30-06-2002, 10:26 PM
RE: Raider Lures
Steve Badfish....writes..
Which color Raider have you been using, blue?
Regards & Burnin Thumbs!
Blue and green "Raiders" are my favorites. The 200 7 0unce. i.e., Raider's biggest.
I visited your site DEMON JIGS & DEEP WATER LURES - The Global Specialists!
Why no Australian made "Raiders" for sale?
I think a company called Iron Man (below) has a very similar lure to the Australian "Raiders".
I tried to buy a few on-line - but can't get their site to work for me yet, and I am still waiting to hear from the Raider manufacturers in Australia.
Those Australian Mates must be asleep at the wheel somewhere!
I think any color Raider would work great. Caught several wahoo during a tournament last year - when nothing else would hook up anything - including professionally strung ballyhoo.
see this years tournament results on the click on above - including 71 pound dolphin.
More on mutton Snapper Season (June 26th and 27th - 2002) :
With over 25 boats lined up on the edge at the drop off at Goulding Cay bottom fishing with cut bait - where the muttons come to school and breed each year - I fished first with my downrigger ball and landed two snappers (one close to 20#s).
I'm not bragging when I say I out-caught all 25 boats (combined) for the time I was there with this slow troll technique and the "Raiders".
To be fair. Many boats stay out all night (of the full moon), and come back with 50 to 100 fish - as the bite can get crazy. Only a few troll - like (none) myself.
First day (June 26th): After the lost downrigger ball - I watched my Garmen recorder for fish and the bottom, and caught 5 more. At around 100 feet they would start to show "thick" on the recorder.
I'd be trolling at under 2 mphs on one of the three 250 Ficht Evinrudes - sitting on the gunwale of my 40 foot Performance - and putting the new Penn 50 SW into free spool - to let the raider lure drop to bottom.
The new Penns are beautiful, but you have to take such "care" of them. Drag is about the best.
(see attachment 40 foot Performance - she's a cigarette hull - but overbuilt. A Contender 37' would be a joke in a 10 foot sea match- up. My Performance 42 is foamed all the way to the bow and up the gunwales. You're history "Contender" - even with three Yammies 4 cycles you run around on)
anyway.... back to the fishin details...
After striking bottom, I'd give it a few quick turns - then coast off the ledge to 250 feet - then 500 feet, than I'd go back.
I caught 6-1/2 muttons on second day (4PM to 7:30PM), and lost one raider to a barracuda or shark cut off. The area is teaming with sharks, and if you don't reel quickly, and get the fish away from the school - a shark will bit him in two.
Happens 50% of the time - sometimes. sharks. bull and black tips. Hammers too.
I lost 1/2 fish to a shark on the second day. I may go again today (Saturday June 29) - 4PM to 7:30PM.
Last year - using the same techniques, "we" (the Mailess boys from Nassau and Spanish Wells (Bahamas)) landed 9 snappers - two nights in a row (18 muttons total), and about 35 for the short 2002 season (run).
The season lasts about two to three weeks - three days before the full moon - and sometimes a few days after is best.
Captain Thomas Azzara
recreational fisherman (only) -
nicknamed = "The Gull" in 1970's
"For the sport only"
PS I learned something new and important the last two trips. You don't need (or want) to use a downrigger with the "7 ounce "solid Australian Raiders, as they out catch the downrigger ball - 4 to 1!
Can't wait to try the "drop back deep to bottom" raider lures on Wahoo, kingfish and YF tuna.
Watch those recorder blips for fish - than just put her in free spool.
I've caught almost every variety of fish on those Raider lures - except bill fish and grouper!!!!
From: Demon Jigs & Deep Water Lures <>
To: Thomas Azzara <>
Subject: Re: purchase 15 of your "raider" (200 7 oz) - price quote
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 17:26:43 0930
The eight ounce might work, but the 7 oz Raider" catches mutton snapper like nothing else I've ever seen - including spoons, diamond jigs, etc.
Which color Raider have you been using, blue?
Regards & Burnin Thumbs!
Steve Badman
Master Jig Builder
DEMON JIGS & DEEP WATER LURES - The Global Specialists!
