View Full Version : Project Punt: 3.95m Bermuda Discovery
04-11-2005, 09:18 AM
Hi All,
Decided to get my first boat last week , a 3.95 Bermuda Discovery and 25hp Merc tiller 2000 model. PLan to do some mods to the rig and set it up to fish some Bass electric comps and general lure casting.
I plan to install front casting deck with 2 hatches in the fron before the first thwart seat and extend the deck past the seat and install a plumbed 120l live well tank with a divider.
Also a rear casting deck with hatches to store fuel an batterys. Also woll get a paint job and a new 71lb bow mount electric up front. Its not a small project but will be a lot of fun.I will keep you updated of the progress and if run into troubles also ask for idea's.
Here is a pic of here now before starting
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04-11-2005, 09:21 AM
Here is another pic of her.
04-11-2005, 12:03 PM
Go for it mate cause it looks like a nice boat to do up. ;)
Cant wait to see the pictures once its complete.
Are you using it for freshwater fishing only ;)
04-11-2005, 06:27 PM
Nice boat to do a project on.
Should look good when finished.
Remember measure twice and cut/drill once ;D ;D ;D
I enjoyed finishing my boat, wiring, lights etc.
04-11-2005, 07:12 PM
HI All,
I am setting it up for lure fishing, mainly fresh but salt when weather permits. I would say 70% fresh to 30% salt. Winter is a time where more salt will be added with the squire in close and the great weather we have then.
I have taken the floor out to strengthen. Bought 10mtrs of 25mm-25mm square alloy tube to build the floor and livewell tank out off. Will post some pics of the floor strenthened soon.
04-11-2005, 08:32 PM
Hi. I have an almost identical boat in the Savage Tropical series, V-Punt. I have set mine up very similar to what you want to do. One thing, however, the 71lb minn kota will be an overkill. I tested several motors [from a number of mates] and went with a 40lb Riptide. The boat FLYS and, needing only one deep cylce battery, has been run for 6 hours straight and when I got home to recharge it, it only took an hour. Hardly chewed any power at all. You'll be better off with a smaller electric and spend some of the extra dollars you save on two deep cycle batteries. Also, set your battery storage up front - less distance for the leads to the bow mount, and better balance for the boat. 50kg's of batteries down the back end where you sit [and your fuel is stored] is a bit much for the v-punt on those days you fish alone. Other than that, a great little weapon. I love mine and it's perfect for those weekends where the weather isn't right for the bluewater.
04-11-2005, 11:30 PM
Hi Fishframe,
I was planning to store the deep cycles up front like yours and the battery to run the sounders down the back.the deep cycles for the electric are currently planned to be located located either side of the live well to even things up.
The only reason for the larger electric is when fished in other boats fitted with a 55lb some times we havnt had enough push to overcome the tide. Also is the electric comps it can be advantagous to get to spots before others ;D
Some guys in the comps have 3 electrics!!!! Maybe a overkill with the extra weight of the batteries. Also after doing research most people who have upgraded from 12v to 24v systems say its like chalk and cheese and reccommend going the 24v system.
Can you send me a pic of your rig for setup ideas?What size outboard do you have. The 25hp pushes the punt very nicely. Once the Matrix with gps is installed I will be able to get some figures.
I will post a basic plan og the hull tommorrow
05-11-2005, 06:03 PM
Here is a pic of the floor as it came. I have added T supports as the floor flexed under foot. I have used 25mm-25mm square alloy tubing which will be used to contruct the livewell and casting deck as well.
05-11-2005, 06:06 PM
Here is the pic of the floor supports in place and ready to be welded.
Will start on the livewell construction this week that will fit behind the front thwart seat.
07-11-2005, 07:02 AM
What sort of battery do you use for the electric??
