View Full Version : Yellow fin Tuna From Hell  + a boat review

03-11-2001, 01:18 AM
Yellow fin Tuna From Hell

(author originally from LI, New York - 4 time NYS gold medallist and HS All American - swimming - wholesale fish merchant long time ago too - Gloucester, Pt Judith, Cape May))

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Toms Fishing Gallery


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CaptainSolo1 (9 posts)
Oct-24-01, 06:02 AM (PST)

RE: "Performance Yachts (Miami, Florida) - his 42 footers"

LETTER to Mike (prospecting for a new Cigarette hull type "yacht???)..

Your message was forwarded to me by Bob with Performance Yachts (Miami).

I purchased one of Bob's 42 footers (Cigarette hulls) last year and took it from Miami to Nassau myself (alone) in 6 foot following seas. I had Bob put 3 new ficht 250 HP Evinrudes on this boat, and this boat is the most unbelievable riding boat I've every been on or owned.

She tops out at 58 MPH. Goes through nasty choppy seas like a Cadillac at 45 MPH. The ride at this speed is better than a Hatteras. Want to know know why?

Check out Performance Yacht's website for more details on their boat. Click onto


At 45 miles per hour, everything inside the cockpit and cabin of a Hatteras will fall all over the place. I have a friend that owns a 48 foot Hatteras, and was told of one trip from Chubb Cay when the seas were bad, they had to turn back.

Pictures fell off the walls, and the cabin was falling apart. In the cabin's bathroom, tiles were falling all over the place. Several people got seasick too.

I fished Bob's Performance 42' in 10 foot seas this spring, and won two Tiffany NY silver bowls in one tournament, and won the annual Billabongs tournament for the 3rd year in a row.

Also, the Performance is stronger than anything here in Nassau, or anything in it's class - anywhere.

I also own a 34 foot+ Wellcraft Scarab (1988), and the Performance is 3 times the boat. No comparison.
The Scarab is junk by comparison.

Also. For the money I spent, no body in the world can give you better quality for the price. Mine is loaded with stereos and other extras, (special steering, lots of heavy duty stuff, etc.) and the cost of a similar boat would be well over $250,000.

I didn't skimp when I had Bob build it. I added an extra $30,000, but got $40,000 in extras via Bob's experience in purchasing.

One 36 foot boat I'm glad I didn't order would have been over $350,000 (the builder's base price quote to me last year over the telephone), and I'd have been sorry if had I ordered it. It came with two Yanmar diesels. So what.

You can get 1,000 hours out of a Evinrude 250 HP powerhead. I have a friend that owns 7, and uses them commercially. The first powerhead went at 1,000 hours. A few (he runs 4 on the back of a Performance 42 footer) of the engines are still going with over 2,000 hours.

Also. I get a little better than 1 mile to a gallon of gas with the Performance. Even big diesels on big boats don't compare, as it takes me 1/2 the time to get where I'm going.

I keep telling Bob to raise his prices.

Call me if you have questions.
242 327 7359

See attachments for some pictures.

You can see pictures of my boat by clicking onto my website..

For a little YFT fishing tale, check this out.

Also. On my last three trips to this area on the new boat (1 hour travelieng time - round trip), I/we landed 9 YFT - 8 of which were over 50#s, and one around 80#s.

Thomas Azzara
New Providence Estate Planners, Ltd.
(Lawyers/Barristers and Consultants)
54 Sandyport Drive
P.O. Box CB 11552
Nassau, Bahamas
Fax/phone: (242) 327-7359
email: taxman@batelnet.bs

website: http://www.bahamasbahamas.com/

forward from: mikeyb@metrolink.net (Mike Bonaiuto)
my name is mike. I'm interested in possibly having a Performance Powerboat
custom made to my spec's. I saw you name on the website, and wanted to know
if you currently own one? if so, how do you like it ? have you had any
problems with it ? is it a good 'rough water' boat ?
I'd appreciate it if you'd give me any info possible. I'm looking to move up
from my current Wellcraft scarab 302 cc sport fishing boat. also, if you
have any pictures, please send them along. thanks a million for your time.
mike bonaiuto
(321) 725-0039
(Melbourne, Florida)