View Full Version : elec motor on 18ft tinnie - Is it worth it?

14-06-2006, 03:58 PM
I'm toying with the idea of getting an electric motor for my 525 Stacer for moving around estuary snags casting lures for jacks/barra etc.

Interested to hear from anyone with experiences of putting an electric on a boat that size regarding size of motor required, batteries, performance considerations and anything else.



14-06-2006, 06:29 PM
Well it will move it ok, just dont expect it to move it against the tide! I suggest bow mounting it. I'd go for a 24volt unit, 65 or 70lb thrust, that should give acceptable movement around the snags.

14-06-2006, 08:46 PM
24 Volt and 70+ pound will move it okay. You will obviously need two large capacity batteries as a minimum. Four would be better if you will be using it a fair bit. And yes, a strong tide will cause you a bit of grief, but then you just use the outboard.

14-06-2006, 09:26 PM
we use a 55AP bow mount for the flathead classic on a 5.5m galeforce C/C with cast deck.
you can get better performance out of a 24v motor but the 12 v with a 3 blade prop goes good too.
we only use the standard 2 blade prop and it works fine.
if fishing for jacks your not going to be sitting in the fast stream anyway.
not for lures anyway.
the 24v motor is way over priced.
its more than double the cost of the 55apbow mount.
cheers Cloud 9

15-06-2006, 09:17 AM
Alot of the high priced f/g tournament boats (Such as the Skeeters, Stratos, etc) are all around the 6m range, and they all have bow mounted electrics on them... The tinnie should be lighter, so you should be able to do it for sure.

You could try contacting BLA and asking them directly.

15-06-2006, 04:27 PM
is your stacer a sea horse?, mine is and thinking of the same investment. let me know how ya go.

