19-03-2006, 04:39 PM
As the tread says i am after any advice on the whittley voyager. what do you need to look out for in the whitleys? Are the bunks bug enough to sleep on is a 70l tank big enough for a 115 (trips of moreton) etc.

I know that they are normal questions but hopefully will be able to help me out deciding on one of these.

Last but not least how do they ride I have a signature now ony 16ft but how do these boats go in a bit of rough like the bay?



19-03-2006, 06:55 PM
Are the bunks bug enough to sleep on is a 70l tank big enough for a 115 (trips of moreton) etc.

Dunno about the bug sizes but I have the Whittley Sovereign and a brilliant though expensive boat!

They tend to be more of a caravan finish and unless they have changed there are no such things bait wells, rear stowage compartmentsd, rod holders etc. Magnificent finish but if I had my time again I would spend the extra money on setting up a cheaper boat with exytra goodies that come in useful for fishing.

70L seems really skinny to me .................... what model outboard is it?
If it is a new one then fuel consumption could be as low as 12L/Hour but even at that you don't have a lot to play about with!
Whitley are usually happy to customize their boats so maybe they can give it more fuel space?

Greg Nickerson the owner of Northside Marine a call on 3265 8000 as he knows Whittleys backwards - top guy and won't rip you off. Tell him Ian Fischer said to give you special attention - won't work of course but worth a bit of name dropping.

Great boats and just keep on going with an excellent resale value to boot!

19-03-2006, 07:39 PM
Thanks PP this is a second hand one it has a 2003 115 evenrude on it. Have been looking around and they seem to be getting good reviews apart a issue with rot in there transoms!!

Yeah I see what u mean about resale as they are still bloody expensive to buy second hand

Thanks for your help keep the input coming



26-03-2006, 06:27 PM
they are a very nice boat, the finish is excellent!! they dont ride to bad either.