07-11-2005, 02:28 PM
I did something similair to what you are doing now to my 425 Stessl ET. Started with a bare boat, ended up with front and rear casting platforms with raised centre floor with underfloor storage. Whole inside of boat is covered in marine carpet including the sidewalls to cut down on glare and hard surfaces to rash my fishing gear. Took me around 6months on and off, and boat is exactly how I wanted it! Everything has been great with the exception of some recurring cracking in the welds of the false floor frame. Tinnies are made to flex a bit to soften their ride, and when you weld supports in for a floor, they keep breaking! Looks like you have alot of supports in though so hopefully you won't have too many dramas. It also doesn't help basing the boat through some serious chop during the week I spent over on hinchinbrook, 25kn sou'east tradewinds isn't ideal fishing weather!
I also believe the 71lb 'lecky will be overkill, I have a 54lb motorguide, and it had no probs pushing around the boat with 2 people, 50hp main motor fuel tanks, etc up in the creeks of hinchinbrook earlier this year in huge tides and 20+kn of wind. I use a 130Ah Trojan deep cycle and get a few hours use no dramas, especially if I do a bit of running around on the main motor as I've had it wired with an 11amp alternator.
Good luck with the build, hope everything goes off without a hitch..
07-11-2005, 06:24 PM
Mate don't start all that work just yet its fishing season. Well done on your first bout, what did it set you back?
22-11-2005, 06:46 PM
Hi All,
thought I would do a update on Project Punt. Been busy at work but have manged to do some work on it. I have sent the boat off to a boat builder to weld in some casting deck supports for me. We have gear at work but no enough penetration for the floor supports. Pick the boat up tomorrow and will post pics of the supports in place.
While its been away i have cut up some 25mm Rhs alloy to make the live well tank out off. I have attached a pic of the tanks frame work just put together at this stage with some tape to check it all lines up etc.
The 2 tangs at each end of the tank are supports for a support bar to run across which have not been cut down yet. I am going to line the tank with 1-2 mm alloy sheeting.
The tank it self will be sitting on to off 2 floor supports.
Bye for now
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22-11-2005, 06:48 PM
Here is another view of the tank frame. i have worked out that it will hold 80Ltrs.
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26-11-2005, 02:53 PM
Hi all,
picked up the boat from the welders. wow what a great job. The boys have welded supports from the front bench seat to the front storage area. I have attached a pic of the front welds.
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26-11-2005, 02:56 PM
Here is a pic of the transom welds done. Cannot wait to start the decks ;D
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26-11-2005, 02:58 PM
Here is a close up of one side of the transom. The tabs on the top are for the deck to sit underneath in between the tab and support and hold in place.
26-11-2005, 03:03 PM
I ahve started the front deck last night . I am using 12mm structural ply with 2 coats of clear laqour. Once happy woth it all I will carpet it all over. I have added 1 hatch to access under the floor.
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Looks like a man on a mission ;D
BTW Aaron,
ascii art ??
Now everyone will know you're a reformed 'puter nerd ;)
procedure SundayMorning;
if (wake up) and (feeling lucky) then
SpouseAggressionLevel:=SnuggleUP * Grumbling;
If SpouseAggressionLevel <= 5 then
27-11-2005, 10:27 AM
I have a 3.85 Quintrex explorer which is the same boat practically. You have now given me the urge to do more with it, all I have done is the floor between the seats. I really like the way you have framed the storage area up the front, i was going to rivot and sikaflex (mainly because my boat is painted). I would like to build a live well into the front seat as well. Keep up the good work and keep us posted with photos.
27-11-2005, 09:01 PM
Thanks Murray for the encouragement.
I have been busy today doing the rear casting deck. it is in 6 sections and has gone in nicely. Here is a pic of the rear deck so far.
27-11-2005, 09:08 PM
I have now added my lean to seat up front to use while driving the electric and fishing from. Its mounted throught the bench seat.
I have decided to get a custom fiberglass live well made which I will plumb when its finished. My home made joby after a bit of thought was scraped for a better made one. Just letting the last coat of marine varnish dry overnight before attemting to carpet the decks.
i see a stubbie in the background of the last shot.
How many so far?
great boat. looks fab........ricated. are you a pro with the TIG or just hire and weld as required?
