View Full Version : Monduran- Our First Barra trip.

04-10-2006, 07:28 PM
After a last minute decision and hasty preparation, Sunday 24th September 2006, Me and the missus(Kim) set forth on our epic maiden voyage of discovery to Lake Monduran in search of the mysterious barramundi. ;)
We arrived at the lake late on sunday afternoon and set up camp, early to bed but hardly slept a wink. All the various bits of advice we had managed to cram in over the proceeding 4 days(I did say hasty :o) keeping us far too excited for sleep. Kim woke @ 2 am and then again @ 4am saying "can we go yet" ::).
Monday morning dawned (finally) and we set about breakfast and final gear arrangements. The camp ground manager had given us a map and some hot tips to try and we were away. Boat launched and off we go.
We started out from the launch area (not having seen the dam before) and once we rounded the corner at the wall, were immeadiatley struck by the enormity of the place. Wow that's a lot of water!! where do we start? well we consulted our map and headed to the first likely looking spot! after several changes of location and a few hours we find ourselves deep into a bay full of drowned timber and concentrating on bankside structure, working our lures through what we thought would be sure-fire fishy snags.

After about 4 hrs of repeated casting and moving, I'd cast my lure up into the shallows behind a fallen tree and was gently hopping it over the trunk before working it down a few feet and using fairly short and sharp rips to work it over the sunken logs. The next few minutes are a bit of a blur but the bit i remember best is a solid thump coming up the line followed by an erruption of water and the wide open gob of a barra just a few feet in front of me. My first thoughts were "I'm on, This isn't too bad" and then the fishy decided to go! With my drag all but locked and 2 thumbs on the spool.......it's powering off. It headed deep first but ran out of room so then headed for a standing tree in the shallows. I managed to stop it rounding the tree but we are very close to the snags so I delegate leccy duties to Kim. Kim tried very hard in the heat of the moment, but after a bit of a left brain moment,promptly deposited us well up into the snag :-[. I fended us off the tree with one hand and hung on tightly to the rod with the other Ok so now we're out a few feet from the snag and the fish is still connected (miracle No.1), fishy decides to have another crack at freedom and heads off with a blistering run and a jump and headshake (classic stuff) and power of around yet another tree and now my panic sets in. The line and leader have rounded the tree and taken off at right angles to us so I had to drive up to the tree and pass the rod around it to try and stay connected, meanwhile the fish is now resting on the surface just a few metres from us and in the process of passing the rod decides to swim down under the boat between me and the tree, trying to put another lap on us I think. Here I am hugging a tree and this bloody fish is right under my feet :o. next thing i remember is pushing off the tree and saying "he's right under us, when he pops up, net him"

No Pressure......darling! :-*

The story has a happy ending....we're still married, kim didn't have to walk home. The fish popped up and she netted it like a champion(collective sighs of relief) [smiley=love.gif]
Where's the bloody video camera, we would have to be in the running for funniest home videos!!

After dehooking, measure and a photo, we sent him back to his snag. He went 87cm on the brag mat and I can now say, "Yep' I've caught a barra" The sad part of the story is that was the last fish we saw for the remaining 3 days in the lake. We'll just have to come back again ;)

Cheers, Roo & the missus.

04-10-2006, 07:37 PM
The snag

04-10-2006, 08:02 PM
Great report Roo :D

gotta love those snags ;D

04-10-2006, 09:26 PM
great report mate!!
We found the bomber lures in the shallows worked a treat. Water is warming up fast in the dam. Im off to monduran tomorrow, got the bug!! ;D

04-10-2006, 09:52 PM
Mate, that is a great story. And how good is it that Kim is out there with you. Now you just have to get her connected to one!!

You are one up on me. I haven't got a big barra yet (though I got a 'little' one in the Pentecost River , from the bank, earlier this year).

I'm planning a trip to Awoonga in early November with my wife for my first impoundment barra adventure.

Hope my report is as good as yours.

Norm C

04-10-2006, 11:29 PM
Nice one roo... hope there's plenty more to come!

Cheers Les

05-10-2006, 09:55 AM
;)definatly have got the bug now :D Kim too ;)

Kim put in a stella effort in the snags and certainly put a few casts up in the sticks but this was somewhat due to using a spin reel combo that was a little too heavy for her to manage comfortably in the snags. After getting home and unpacking all the camping gear and the boat we decided to go fishing again on monday afternoon. Kim was determined to convert to a baitcaster and even though she had used one only once before.....she was casting a barra size lure at the tweed rockwalls like a pro. Jack seaon on the tweed is coming up and could be our training grounds for the next big adventure north. Hopefully many more to come

Norm, the best part of having kim on the trip was the shopping day prior. Nothing makes a fella prouder than when asking the misses "which lure shall I buy?" and her reply being "get both, Oh and one of these too, and that one..." ;D ;D Like a kid in a candy store ;)

cheers roo

05-10-2006, 11:53 AM
Good onya roo nothing like a first and in the face of adversity as well. Makes it all that much more exicting than if they just grabbed the lure and rolled to the surface ;)