"pass the word"
Steve Badfish....writes..
Which color Raider have you been using, blue?
Regards & Burnin Thumbs!
Blue and green "Raiders" are my favorites. The 200 7 0unce. i.e., Raider's biggest.
I visited your site DEMON JIGS & DEEP WATER LURES - The Global Specialists!
Why no Australian made "Raiders" for sale?
I think a company called Iron Man (below) has a very similar lure to the Australian "Raiders".
I tried to buy a few on-line - but can't get their site to work for me yet, and I am still waiting to hear from the Raider manufacturers in Australia.
Those Australian Mates must be asleep at the wheel somewhere!
I think any color Raider would work great. Caught several wahoo during a tournament last year - when nothing else would hook up anything - including professionally strung ballyhoo.
see this years tournament results on the click on above - including 71 pound dolphin.
More on mutton Snapper Season (June 26th and 27th - 2002) :
With over 25 boats lined up on the edge at the drop off at Goulding Cay bottom fishing with cut bait - where the muttons come to school and breed each year - I fished first with my downrigger ball and landed two snappers (one close to 20#s).
I'm not bragging when I say I out-caught all 25 boats (combined) for the time I was there with this slow troll technique and the "Raiders".
To be fair. Many boats stay out all night (of the full moon), and come back with 50 to 100 fish - as the bite can get crazy. Only a few troll - like (none) myself.
First day (June 26th): After the lost downrigger ball - I watched my Garmen recorder for fish and the bottom, and caught 5 more. At around 100 feet they would start to show "thick" on the recorder.
I'd be trolling at under 2 mphs on one of the three 250 Ficht Evinrudes - sitting on the gunwale of my 40 foot Performance - and putting the new Penn 50 SW into free spool - to let the raider lure drop to bottom.
The new Penns are beautiful, but you have to take such "care" of them. Drag is about the best.
(see attachment 40 foot Performance - she's a cigarette hull - but overbuilt. A Contender 37' would be a joke in a 10 foot sea match- up. My Performance 42 is foamed all the way to the bow and up the gunwales. You're history "Contender" - even with three Yammies 4 cycles you run around on)
anyway.... back to the fishin details...
After striking bottom, I'd give it a few quick turns - then coast off the ledge to 250 feet - then 500 feet, than I'd go back.
I caught 6-1/2 muttons on second day (4PM to 7:30PM), and lost one raider to a barracuda or shark cut off. The area is teaming with sharks, and if you don't reel quickly, and get the fish away from the school - a shark will bit him in two.
Happens 50% of the time - sometimes. sharks. bull and black tips. Hammers too.
I lost 1/2 fish to a shark on the second day. I may go again today (Saturday June 29) - 4PM to 7:30PM.
Last year - using the same techniques, "we" (the Mailess boys from Nassau and Spanish Wells (Bahamas)) landed 9 snappers - two nights in a row (18 muttons total), and about 35 for the short 2002 season (run).
The season lasts about two to three weeks - three days before the full moon - and sometimes a few days after is best.
Captain Thomas Azzara
recreational fisherman (only) -
nicknamed = "The Gull" in 1970's
"For the sport only"
PS I learned something new and important the last two trips. You don't need (or want) to use a downrigger with the "7 ounce "solid Australian Raiders, as they out catch the downrigger ball - 4 to 1!
Can't wait to try the "drop back deep to bottom" raider lures on Wahoo, kingfish and YF tuna.
Watch those recorder blips for fish - than just put her in free spool.
I've caught almost every variety of fish on those Raider lures - except bill fish and grouper!!!!
From: Demon Jigs & Deep Water Lures <>
To: Thomas Azzara <>
Subject: Re: purchase 15 of your "raider" (200 7 oz) - price quote
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 17:26:43 0930
The eight ounce might work, but the 7 oz Raider" catches mutton snapper like nothing else I've ever seen - including spoons, diamond jigs, etc.
Which color Raider have you been using, blue?
Regards & Burnin Thumbs!
Steve Badman
Master Jig Builder
DEMON JIGS & DEEP WATER LURES - The Global Specialists!
"pass the word"