View Full Version : hi I'm looking for a try gull wing

28-04-2002, 03:36 PM
i Im loking for a try gull wing 5m to 7m in length can anybody help me with anything

28-04-2002, 04:19 PM
Hi there,

I think Ralph Morgan was the agent for those when he had the yard at Newstead although he retired a couple of years back...

Give Harry up at Holt Marine in Everton Hills a go - he may be able to help. :)

02-05-2002, 07:43 AM
Have a look at the Hydrofields www.hydrofield.com

They should have something to suit. I have the smallest in the range (4m) and haven't been in a safer more stable boat for its size, I think they are more stable than alot of other boats much bigger.