Cheers Mark

05-10-2006, 12:23 PM
Not so great for my nerves. ;D ;D ;D

Cheers The Gumby Deckie :P

05-10-2006, 12:47 PM
Top report Orby and Kim (and more than one chuckle while reading it) :D

It's amazing how everything goes out the window when your first barra hits - They're amazing fish and catch you by surprise almost every time (or at least they catch me by surprise normally) ;D

05-10-2006, 01:07 PM
I think you're being a bit harsh on yourself Kim. Fish ended up in the boat ::)

05-10-2006, 02:53 PM
Hi All,
We had such a great trip.
I had a shocker on the Monday, I'll fill you in on what my dear hubby left out. :)
After the virgin barra was put back to fight another day. Rod says "right now your turn." So we contuine up into a bay in the same area. Rod on the leccy and pointing @ snags for me to cast to. I could not cop a trick. It either landed way short, on the bank, round a tree or snagged up so we would have to go in and get it and scare off any inhabitants. This went on for an hour or so. I was not a happy camper by the end of it >:(
Whist Rod was most supportive and tuned away when he could hold the laughter no longer. Back to camp for lunch and out again for a arvo sess.
Thank godness I improved after a good feed. :)
As Rod posted not another fish for the rest of the trip. :( But at least my casting got back to normal.) By the last day I would have been happy to catch a cattie or eel. It really wasn't until the last day that we started to feel not so "fish out of water". We are used to walking along a creeks and stream casting in to pools for bass. Not sending a lure 50ft down for the buggers.

As Rod mentioned look out Tweed rock wall this summer, I plan to catch a jack the season, I figure if i nail one of them I'm half way to a barra. :)

I may not have caught my own but being there for Rod's was as good as. That grin that only now is starting to fade will stay with me. And he did everything he could to help me get one.
Thanks Honey, next trip!! :-*

Also a big thanks to the guys that help out with advice before we left. Cheers guys.

We will be back next year, and the year after.
Cheers Kim.

05-10-2006, 05:04 PM
Great report Kim! There's nothing like seeing the smile on the face of the fisho with his first Barra...we're heading up Friday week for the annual Family Classic pilgrimage and the wife and young bloke are starting to get toey ;D :D Not that I am though :P

Well done roo and keep those reports coming


05-10-2006, 05:15 PM
Fantastic report!

Just bought a new boat and am planning a trip up that way - reports like yours certainly help stir the bug.


05-10-2006, 05:32 PM
Hey ollie, you can just let the boat have it's head.....it knows the way to all the good spots ;D

get up there and give it a go. even without the fish, its a great place to be.

cheers, roo

05-10-2006, 06:40 PM
Its always good when a plan comes together hey Rod. You went you saw and you conquered, better luck next time Kim but thats fishing.

Darryl L

05-10-2006, 07:04 PM
Great report guys cheers kevin

05-10-2006, 10:58 PM
that snag would be orsm with some more rain

06-10-2006, 12:06 AM
;D ;D

great read.. You say the first few seconds were a blur? Don't worry, after a few months little snippets will slowly come back and when you hook another one it will all come flooding back.

My girl likes to go lure shopping too..."buy this one, it's cute" :-? ::)


06-10-2006, 07:35 PM
Wife thinks I have too much fishing gear.

But now I have our eighteen month old daughter to blame..'She just had to have it dear"

08-10-2006, 09:18 AM
Great story Roo! ;D
Had a few giggles & flash backs while reading it mate. "THANKS"
Its always good to share in someone else's adventures, its almost like being there.
Look forward to a fish sometime.

09-10-2006, 09:47 AM
Thanks for the replies everyone, Kim and I must have spent a good hour or more just writing the post, editing, arguing over just exactly what happened, and finally pushing the post button to send into cyberspace :D.

rest assured the giggles you may get reading it were shared in the writing. I have to aplologise for being a bit of a detail freak :P and I must confess the editor (kim) pointed this out several times to which I would reply "it's important to the story".

Toppy, Just a polite warning.....If you let me anywhere near that crawdad......you may have prise me out with a crowbar :'(

Cheers all, Roo & Kim.

09-10-2006, 01:45 PM
What a top read Roo & Kim.

The details you provided are fantastic. It really puts you in the picture. The adrenalin rush that comes from a barra strike in the sticks is just awesome.

Cheers and well done

09-10-2006, 04:20 PM

Norm, the best part of having kim on the trip was the shopping day prior. Nothing makes a fella prouder than when asking the misses "which lure shall I buy?" and her reply being "get both, Oh and one of these too, and that one..." ;D ;D Like a kid in a candy store ;)

cheers roo

Now if only I could get him to do that when i go shopping :-?
LOL Kim. :-*