View Full Version : 'Trunk' needs replacing

13-11-2003, 11:38 AM
Hi all,
Had a prob with the 50hp merc 4-stroke on the w'end. It was spraying water out from near the bracket that joins motor to boat (i have no idea when it comes to technical terms) and as a result was overheating due to the fact water wasn't flowing through and cooling the engine on normal fashion. Got Springwood Marine to look at it today, apparently they need to replace the 'trunk'. They quoted $1700 to fix it! :o :o I'm in the position where I am unable to work on it myself and therefore must get them to fit it.
Can anyone share some light on how a 'trunk' would break? What are your opinions on the quoted price? Are there any other options available?
Some help/other opinions would be appreciated.

13-11-2003, 03:51 PM
sounds like they are talking about the top of the leg but not sure as all the o/b's I have pulled apart (not that many) have a internal pipe from the pump upto the motor, hope some else can shed some more light on it for you but sounds mighty expensive for a water leak

13-11-2003, 04:38 PM
i think the expensive part is the labour cost, they have to take the powerhead off and gearbox out just to get at it :'(

13-11-2003, 04:42 PM
Mate thats no good, I have no idea what really would be going on especially with the 4 strokes. Would bet my house anything that it can be welded guaranteed, do the ringing around and find a good welder who has experience in high content magnesium/aluminium welding. Give these new part or nothing dealer types the flick they have no imagination or customer care, I have had many professionaly declaired unfixable problems fixed forever over the years, just think outside the square. Good luck and let us know how you go. Just a thought if you have a mate who is handy with stuff or if you are consider 2 part epoxy liquid metal, amazing stuff!!!! Might not suit your particular problem but worth mentioning. Good luck.nq

13-11-2003, 04:54 PM
Hi again just read your above reply, 15 minutes to remove gearbox with sleep in you eyes, 25 to refit, powerhead 1 hour max to remove, 2 to refit, plus a couple of gaskets I hate how the industry considers overcharging as normal these days, wish you lived up here we could do it under the house for $100 excluding welding but including a new waterpump impeller, plugs and leg oil. Nq

13-11-2003, 05:02 PM
most OB have a removeable water tube from pump to powerhead which has O rings on the ends ..
how old is the motor. merc four can't be that old? 2,3,4 warranty.
have they started yet??
know bloke at Kingston next to kingston park raceway that is a wiz with mercs or any other brand for that matter, cheap too. his name is Ted ( asian guy ) funny prick but good mechanic don't have Ph Number. just drop in dont be put off by yard!!

14-11-2003, 06:13 AM
Thanks guys for your replies...
NQ - i wish i did live up that way - definitly work out cheaper.
Cloud_9 - i'll give that guy a call, however being a relitively new motor (4-5yrs) theres bugger all 2nd hand parts around for them.

Dad went and had a talk to the guys at Springwood today apparently whats happened is some rubber capping corroded allowing water to corrode another metal seal which caused the leak. but to replace the seal/tubing/rubber cap, i have to replace a whole piece of the motor from just below the powerhead down to just above the pump - a $1100 part!

14-11-2003, 08:07 AM
I just thought i'd add that I'm not bagging Springwood Marine here at all. They've done nothing but help with any problems/servicing in the past, everyone has to make a living and are now as i type searching around for a cheaper part/better price for me [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

14-11-2003, 08:57 AM
Hi DC, I was just having another of my generalised spits, I bought a depthsounder many years ago from springwood and had no complaints. With regard to your problem I truely believe a person has only got half the advice available when they leave a dealership in a lot of cases, they are in the parts repalcement industry if you get my drift.
Your problem just smells like it may be fixable, but I am sitting behind a computer, ask a mechanic (mobile guy?)to pull the beast down till you have the culprit in your hot little hands then visit a 2 or 3 engineering shops to ask what they can do, if it can be fixed to new or better they will be able to tell you, not a dealership.
Good luck with it, mayby someone here with the basic skills needed could help you pull it down (simple really).

Here is an example of what I mean - mate with busted skeg up high near gearcase got advice from 3 different marine parts replacement shops all said the ONLY way to repair (too close to gearbox housing) in his case was to strip the gearcase and weld the replacement fin on then reassemble (big$$$) and no guarantee due to possible warpage.
We with the help of a talented welder friend sealed and inverted the whole lot under water except for the area to be welded and took our time not allowing any heat to sink towards the seals, Anyway all fixed for 10% of what the experts quoted as the ONLY way and done in the back yard. Just a thought, dont want to get your hopes up, it may be a scrapper anyway, really hope you get it sorted to your satisfaction. nq

30-11-2003, 08:26 AM
Hi all,
Picked up the boat today, 2 1/2 weeks and $1405 later :o
Replaced the 'trunk' with a new part that needed to be shipped from the states! I have a 12 mounth warranty on the part, I can't wait to get out there tomorrow and give it a run.

30-11-2003, 01:54 PM
I wondered what happened to you, good to hear you are back on the water, hope you brain them (fish that is). nq

30-11-2003, 02:10 PM
I will keep an eye out for you.
Good to see you going again.
Any word on what caused the problem.
Cheers kev