View Full Version : PB Bass- Lake Samsonvale

22-10-2006, 10:39 AM
I got up early once again and hit the water of LS at about 5 15 am this morning. I fished in the vicinity of Forgan Cove,walking the banks looking for any deeper water whilst casting spinnerbaits. Its quite shallow around this area so I covered a fair bit of area casting as I went. The first bass I caught was barely the size of my lure :D, and the next bass I caught was around 20cm, caught about 15 min after the first. Both released.

My biggest ( and last ) fish smashed the lure about 15 metres out from the bank and proceeded to scream off paralleling the shoreline. It was a bit of an arm wrestle for a while- I would get bass close to shore,and off it went again.This went on a couple of times before the bass started to tire and I gently brought it in to shore. I took a couple of pics and measured it, and woohoo- it measured 50cm right on the button.
I released this one as well, geez I love this bass fishing. :D all 3 fish were caught on the same spinnerbait. (gold TT )

As per my two previous trips, things went quite after that and I set off back to the car at around 7 30am. All in all a great couple of hours fishing, I do love the early morning fishing. Might try a couple of surface poppers or the like next time I go.


22-10-2006, 12:07 PM
Great bass mate

22-10-2006, 01:52 PM
Onya Chris,
Congrats on ya P.B.Top fish.Looks like we've now got another Bass junkie on board 8-).When they hit 50 and up,They're top sport,And great fun.Nice report m8.

Cheers hardb8 ;)

22-10-2006, 03:58 PM
very nice bass fishy ;)

22-10-2006, 05:16 PM
nice bass mate.

do you think gold blades on the spinner baits are better than the silver ones for that dam?

22-10-2006, 06:13 PM
nice bass mate.

do you think gold blades on the spinner baits are better than the silver ones for that dam?

mate- I don't know whether they make any difference, but then again I am new to spinnerbaits myself. Maybe someone else here will know.


22-10-2006, 07:40 PM

Nice bass, I've got the exact same rod and reel as you ;D i love it!
Congrats on the PB


23-10-2006, 01:52 PM
well done on the pb nice fish mate

23-10-2006, 08:27 PM
nice bass

23-10-2006, 08:52 PM
A very healthy bass and a top fight by the sound of it.