Looks very proffesional. well done.
Cheers, Roo.
P.s. Theres hope for my quinny explorer yet.
01-12-2005, 02:51 PM
Thanks Roo,
No not a welder, sourced local alloy boat builder to do the welds for me. I thought it is best to get the pro to do as you dont want to weld to the wrong area and your welds crack in no time :-[
Well I have carpeted the decks now and added my seat down the back. I am really happy how the whole thing had turned out so far. Just waiting to pic up my fiberglass live bait tank up so i can organise some more floor supports to be welded up. Once thats done I can gety some more carpet and ply and do it up as well.
At leats now I can fish from it. ;D ;D
here is the front deck with hatch
01-12-2005, 02:55 PM
Here is a pic of the back deck with seat fitted. ;D
01-12-2005, 03:07 PM
Here is a pic if the rear deck with the seat and 1 hatch removed. The seat is mounted using a seat mount for the pedastal seat up front, a solid 19mm metal rod that fits in to the hole on the deck.
Looks like a man on a mission ;D
BTW Aaron,
ascii art ??
Now everyone will know you're a reformed 'puter nerd ;)
procedure SundayMorning;
if (wake up) and (feeling lucky) then
SpouseAggressionLevel:=SnuggleUP * Grumbling;
If SpouseAggressionLevel <= 5 then
Ah another Delphi/pascal programmer hey......
01-12-2005, 07:49 PM
well done mate keep up the good work :) :)
01-12-2005, 09:52 PM
Great job.
Glad to see you made the hatches a generous size.
02-12-2005, 08:03 AM
Gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside when a good job is done by yourself.
Job done to just what you want, usually to a better standard and a LOT cheaper to boot.
Keep up the good work :D
02-12-2005, 01:13 PM
AG,how much has all the welding done cost u so far...?????? :D
02-12-2005, 01:49 PM
I got the welding done for $200. I thought that was pretty good as I was quoted $500 from another place. I will be going back to get the live well supports done as well once I get my livewell tank picked up tomorrow.
All up so far it has costed $500 for the floor,carpet welding and bit and pieces.
03-12-2005, 08:59 AM
Have you decided what colour you are going to paint it? You seem to see lots of boats painted white with red or black sides. Mine is all white with a few stickers and looks a bit poxy.
03-12-2005, 09:02 AM
I only recently put the bimini on, I was sick of getting roasted
03-12-2005, 01:21 PM
Hi Murray,
With my seats being mainly red with a white and grey stripe i was thinking of painting the sides red witha white border and white with black flex inside for the glare. I was also thinking of grey for inside but to many colours the cost climbs.Your boat dosnt look poxy 8-)I was going to p[aint all white but thought something a bit different would be nice ;D
I picked up the fiberglass tank this morning and was very hapy with the job done. The tank is gelcoated grey inside and then 3 layers of glass thrown over. I have attached a pic if the tank put in the boat to show where it going to be placed. The tank sits on the original floor supports but soon will also have supports running under the flange/lip of the tank.The flange of the tank closest to the deck will sit under the deck and be pop riveted down.
Once the welding is done i will be able to plumb it and pop rivet down.
03-12-2005, 01:27 PM
Here is a pic of the bung recess. I plan to put a divider in the tank. The fiberglassers are working on a new mold with built in devider recess. I plan to use 2 lengths of angle running down each side siliconed in and a pece if perspec or alloy with hole drilled into it. I also plan to run 2 overflow hoses from each side of the tank to each side of the boat. I wont be painting unitl early next year.
03-12-2005, 01:48 PM
Hi Aaron
You don't think that by mounting the live well back there you might run into planing problems. I have a plastic 95l tank and I have to but it up to the front seat to be able to get on the plane, and the boat also goes lots faster the futher forward the weight is. This might be a problem because I only have a 9.9Hp Merc but it is something to think about.
03-12-2005, 02:51 PM
Hi Murray,
I hear what you are saying but I mainly plan to use the live well in bass electric comps and because you are under electric power getting up on the plane is not a issue. Also I will be up front with the foot control elec tric.
