View Full Version : Swiss Pike 2

26-08-2005, 11:23 PM
Doesen't it just get to you when your better half picks up a rod and catches bigger fish than you!

She caugt and landed this 5.5kg pike on 2.5kg line with a small Mr Twister with no wire leader!

I hpe she doesn't make a habit of it, the local fishermen already told me I should take up knitting and leave the fishing to my girlfriend!

27-08-2005, 02:12 AM
That's a nice fish! Very impressive that she was able to land it with light line and no wire leader too. For those here unfamiliar with them, pike have razor sharp teeth and they use them to cut the line. She's quite a fisherwoman! You're a lucky man to have a gal who likes to fish!

31-08-2005, 01:37 PM
The only worse thing is being outfished by your mother.

Nice pike too.

31-08-2005, 04:49 PM
I think you have a point therre szopen, I wont ever take my mother fishing!
