View Full Version : she is gone

20-05-2005, 05:35 AM
:( :'( frst moning without boat in my back yard . I can tall u looks very sad . yes i sold my boat to happy buyer and i hope he will more fun than me . I had to sold her due to siknes in family to make trip to europe. hope to get another one by mid nex year .
so guys if you need someone to go fishing gime call .
bignick it is very goot to her you got your boat on water and she peforming very good and looks like it is fish magnet

20-05-2005, 05:55 AM
They say that the 2 happiest days in a boat owner's life is the day you buy it and the day you sell it. Not in your case No_luck, so I hope you get over the grieving process really quickly. Shame about the reasons though....

21-05-2005, 11:49 AM
Look on the bright side, you're only 34 mate, and you've probably still got many boats to go through yet.

Till then there's plenty of spots around to toss a line in off the bank. Ya don't need a boat to be a good fisherman.


22-05-2005, 07:46 PM
thanks guys,
is not that i had to sale boat it is whan is something camms unplaned and u think yep this is what i alway want new boat brend new and after 9 mounts u have to sale whan is best season for fishing it gets u realy hard . yesterday I pull out my old roads for beach and rocks fishing now i going tru rest of gear and soon i will bi fishing from soutport jety and rest of good spots i use to go and have fun .if all gose ok by nex mid year should start look for boat
cheers No_luck

22-05-2005, 07:58 PM
The name No-luck prob isnt doing you any good. Keep an eye out for my going fishin reports as I often am looking for crew ;). Best of luck.
Cheers, Jay

23-05-2005, 10:10 AM
Hey Matt
How big is the spanish in your avatar there mate?

Regards, Tony

24-05-2005, 04:40 AM
Hey Matt
How big is the spanish in your avatar there mate?

Regards, Tony


That Spaniard weighed in at 46 kilo (101 pound).


24-05-2005, 05:23 AM
I think i have to do something with my nickname is not doing good sofar it is good for fishing u know we all say on away back on ramp: whan someone asking, ANY LUCK MATE we will say no luck today, we all say that more often than verygood day .
i will keep eye for it