For general fishing i wont prob use the tank all the time and I am hopng the 25hp will get it up on the plain. I am going to put some polystryrine insulation on the outside of the tank and when not keeping fish alive it can be used as a esky ;D ;D
04-12-2005, 09:09 AM
Its looking good...... A question if I may, how were you able to get the nuts on those bolts that hold the rear seat bracket through the thwart ?
I have done a similar thing with a rear cast deck in my tinnie, and am considering the same type of seat as the one in your picture. What has me stumped though is how to get the nuts onto the bolts, as my tinnie has all the flotation under the thwart which kinda makes it hard to get anywhere near the bolts without removing some of the flotation.
Is that bracket for the seat a custom jobby or is it an off the shelf item ?
04-12-2005, 01:16 PM
Hi Cam,
I have the same problem as you but the bolts are actually self tappers abd self tappered to the thwart seat and has no nuts. I was after some self tapper screw that would flush mount but there was none at Bias. I might have a look at a hardwear store for some.
The seat mount is of the shelf also from Bias. I think it will take some time before the selftappers will loosen or strip out. A nut would be perferred but hard to do.
If you have any more Q dont hesitate to ask.
Took the boat for a blat down to Maroon dam this morning to see how she handles and performs. Top speed was 24knts or 44km/hr and had no prob getting on the plan with 2 aboard and some load. Caught a few bass too, nothing speacial but nice fish also.
The project will slow down now till after christmas as money will be tight for jobs needed to be done. My first traget is to get the live well up and running and also carpet it. I hope to get a electric soon as well once I sell my kayak.
09-12-2005, 09:33 AM
Nice job on the boat Aaron.
09-12-2005, 10:03 AM
Beautiful looking job Aaron and I'm sure it will be worth all the effort that you're putting into it.
Well done mate.
20-12-2005, 01:22 PM
Hi All,
Done a few small things to the boat in the last few weeks. I have made a small side console that is home to a 4 switch panel and my sounder and gps antenna. I made it out of some ply offcuts from the decks. It has come up realy well and I can swivel the sounder around an view from the front.
I also have wored the boat up for the nav lights and intalled rear anchor light as well. I have gone for the removable polesetup with the 2 pic recepticle. I have also fitted my bilge pump and wiring.
this will keep me happy until this friday when my new electric bow mount turns up ;D ;D I have decided to go big an get a Motorguide 24V 71Lb fresh water bow mount. I have gone for a large unit as the electric comps it is a advantage to get to spots first and when some guys are using 3 electrics to power boat I need some power. I am hoping I can do at least 5km /hr with the 1 motor. the fastest I have sen the boats go is about 6.5km /hr.
I will keep you updated on the electric installation and performance. Cannot wait to get out and fish with the electric.
26-12-2005, 08:44 PM
Hi All,
After 2 trips to the coomera last week i have founf a prob with my setup. I had origanally had the gps antenna mounted right next to my sounder. I was getting a gps position but my speed was not being displayed.
I have now added a small side mount and moved the antenna away from the sounder. I beleive I was getting interferance from the head unit. Havent tested thebtheory but hopefully this will solve it.
here is a pic of the mod to the side console.
26-12-2005, 08:50 PM
Today with a christmas hangover i have added 2 more hatches to the front deck. I plan to put my batteries up front for the elctric in a sealed plastic storage container. I have followed the thread on battery location btu feel up front is the best position for my boat.
I added the extra hatches so when the lastic containers is up front with the batteries I can still store some gear up front as well like torch and raincoat.
I am picking up the elecrtric this wed 28dec. Cannot wait to install the electric. It got held up with all th christmas mail :(
Here is the front deck with the 3 hatched opened.
26-12-2005, 08:56 PM
The carpeted light grey thing under the hatches is a V shaped support that makes a flat floor support for the battery container to sit on.
Here is it all colosed up again.
