View Full Version : AM/FM RADIO

23-09-2002, 07:28 AM
I am about to install a AM/FM radio in the boat .
I have a spare AE60 27mhz aerial and want to know if this aerial will do the job for the AM/FM as well so that it can be mounted on the opposite side of the boat to the current 27mhz aerial hooked to the CB , or will I have to buy another aerial to meet this application .
I asked at the boat shop but the kid there gave me a blank look .
So can someone who knows more about it let me know . http://www.ausfish.com.au/chat/images/smilies/cwm1.gif
http://www.ausfish.com.au/chat/images/smilies/cwm1.gifThanks Reel Hard

23-09-2002, 07:49 AM
G'day Reelhard
Sorry Mate you are up for a new one.
Lots of people use tose cheep rubber
aerials you buy from Supercheap,etc.
Sadly they are only chrome over mild steel so prone to rust,but at 8 or 9
Bucks I guess you can afford to replace them.

23-09-2002, 04:30 PM
A spare AE60 27mhz on a Am/FM is a fairly good move as it can be a spare/backup/redundant antenna for the 27mhz radio.

I basically do a similar thing with a VHF antenna and if there is any difference in the commercial radio reception the I don't notice it..

Cheers, Kerry.

23-09-2002, 05:05 PM
I Bow To Your Superior Knowledge On The Subject.
Cheers Flynny

23-09-2002, 05:41 PM
Hi all
you can buy a splitter device that allows you to connect 27meg and radio at the same time and there is no inpedence to either
cheers blaze

24-09-2002, 04:45 AM
Can't say I agree with radio splitters as a radio (27mhz, VHF etc) used/required as a saftey device should have a dedicated aerial and not have to "share" with anything else that is simply a convenience device (music box).

Cheers, Kerry.

24-09-2002, 02:30 PM
Thanks fellas , the info has been very helpful , I am sure to be listening to tunes in no time , cant wait til the cricket starts again but .

27-09-2002, 07:25 PM
You'll be too busy listening to the SCREAM of the reel.
Cheers Flynny