View Full Version : center console,stiff throttle.

24-09-2006, 06:27 AM
have had a bermuda center console for about 6 months now and since i bought it it has always been hard to push the throttle(the boat is only 2 years old) yesterday the cable was so bad that now you cant get it into reverse and when it is locked into neutral position it is still actually in gear and running slowly.
has anyone had problems with stiff cables in center cons?

24-09-2006, 09:41 AM
you might just need a new throttle cable

24-09-2006, 09:41 AM
Just a few things to look at. Is the cable seized or needs lubrication? Is it kinked somehow? Best person to talk to would be BM.

24-09-2006, 10:05 AM
A good run out of a cable is around 3 years if the boat is left in the open 24/7 your most likely going to need replacements. If you can check to see if there is any bends or kinks. Also if you can see a tear in the outer sheath or you can see a bulge appearing it will need replacing. A cable will work best with the least amount of bends and nice smooth flowing bends if there has to be any



24-09-2006, 05:23 PM
thanks all.....maby time to replace them then!

26-09-2006, 03:56 PM
had the same problem.You had to be a bulgarian weight lifter to use mine.Spent the bucks and replaced the cables-what a difference.
i went for cheaper brand rather than the quicksilver premium (1/2 price)-all up $200
fitted (both cables) which i thought was good


28-09-2006, 06:40 PM
just had them replaced.....what a difference!! there was 6 foot too much cable in it!!!not sure who bunged it together...it was bought brand new from nitro marine on the gold coast....
i got the expensive brand put in....they are called platnum.

28-09-2006, 07:59 PM
Good to here your on top of it ;)



28-09-2006, 08:14 PM
If this happens again, or to anyone else the first simple check to make is to disconnect the cables at the engine and try again. If the cables become free then it's an engine problem. If still stiff it's a cable or control box problem. Costs you nothing and you can save your mechanic 10 minutes.