02-01-2006, 09:55 PM
Hi All,
my new elctric bow mount turned up last week after a few delays. Took home and installed that night. I got a 71lb Motorguide freshwater series motor. I have attched a anode for salt water use.
I have managed to install without needing my front rails cut. The 2 130ah deep cycles are mounted in my center hatch up front for now until my front deck is extended and the batteries moved toward the center of the boat.
Here is a pic of it fitted.
02-01-2006, 09:56 PM
Here is another view of the motor.
26-02-2006, 09:53 AM
Gidday Aaron,
How's the boat going??
01-04-2006, 04:17 PM
Any chance of an update on the boat? Now you have had a chance to test it all out, are you happy with it? Would you change anything...?
01-04-2006, 07:48 PM
hi aron
top jod mate i've had the same boat and it was great i did a few little upgrades my self but in the end the boat was that little bit to small.
23-04-2006, 10:11 PM
Hi All,
Sorry for the slow updates but I have been busy working and fishing. Over the last few months I have been slowly adding a few bits and peices. I have put in a new floor in the centre section made from 17mm ply which is nice and strong and solid.
I have also moved my batteries from the front and made a box located in front the the rear bench seat. The nose was a little to heavy,great in the fresh water but when out in the bay, the nose was heavy in big chop.
I also got around to getting the last of the welding done and got the live well supports done this week. I have attched a pic of the supports.The live well fits in really tight and am looking forward to putting the well in and plumbing.I had to rip up the front deck, new floor and battery box so will post pics of them later.
23-04-2006, 10:21 PM
Here is a pic of the live well/esky in the supports . I plan to insulate the well with 20mm polystyrine foam so it has some insulation to aid in the esky role.
I have plumbed the tank with a fill line with spray bar, a bottom drain hole with pipe fitting to determine water height in the live well and also 2 overflows , 1 each side of the well that drain out the side of the boat via skin fittings.
The drain also runs via 20mm hose out to the transom where I have installed another skin fitting.
23-04-2006, 10:29 PM
In this pic you can see the transom and the fittings added. The white fitting to the left is the drain outlet. On the far right is the transom mounted live well pump and fittings. I have also installed 2 check valves for safety. One is fitted on the outlet side of the live well pump and the other just before the outlet on the transom. This stops the drain outlet and hose filling with water . All hose fittings have stainless steel hose clamps fitted.
I have added a generous amount of marine sealent also to all skin fittings and pump espeacially under the water line.
23-04-2006, 10:42 PM
Here is a pic of the transom live well pump and bilge pump located in the right hand side of the boat. You can see the check valve (black). Tomorrow I am going to modify the front casting floor and also add the live well floor and panels. I also plan to insulate the live well hatch if i have time.
Will post pics soon of the job.
I am doing something similar with my Punt (see fitting out my punt) I have a few questions.
I have made a live tank out of ply which I will fibreglass. And then cover with Marine carpet to match the rest of the boat.
What bilge setup do you have, I see the black pickup line from the transom of the boat, does this then go to a Flow-through type pump? The marine shop here said to screw the pump to the outside of the transom but I was always a little dubious about this... Also, my overflow will probably be below the water you pump your overflow out with another pump?? How do I calculate the litre capacity of the tank? Thanks mate, Sean PS..looking good.. Is the lean seat good?
24-04-2006, 09:00 AM
Hi Sean,
Doing up[ a a boat is good fun hey! regarding your questions about the live well, yes the pump is a through transom pump meanijng I needed to cut a 20mm hole in the transom below the water line for the pump inlet pipe to fit through. After fitting the shim and nut i fitted the 90' elbow which sits into the water column and primes the pump .
The marine shop you talked to has suggested the safest and cheapest way of setting up a live well pump. It is just as effective as a through transom pump with out the added extra safety steps needed when putting a hole on your transom under the water line. If anything its just not as neat as the through transom setup as your hose will have to come up over your transom and up to your tank.
