View Full Version : Any tips for luring flatties
29-07-2002, 04:49 PM
Gday everyone
i was wondering if anyone could give me a few tips on luring flathead from shallow water. You see i know these flatties are there because i am always catching them on dead and live baits but i just cant seem to catch them on lures. tips such as lure size, type, colour and features in the water i should look for would be greatly appreciated.
29-07-2002, 05:11 PM
Yeah Mate
Soft plastics are the go, Holy Mackerel Shads 3 to 5 inch, best colours at the moment clear with silver, black &white, and pink.
30-07-2002, 10:20 AM
I'm going to convert to the rubber things. I'm heading to Fraser in three weeks and thought they might be worth a go around the flats at Sandy Cape and amongst the white near the lighthouse for the big Flatties.
How do I get my hands on some of your Holy Mackeral shads.
Any photos - websites.
30-07-2002, 04:22 PM
Hi Bugman, This is Doug's better half-Beck, here.He's out working at his other job tonight so here I am.Mate let us know your address and we'll post you some samples to take to Fraser.Doug has landed some huge lizards round Bribie with 'em the last couple of years. We're in the midst of setting up a website.Our email is or give us a bell 07 3408 7574
30-07-2002, 05:41 PM
Thanks for the tip. Just one thing, these holy mackerel shads. Would you just be able to give me a description of them so that i can try and use something at least similar to it this weekend, as i am heading to my favorite flattie patch.
31-07-2002, 08:13 AM
G'Day Doug,
Never tried soft plastics before and was thinking about giving it a bash, but :-/ was wondering do you tie your main line/leader direct to jig head with perfection knot/normal knot etc or use snap locks for ease of lure change etc. ??? ??? ???
Cheers Lyndo
31-07-2002, 06:03 PM
G day Lyndo 8)
When fishing for flatties at this time of year I will use heavier line, as the targetted fish are larger. My basic rig consist of 8 kg briad as the main line. attached to a very small swivel. Then a mono leader 12- 15 kg, about 40cm long. I tie a perfectoin loop straight to the jig head. This heavy leader comes into its own when a large lizard inhales your lure and starts shaking its head.
Cheers Doug
31-07-2002, 09:31 PM
Cheers Doug 8)
I might just have to give these franger thingamee ::) jigs a go and see what all the fuss is about ;D
Thanks for the tip :)
Cheers Lyndo
01-08-2002, 08:59 AM
These are a couple of the "Holy Mackerel" shads
06-08-2002, 06:17 AM
Hi Doug,
I live on Bribie and have been hammering Bream and Flathead on 1" Big Bite Bait Grubs off the flats at Banksia Beach the best to date Flattie wise was 64cm. You can buy these at we will deliver or post, also SK nymphs in pink or chateruse and the attack minnows will also work in this area but at the moment i have been concentrateing in useing the plastics a lot cheaper too at $24.00 for 100.
Touchy - R.I.P.
06-08-2002, 04:30 PM
G'Day Steve,I sent off the couple of packets of frangers Forest gave me to TBF,thinking I would'nt need them,only to find perfect drifting conditions on a trip to the pin,checked the tackle box to find one white "grub"in the bottom,two 60cm & about half a doz.smallies later,I was starting to think"Sheeet" this is better than my "fly"bouncing 8),quick trip the next week seen 3 smallish fish in the boat in a small drift in the Cobby before the wind got up,by this time the one & only white franger was definately looking worse for wear(bit like something that I'd picked out of my nose)big Ausfish M&G this w/end,so I will even try & take TWO white nose frangers.wonder how these will go when the fattie run really starts in Sept.The mind boggles ::).when are ya gunna'stop playing in the little pond & get down to the Pin??.Cheers T.><> ><>.
06-08-2002, 07:09 PM
??? G day Bomber
I fish with soft plastics around Bribie at least three times a week.I find that holy mackerel shads, in sizes 4-5 inch are the best you can get. I personally think grubs are for Bream and Bass fishing, unless you're after small flatties. This week I have caught and released 6 flathead from 60- 85 cm, all caught on shads.
Cheers, Doug.
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