
Roz, you must have the patience of Job..... Or way to much time on your hands ;)
Very impressive.
02-09-2006, 08:44 AM
Actually Roz, it looks like you let TOL help you pick the colours. Apologies John this is the last time I use the gag, honest! ::) ::) ;)
You're a brave man saying that ;)
At least they're not NSW colours!!!!! :P
cheers roz
03-09-2006, 06:14 AM
What's wrong with shirtlifter pink?? :-?
Or orange for that matter??
Mortally wounded I am, Shayne, mortally wounded.
03-09-2006, 11:24 PM
Roz nice work, really girly. lol
I usually take my pictures outside with the sun overhead, if I do need to take a picture using the flash I usually place a bit of the plastic milk carton over the flash to defuse the flash so you don't get the relection off the finish.
Dave B. finally made it to Brisbane.
07-09-2006, 10:21 PM
G'Day mate
My misses has done a nice job of binding one of my old rods. What is the best coating to use to protect the binding.
after she has finished the binding. It's a good idea to paint on a thread sealer or filler. I use 'Speed' brand sealer, there maybe better brands around, but that one does the job.
It's not expensive, usually around 5-6$$$ for 50ml, which will do a lot of rods.
I recommend you dab it on with your finger, as using a brush sometimes brings out the thread fibers.
Wait a day then apply the epoxy, I use a two part system. A resin and a hardner. DON'T USE ROD VARNISH!!! cheap and nasty.
A popular brand is erskines & there are plenty of other good brands around. If you have never used epoxy before, let me know here, or PM.
And.... by the way, why arn't you doing your own binding???? naughty boy!! About time you learned.
Cheers Roz :)
08-09-2006, 05:45 PM
hey roz, the wrap looks great, wish i had that much time on my for the epoxy i used flex coat,its a 2 part mix[ mixed it up in a lid wrapped in alfoil, so when it set you just throw it away]sat and turned for a while[ had a beer or three] then just came back every ad break and turned again... oh i used a artist brush 10 or 12 mm to brush on
11-09-2006, 04:44 PM
Love the wrap Roz. Those fish wraps look superb. If I can only come close to the great work you do, I'll be happy. The detail is awesome.
Finally have finished the wrap. This has been a long process due to a number of reasons which I won't go into.
To hold the rod in my hand and know that I have created / made it, is a great feeling. I know there are mistakes in the bindings and wrap, but I can live with them knowing that I can and will do better next time.
The pics may not do it justice, but I am no photographer, just an average Ausfisher that has been inspired to do something I have longed to do.
Thanks to Stuie for the assistance at the workshop, to Agnes -Jack for his input, but most importantly to Roz, for her patience in guiding me through the process ( long distance education ), the organizing of the RBW and the belief that ' anyone ' can build their own rod and create something that one can be proud of.
I often speak of the ' complete angler " being someone who loves to fish but gets more involved than just buying tackle, bait etc and plonking it in the drink ( not that there's anything wrong with that ::) ), but to actually build a rod, make sinkers, make lures, collecting bait, to filleting and cooking, to making a plan work and many more aspects surrounding the ' art ' of fishing, really gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside.
Unless you have built yourself a rod, you probably won't understand that feeling. So on that note, those of you that wish to experience that feeling stay tuned for the next Rod Building Workshop that Roz and Stuie will put together.
Cheers Phill
Pics to Follow are:-
The closing off at the Butt End of the wrap
11-09-2006, 04:45 PM
The full wrap
11-09-2006, 04:45 PM
Wrap and first guide
11-09-2006, 04:46 PM
The work bench
11-09-2006, 04:46 PM
and just for it straight ?
Looks as if you've been doing wraps for years Phill!!!!
Very well done mate, it's a credit to your hard work and my nagging. :P
cheers r.
looking nice Phil, i like the colours in the butt bind.. [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
11-09-2006, 08:43 PM
OMG Roz :o :o :o , Beats staying at home and knitting jumpers over winter ;D ;D ;D
I wouldn't want to use it in fear of damaging it. Hang it in the wall and just admire it for the art work that it is ;) ;) ;)
Well done, hope to meet you and your masterpiece one day.
Peter ;)
11-09-2006, 11:11 PM
It never ceases to amaze me what you can do with a disability like phills. I mean two toes and two thumbs and this is what he can turn out, imagine what he could do if he had all his fingers. That turned out great mate, I’m very impressed. ;D ;D
Thanx for that Pete. I've been into rod binding overdrive lately & finished another wrap over the w'end. This is the one I am most happy with so far.
bit closer, although I had 'issues' with one of the threads in the wrap.
