View Full Version : Keel Guard

18-04-2005, 04:53 PM
Just wondering if anyone has “keel guard” the rubber strip on the keel attached to their boat and to find out if you are happy with it or not? With all this talk of launching and retrieving solo in other threads, I thought this may be an option for fibreglass rather than (but a bit more expensive than ::)) throwing a piece of carpet out onto the ramp to avoid scratching the hull ;D


19-04-2005, 04:05 AM
Hi Brenmer

I investigated a keel guard when I first bought my new fibreglass Haines as I had damage on the ramp in mind (launching & retrieving). I was advised that the correct glue is very important (a 3m product if my memory serves me correctly) as the keel guards tend to not stick permanently with some glues and leaves an unsightly glue mess on the boat that is hard to remove. Also they are expensive for what you get. Fixing the keel guard is hard also as it is done upside down as guard wants to separate and drop before glue grips and sets.

I decided against it opting instead on retrieval to slip over the side just as I enter the ramp and before touching it and then have the deckie hold it till trailer backed down. Similarly on launching I rely on the deckie but after the post on solo launching I might try to use a little bit of sand not far from the ramp to hold the boat.

Hope that helps.

:) :)


19-04-2005, 04:08 AM
Back again

I forgot thata Keel Guards were discussed on this site some 9-12mths ago. If you do a search you might be able to locate it and get some extra info.

All the best

:) :)


19-04-2005, 05:02 AM
A mate of mine has had keel guard fitted to his V Sea for a few years. He uses his boat on a regular basis and has not had any problems with it. The original glue that came with the strip is still holding as good as the day it was put on. The trick is to make sure you follow the instructions and have clean hull before you attach the strip.

Just remember it,s function is to protect the fiberglass from minor impacts. It is does not make your boat keel bullet proof. Common sense means you impact the ramp with as little force as possible as Keel guard is just a strip of plastic when all is said and done.

19-04-2005, 05:13 AM
Thanks for the tip on the search Morlers. I had a good read and gather its all in the glue ;). I was thinking of having it fitted professionally but will wait for a little more advice before I do anything.
