View Full Version : Boat Covers

11-12-2006, 04:53 PM
Hi guys,
First post for a while I've had an incredibly busy year. I've just changed my boat to a 580 outsider and I was wondering if any of you good people could put me on to somewhere that I can get a cover for it. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers Wally

11-12-2006, 07:21 PM
Try your local tent maker or canvass dealer thing.

They wont be very cheap I just had the one that came wqith the boat restitched as the stiching was a bit torn in places and he quoted me $80.00 to restitch the whole cover and I must have looked a bit funny as he said to get another one like it it would cost about $1100.00.

Its for a 5.2 meterse fiberglass rumrunner (old one)


11-12-2006, 07:42 PM
What a joke.....talk about make a profit!!!

I got a few quotes and ended up at B%#nings for a Big Silver/Black Tarp $50- $80....hand full of Ocy straps and Bob's Ya uncle....My rig aint compalining...just get one big enough!!!!

There was a post here a while back about covers.....you do a search in Boating for Covers...in the last 3 Months!!


11-12-2006, 08:33 PM
Watch out Wal,

Changing over to a half cab, Jude is gunna want to go 'campin' now .. ;D

Dunno bout any ready made covers to suit the 580 outsider, but you might want to try Tony at Moreton Bay Boat trimmers, I'm sure he'd make one for ya. He's just a coupla streets behind you there at Wynnum, tell him Tony sent ya ;)

Nice choice the 580 too.

Tony 8-)

PS geez lot of Tony's around between Trimmers Mechanic's and relos eh ;D

12-12-2006, 08:37 AM
...........I got a few quotes and ended up at B%#nings for a Big Silver/Black Tarp $50- $80....hand full of Ocy straps and Bob's Ya uncle....My rig aint compalining...just get one big enough!!!!............ BilgeBoy

Good idea, i went to my local trimmer and it was rediculously expensive. A good tarp could also be used for other purposes.... camping etc. The other hassle with trimmers is you have to get the boat to them and leave it there for a fit out.

12-12-2006, 01:48 PM
My boat is in the shed but I put a tarp over the caravan held in place with occy straps and it works a treat. No good if you want to travel with it on though 8-)

13-12-2006, 02:55 PM

How long has the tarp from bunnings lasted you. I have being using one and it didn't even make twelve months. Holes in it everywere. I found that on a hot sunny day it becomes soft. Then when some wind picks up. It starts flapping a bit. On every spot it makes contact to an edge hey presto a hole is formed.

13-12-2006, 04:03 PM
I got my boat cover from The Warehouse, $40.00 and they come in about 4 sizes. They aren't used while towing, but do a great job keeping the rain, dust etc out. This is the third one in two years. 1st got hammered in the big hail storms, second just started to tear after about 18 months. If I can get that long out of one I'll be happy to keep paying the $40.00.



13-12-2006, 05:24 PM
I have the same as john and can't complain, other than water pooling after rain.
I guess a heavier canvas would negate this issue. The other issue is if you have a canopy or launcher. Unless it is custom it won't alow for these and will rub through unless protected.

If the quote is high enough for a cover, might be worth looking at a shade sail of some description.


14-12-2006, 08:43 AM
Have had this cover on my Explorer for over 5 years now, and it has been worth its weight in gold. Keeps rain, dirt and sun off everything, plus when travelling keeps camping gear etc. secure and dry. Cost about $500 but worth it in long run. Is due for a cleanup and refresh with armourall. Mike.

14-12-2006, 09:27 AM

How long has the tarp from bunnings lasted you. I have being using one and it didn't even make twelve months. Holes in it everywere. I found that on a hot sunny day it becomes soft. Then when some wind picks up. It starts flapping a bit. On every spot it makes contact to an edge hey presto a hole is formed.

I have a white poly tarp that has a guarantee for 3 years i think it was, has been on at least that & except for being dirty it has stood up to the elements really well.
came from Boomerang Canvas at Coopers plains..can't remember caot but was around a couple of hundred $s. good compromise between the cheap tarps & fitted cover..