View Full Version : Who to service my trailer bearings?

17-04-2005, 07:21 PM
Hi All,

My trailer is a year old now and after a trip, there is a slight squeaking noise coming from the right wheel bearing.

I would like to get the bearings taken out and serviced, but the question is, who do I take it to? A trailer place or a boat shop?

I just don't have the time to do it myself and rather spend that time fishing :)

Any suggestions appreciated.

17-04-2005, 07:28 PM
any mechanic should do a satisfactory bearing change.
really a job for the apprentice though.
boat dealers would be my last choice,
if you must use them, insist on being present for the
30 minute operation, some honesty horror stories abound.
refer to my trailer post, boat mechanic replaced mine 12
months earlier, lol. these guys can be outright liars.

i can't see how time is your problem anyhow, by the time you
hitch up and take it to someone, you could have done it
yourself. it's definately not rocket science.

18-04-2005, 02:58 AM
I agree with Aido, by the time you take it to somebody, drop it of, go back and pick it up and pay for it etc etc. you could have done it at home (especially if it's a single axle). If need be invite a mate for a beer and job will be done. Good also if you pull them apart yourself you can have a good look at everything else around that area.
Remember to read all the threads on trailer bearings on this site and you should be right for all the good information. (or ready to buy a new trailer ;))
Good luck though.

18-04-2005, 03:14 AM
the other thing to think about is if its squeaking now you may not make it to a service center, may have a complete failure before ya get there.
Do it your self

18-04-2005, 12:54 PM
I regreased my trailer bearings for the first time it took just over 1 hr and was easy.

PS all I did was wipe all the old grease out should I have cleaned the bearing with anything ????

18-04-2005, 01:14 PM
Clean em in petrol, cheap and easy


18-04-2005, 02:36 PM
not only a matter of cleaning them, you need to inspect the cup and also the inner race where the rollers run as if there is any pitting under the rollers they will need replacing

19-04-2005, 10:47 AM
Ok, I'll get off my lazy butt and do the bearings myself. Went out and bought myself some bearing grease yesterday. Now the question is, do I have ford or holden bearings? (brooker 134 trailer). Also, the squeaking is just after it gets hot, and I only notice it when I push the trailer back into the yard after a trip, seems to be fine otherwise. Does this mean I have to change the bearings?

19-04-2005, 10:53 AM
I would think so as they shouldnt get hot, when repacking the bearings make sure you palm the grease through the rollers, put a smear on the cups, lubricate the seal. When you remove the bearings there will be numbers on the bearings, take the numbers to a bearing service centre and they will give you the right ones
do a search on trailer and you will find a heap of good info on this site

19-04-2005, 01:51 PM
clean the bearings in diesel/kero - easier on your hands & nostrils & leaves a slight oily film on steel parts thats discourages the "red cancer"

19-04-2005, 04:07 PM
H*ll do it yourself mechanics charge like wounded bulls these days then maybe overcharge you for cheap bearings .
Take one of your bearings out take it to a bearing service centre that way you will have the right bearings ( inner and outer for both sides )
pick up a can of marine grease maybe $10.00 pack the bearings full of grease . Who knows you mey learn something about a thing called maintainance a thing more of us can do with.

So FOR GOD SAKE save your self some cash and learn what mainainance is like the rest of us

cheers andy

20-04-2005, 09:36 AM
Never thought of that aspect Chris, great suggestion. As for repacking the bearings it is well worth the investment toget yourself a grease gun and a bearing packer. It makes for easier cleaner and guaranteed correct packing of the bearings. I'm fortunbate that i have mate that is a mobile mechanic who I can bludge off....:)