As for the overflow I donnow pump the water out of the tank but simply remove the black pipe from the bottom ofthe tank and it gravity drains out through the 1 way valve and out the transom skin fitting. the setup is like what quintrex and others use, the pipe also acts as a level control as when the water hits the top of the pipe it simply drains into the pipe and out the overflow. I also Jave the 2 overflows as well each side to help with sloshing in the tank.
In the the pic the pipe is not yet cut down th size and level with the white overflow skin fittings.
24-04-2006, 04:30 PM
I wondered when I would run into you on here!?!
If you have the room, I can recomend that you try and use more than 20mm styrofoam in your insulation of the livewell/esky. Of the eskies I used to make, I only did the first one out of 20mm and learnt from my mistake. It is just not enough to keep ice. 40mm is adequate but more would assist in the reduction of air movement around the well therefore giving you better insulation.
It is going to add to your floatation and boyancy as well so if you can fit it, you may as well.
I have some 40mm that you can have if you let me know before wed. night and I will get the old man to pull it out of his shed and bring it down on thursday.
Cheers mate, rhet
24-04-2006, 07:41 PM
Beautiful looking live well Aaron, where did you get it done and how much? If you don't mind me asking.
29-04-2006, 03:58 PM
mAte awesome work on the boat. I have the exact same model and am looking at a similar setup. Just wondering who you got to do the welding. I am wanting to get my transom remodeled to take a long leg motor I was given.Cheers
Hi mate, Sean here. Sorry but I am a little confused about your Bilge setup for your live well. I am willing to drill a hole in my transom to fit a pickup, therefor having the pump inside the boat.
I thought that bilge pumps pick water up through the bottom of the unit. Where do you fit both the inlet and the outlet pipe to the pump? All the pumps I have seen just have the one connection point???I will get a photo of the pump I bought....I might have to take it back. Sean :)
17-05-2006, 01:08 PM
Hi All,
sorry for the late reply but I have been overseas with work and have not had internet access. I completed the live well install the night before my departure overseas and had to wait till I came back to give the setup a run on the water. Everything is working fine and the tank works a treat.
I have pics of the final stahes of the well install to post.
Murray, I got the live well made locally near ipswich by a few boys who repair build fibreglass boats afterhors. I cannot remeber there no as i lost their business card. if you call ipswich marine and ask about fiberglass repairs and mods they will direct you in their direction.
Hi Rhet,
Sorry i didnt get your post before I finished the priject. Luckily I did do a few layers of foam but unfortunately not to all sides due to access. the livewell /esky holds a bag of ice for a day and 1/2 so i am happy.Will talk to you soon.
Born to fly,
I got the welding done at AA Aquamaster boats in Brownsplains. He does a great job and not super exspensive although it can be hard to fit your boat in when he doing a few boats.Give them a call. In the yellow pages.
Here is a pic of the well in place with a bars lid before it was insulated and carpeted and before the well got a extra layer of faom glued on.
17-05-2006, 01:41 PM
here is a pic of the livewell lid before it was fully insulated. Afer 2 layers of foam another piece of ply was glued down to make the lid insulated.
The small cutout on the side was for the spraybar. The lid was then carpeted on both sides.
17-05-2006, 01:47 PM
Here is a pic of the finished product. Lid fitted and carpeted and front plenel fitted with clips to hold my oars and anchor light while not in use.
The blue bits you can see on the lid is a thin blue foam matting that i glued in to protect the foam and wood laminate lid from moisture and leave a neater finish.
17-05-2006, 01:59 PM
Here is a pic of the finished product about to be driven down to the ramp to go barra fishing at monduran last week. unfortunately with a southly change and water temp down onlu managed a few hits and 1 solid hookup the got me in the timber :o
17-05-2006, 02:03 PM
Here is 1 final pic of the boat overlooking monduran dam from the cabins.Great few days up there. I am surprised as I have only lost 1knt in top speed since doing all the mods and from when I started.
When i first got the boat I was top speed doing 24knts and now do 23knts. the live well intake does spray a little water onto the outboard cowl but i am not complaining.
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