View Full Version : Livewell Installation & Bits

14-01-2002, 09:26 AM
I want to set up a half decent livewell in my hornet. I has planned to mount it just on front of the side console. Any suggestions on where I can go to look at suitable tanks of varying sizes (optimum would be 60cm x 44cm x 27cm) and also quick fit / disconnect fittings to take it out when required.


16-01-2002, 04:03 PM

Most of the boating catalogs have livetank kits in them - Bias, Whitworths, Harborside chandlery, etc.

From experience, one point that might help. Make sure that whatever system you use introduces the incoming fresh water at the bottom of the tank, not the top. There are many systems where the fresh water is introduced at the top of the tank - what you end up with is no circulation of fresh water into the bottom of the tank, and lots of dead livies (now there's an oxymoron for you!!). Most of them do this to prevent siphoning when the pump is off.

If you do get a system with a top input, just plumb it down to the bottom of the tank with some suitable plastic pipe and elbows. If syphoning looks like being a problem, a small plastic non-return valve fitted to the outlet at the bottom of the tank will fix that. I use the plastic non-return valve off a $2 plastic fuel syphon pump available from BBC Hardware.

Jim Linden

17-01-2002, 03:40 AM
Thanks Jim. Was starting to wonder if everyone was still on holidays.
Good point with the water inlet at the bottom. I plan to run fresh water inlet through a timer and a KeepAlive infusor to oxygenate.
I'm pretty much decided on building in a section forward of my console - half I can use for livewell and the other half for extra storage. This will also allow a largere casting platform at the front. Trick now is to find someone compotent to do the work.


23-01-2002, 04:36 PM

I've just gone through the whole experience of chasing all the facts, prices, etc for designing a live tank although I've designed mine for keeping live bait. It's all the same principles though.

Firstly the tank you use should have rounded corners. This minimises the stress on the fish and in my case with livebait it stops them getting rednose and schooling in the corners which eventually kills them. I have made the most use of the space and I bought two drawers from Bunnings to sit under the livetank for a little extra storage space (You can never have enough...as we all know!!) I agree with Jim about plumbing it at the bottom of the tank as it helps aerate the whole tank and not just the top half because the fresh stuff is running out of the overflow. I have a 1 inch connection plumbed in to the tank with a hose running down to a bilge pump on a flow through mount on the transom (available at most boating stores and is a stainless steel bilge mount with a small pipe protruding from it). You could modify your hose connection to the tank in your instance by putting quick release garden hose style connectors. The bilge mount itself circulates fresh water through the tank at any speed over 10 knots without having to use the bilge. You'll have to put in an overflow near the top of the tank which I drain over the back of the transom. The overflow should be 1/3 from the top of the tank and for a 1 inch hose, the overflow should be at least 2 inches. The size of the bilge depends on the size of the tank. Sorry but I only have a US style chart for this. (I think a gallon is about 4.5 litres)
7 to 16 gallons = 360 bilge
17 to 30 gallons = 500 bilge
30 to 40 gallons = 700 bilge
37 to 52 gallons = 1100 bilge

Lastly, don't forget to put a drain plug down the bottom for when you've finished for the day and are cleaning up.

If you scoop the scum of the top of the tank every now and again and run the bilge every 30-60mins (depending on the size of the tank and the amount of fish in it) you should keep your fish or bait alive for your whole days fishing. Aside from the tank itself, you should get change back out of $100.

Very long winded but I hope it helps.


24-01-2002, 01:26 PM
Thanks Maverick,

I'm slowly putting it all together. Shortage of the jonny cash has me slowed at the moment. I'm gunna use the existing pump which is a 500gph mounted thru hull.. The tail coming from the pump to the tank is 3/4 - a simple skin fitting at the top and elbow to the bottom, as Jim suggested sounds the go. The outlet is 1inch so I'll have to revisit that. Maybe go from 2 inch out of the tank to a reducer.

I got myself one of the keepalive infusors to aerate while the pump is not running.

Again thanks for the info. I like to know I'm on the right track at least.
