View Full Version : hot hinze action

26-11-2006, 02:42 PM
On holidays at the moment so had a cpl of sessions at hinze last week. (Tue and Thur). Weather forecast was 15-20 NE for the arvo on both days but it dropped out after dark and there's always some shelter to be ahd there.
Wnt out Tues and tried trolling the edges in the western arm during the afternoon but didn't get a touch. Things weren't looking so good until popper time. As soon as the sun dropped they fired up big time. Good qlty fish started smashing surface poppers. Ended up getting 6 on Tue night all 36cm+. Had to leave them at about 7pm though to get home with the last cast returning a fish. They were all caught in one protected inlet as it was a bit windy to popper outside of this.
So vowed to return on thur night....
Once again trolled the edges with no luck. Tried using deeper lures out a a bit wider for only one hit. Threw around some SP late arvo for no result.
Once again popper time got em going again. Had a ball. We started fishing in the same inlet but then the wind died out and we ventured to other parts. we fished into the night and prob caught about 8 fish all up with tons of hits and misses to keep things interesting. Best thing was that all fish were around the 41-42cm mark and very fat!! Thats some qlty fish on poppers and boy do they go hard on 6lb...
Of course we were off the dam by 1hr after sundown.... ::)
Found both nights that a pause in the retrieve (both on the drop and during the retrieve really stirred em up)
By far the best popper I've found at Hinze is one of those crawler types with the big dished face on them. (outback lures) Best thing is they're dirt cheap. I buy em from Big W for $4!!! Sure beats the $30 jackals that did me no good.
While on the subject of lures I finally found my second favourite bass lure the Mal Florence Bass Master again. They were always the first lure over the side and outfished anything else. Anyway haven't been able to buy them anywhere in aus for a cpl yrs. A guy is now selling them on ebay for absolutley dirt cheap (2 bucks each). Red and pink are great factory colours but one we painted up purple ourselves was the best....
Sorry no photos forgot to take the camera to the coast.

26-11-2006, 04:14 PM
nice sessions mate ;) shame u didnt bring a camera. i've heard that only electrics are allowed in hinze, is that correct?

cheers, Tim :)

27-11-2006, 04:23 PM
hey ducksguts,

well done on the bass up in hinze,
i fished sat for no result, but did see a few bustups on the surface,

what i wondered is with the sundown shutup thing, what actually gets locked, i know there is a boom gate on the road back to gilston is that what they lock or is there one on the other side too?

what time can u actually fish there til, i left at 7.10 , it was dark and there were people just rocking up to fish.

pm if your worried about the response in here

29-11-2006, 12:24 PM
yeah timmy only electrics allowed on hinze and I think you need to take your petrol off if you've got one. A canoe would get you to some good spots there though...

06-12-2006, 12:44 AM
we have been there till well after 10 and 11pm. its usually an idea to head upto the kiosk and let them know if ur gonna be out after dark and they will usually acomodate ya