View Full Version : using duralac

14-09-2006, 08:38 PM
Hi all, I know the benefit of using duralac but was wondering if it is ever too late to put on. For example, my fathers boat has some bubbling of paint around some stainless steel screws on his stacer(no duralac) is it or would it still be beneficial to apply duralac even though the electrolysis has already started. Any views or advice on this welcomed. Thanks

14-09-2006, 09:37 PM
hey joremhar

you should still go for it.just clean the whole area up first ,sand off the bubbly bits[cause the paints going to fall of anyway]and give all the screw holes and fittings a clean.

A couple of other things that might help

sometimes you can replace screws with aluminium rivets just make sure they have aluminium mandrells in them and make sure you use blind rivets and marine Sikaflex if it needs to be water tight.

also sometimes its the thing the screws are holding on that is the problem.you can make spacer plates out of thin cutting board material to stop it.

let the duralac go a bit tacky before you assemble things.

dont be shy with the duralac
cheers scotty ;)

14-09-2006, 09:57 PM
Hi nofrills, hoping that was going to be the case, thanks for your advice, we just didn't want to spend the $35.00 if it was too late to fix. Thanks again, will have to go and get some now.

14-09-2006, 10:41 PM
Best to clean area with a small wire wheel in a drill (don't get too agressive), clean area with hydrochloric acid (doesn't need to be full strength), paint with galmet etch primer & then paint with whatever colour it is that you need. Then use the duralac on any surfaces that come in contact with each other including screws & pop rivets etc. No need to wait for it to go tacky, just put it all together & clean up excess with turps. Be aware that you will still need to use duralac between aluminium surfaces as there are all different grades of aluminium & electrolosis can still occur.
