View Full Version : Mangrove Jacks  /  Jumpinpin

21-02-2002, 11:03 AM
Am interested in catching a Jack or two, and would appreciate any info. for around the 'Pin' area. Logan, Pimpama, Lures etc. Need all the help I can get.


21-02-2002, 11:31 AM
Mate, I've been trying to catch a Jack for the last 3 years. I've had all the 'Good oil', precise locations, Bait, tackle etc and I have still caught Zip !!!! I receive all the Info on who is catching what, believe me there are plenty of people catching them in good number (Up to 9 in a session) North and South of Brisbane.
It will be a satisfying day when I get one, the quest will be complete !!!

Good luck with your Quest, It may be a long Road to Mangrove Jack Utopia.


21-02-2002, 01:23 PM
Gotta fish outside gentleman hours guys. Not fished the areas you mention but they'd be there. Anywhere with a bit of deepish water and structure. You need to fish real tight to the cover also - if you ain't in it you're not in it.

Hey guys to get the blood running, have a look at the post Brett's baited us with on the hall of fame page - bugger me.

Craigie you're bound to break the drought soon.

All the best

21-02-2002, 05:30 PM

Are you getting Cod? If you are getting Cod you aren't far away for a Jack. It took us about 4 trips and half a dozen Cod before I got my first creek Jack.


22-02-2002, 12:54 PM
G'day Jack and Smithy,

I don't have any problem fishing half the night on a mid -week evening, ya only live once and Fishing is much more important than sleep.

Have caught a few Cod as well as a couple of snodger Bream. Been blown away a couple of times which has help keep me enthusiastic. The last trip I did was down to the solid structure on Currumbin Creek, where my Fishing Partner had a solid "Jack" almost to the Landing Net, only to see the hooks come flying out of It's mouth.

I think the elusive Magrove Jack is getting close to Flapping around in the bottom of my Boat !!!!

I'll keep you posted (A jew from the "Pin" would give me the Treasured Quinella)


03-03-2002, 12:46 PM
;) We tried around the Pimpama today for ZIP. The daughter caught a catfish, and our mate got some crabs. That's all. Weather was not so flash, although we got a few hours with not much rain. It think it would be pretty abysmal now! Good luck!

15-04-2008, 05:07 PM
Ive read that low tide is good t chase the jack cause they will be more concentrated and can be in as shallow as a foot of water, 30 lb braid and good leader, 50-75 mm lures or mullet slabs and need to get the bait right on top of them, and if there is one there there might be more in the same place, I have never caught one either...... but learning and arming myself, !! I just dont like the idea of getting an overrun at night, on a baitcaster, gotta try !!!

15-04-2008, 07:10 PM
whoa dreemon, this post is 6 years old?????
it was an exercise in information gathering at the time to see how forthcoming members were with their knowledge & i did get some help from some good guys..

also thanks pinhead, finding this thread explains a lot..:D

16-04-2008, 10:44 AM
ha ! didnt look at the date area......... you mustave caught some by now then?, can you tell me how to.

16-04-2008, 11:45 AM
as i said i was only a member here for a week, so it was an excercise to see how forthcoming the members were..never did chase a Jack down there..
easiest way to save a lot of typing is have a look here..


16-04-2008, 09:11 PM
Cragie hope ya got a jack by now ! ;D