12-09-2006, 02:52 AM
phill, great wrap mate , you have done well and the colours are a really good choice as well .now go and catch some fish on it,,,,,,,,,,,,, cheers ian
12-09-2006, 06:05 AM
Hi Roz,the colours you have chosen on your design look great and work well together, the threadwork is very neat and detailed,very nice work.How many hours did it take you to do?
cheers mike.
12-09-2006, 06:13 AM
Very nice colours Phill. They contrast nicely with each other as well as the black colour of the blank.
And as for your other piccy; like a gun barrel mate, like a gun barrel.
Very well done!! You should be very happy with that. 8-)
Well done to everyone! :D
My great uncle used to bind for Angler Rods up the coast and this is something that I would love to try!
However - it looks like ALOT of patience and concentration is involved and with a 2 and a 4 year old, I am sure that I could not dedicate the time required! :(
Roz - that is the most beautiful work that I have seen - I would be a sucker for one of your fishy patterned rods!!! ;)
I think you know one of my favourite people, theoldlegend aka John.
If you know you are going to be seeing John, give him a rod you would like to have bound and I would be happy to. I would only expect you to buy the thread.
BTW, Volvo aka Peter taught me everything I know about binding, his work is amazing and he's a good teacher.
PM me if you are interested.
cheers r.
13-09-2006, 12:56 AM
Top stuff Roz and Phill ,the colours and patterns are execellant.Your patience astounds me.
13-09-2006, 05:00 AM
It never ceases to amaze me what you can do with a disability like phills. I mean two toes and two thumbs and this is what he can turn out, imagine what he could do if he had all his fingers. That turned out great mate, I’m very impressed. ;D ;D
LMAO Stuart....not to mention all his other does look great does yours I know why I did not build a rod that weekend...could not match those pieces of work.
13-09-2006, 06:17 PM
Nice one Phil, an absolute credit to you and it also proves that you should be putting in more overtime at work or maybe getting more sleep!!! ;)
Another wrap??? You must be flying when you're doing them now. I was down your way on the weekend and wet and windy was an understatement. :(
16-09-2006, 01:45 PM
OK, I have now fitted my little TLD to the rod and will attempt to de-virginize it over the next week or so. Pics of course, will follow.
16-09-2006, 05:57 PM
Good luck Phil, nothing better than blooding a rod you built yourself, well their might be a few things better.
21-09-2006, 07:30 PM
Yep, I have de-virginized the M10. The seas looked Ok this arvo, so I plonked the new rod in the Skanky Hoe and set off for the wreck. First drop and yep, a fish and something not big, but certainly worth it. A nice Grunter in the 2.5kg class. I then proceeded to cover the bottom ( and further ) of the esky with Trevally. None in the XOS range, but nevertheless OK. OOPS this is not supossed to be a fishing report. OK I'll put up a pic of the First fish on the M10 ( spagetti rod ). OH, and the a sunset over water.
21-09-2006, 07:31 PM
OH, and that sunset.
Cheers Phill
07-11-2006, 07:41 PM
OK, I have given the rod a good workout over the past few weeks. It works great for fish up to 5kgs and then, as Stuart has eluded to, turns to spagetti. I nailed a 7ft Tiger shark and it really tested me and the rod. The rod didn't have enough ' hurt ' in the mid section and was a tad ' whimpy ' towards the tip.
I will now be building a new rod. This time it will be a 7ft but in the 15-24kg class. Med or slow taper ?????????????????
I need to get my hands on a rod in a shop that will ge identical or close enought to what I want. I still like the idea of the M10 ( Killwell ) but as I said, in the 15-24kg class.
any other suggestions ????
Cheers Phill
07-11-2006, 07:54 PM
awesome Phill...someone finally shows a pic of a catch on one of the rods they built..looks like the weekend was not a complete waste after all.
07-11-2006, 08:24 PM
G'day Phill, have a look at the Samurai NV blanks,prety good value for money(but still not cheap), don't know of anyone out there useing this blank in their factory rods though.
07-11-2006, 09:00 PM
I would suggest you have a look at the Graphite USA, only their 15-24kg are eithe fast, mod/fast, xtra fast.
08-11-2006, 07:58 PM
myles, my words to a T.......... phill trust me you will not find a better blank to build a rod ... have a chat to myles he does know his stuff
09-11-2006, 11:21 AM
Ian I don't know about that.
09-11-2006, 07:44 PM
Thanks guys.
do you have a link to a site for the blanks ?
09-11-2006, 08:57 PM
10-11-2006, 04:27 PM
Thanks Myles, I've had a good look around the site and it appears to me I need a :-
Graphite USA ( dual Helix ) SW70HP 7' Fast taper 15-24kg stick.
You thoughts on this one ? Putting my little TLD on it and using 50lb Braid
Cheers Phill
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