View Full Version : Salting Bloodworms
Hi, everyone
Some time ago there was a post on salting bloodworms. Searched through most of the posts and cannot find it :-[
We brought home today a lot of bloodworms, (wasting some time around amity banks this morning :), At least a one tired yawning parrot managed to eat one ;) ;) ;D) and I would like to keep them for the next trip.
23-09-2002, 03:49 PM
Hi dreamdays
im not sure about salting down bloodworms. I salt down pillies and all my fish baits but i have not heard of salting down bloodworms. If we keep bloodworms its only for about 2 or 3 days in between 2 damp hessian bags in a cool place. Hope this helps you.
cheers spinna ;) :)
23-09-2002, 04:02 PM
G'Day Dreamdays.
At the Tackle and Tinnie Show earlier this year, Bob Kozien conducted a session on whiting fishing around the Bay foreshores. During that session he explained how he salts bloodworms when he has some left over. He claimed - and I think he is right (from personal experience) that the salted worms are almost as good as fresh ones.
Unfortunately, I didn't write down his salting recipe and had to rely on memory (which is fading as I age - LOL).
Anyway, here is how I do it.
Dry worms on some kitchen paper - discard any pieces which have absolutely had it.
Put the remaining worms into a container and barely cover with salt. Leave for around 20-30mins and then discard salt and dry worms off again (the salt pulls moisture out of them).
Place worms in a small plastic bag (get the ones with a snaplock top - available from newsagents), close it up and put in the freezer.
I find that the worms don't go tough and don't totally freeze. I just keep them cold when I next go fishing and the results have been very good - fish don't seem to mind them salted. I haven't noticed any reduction in bites/catch as a result of using them.
Hope that helps.
23-09-2002, 04:13 PM
Well there you go Big_Muddie
You learn somthing new everday so they say and i just did. Ill have to try this out i think sounds a hole lot better than having to go out and get worms every time i go fishing as they are not easy to get somtimes.
cheers spinna :D ;)
23-09-2002, 05:56 PM
Hi all
I like a bit of salt on my fish & chips so i dont see why the fish would mind a bit on there tucker
Thanks everyone ;D ;D ;D ;D
I could just remember the drying out and then salt bit :D
Anyway, the salt dried em out, not much smelly ::) ::) and now in the freezer, will let you's know how they come out ;)
25-11-2008, 09:58 AM
I buy blood worms bulk, from a mate, I always freeze the broken worms and keep the whole ones alive for about a month in a tank with a bubbler heater (in the winter time) and a thermometor about 18 degrees water temp.
salting worms: I mix a very salty water brew about 1/2 kilo of salt to an icecream can and then put that into the freezer overnight, in the morning it is B^&%dy cold. drop worms into the brine liquid and they will freeze instantly. i then place them into a bag or container and lightly sprinkle fine salt over them and mix them around and back in the freezer, I used some two weeks ago that I had salted in may 2008 and caught just as many whiting as with fresh worms. put the worms in sea water before you use them to reconstitute them a few at a time keep tyhe rest in the ice box in case you have to refreeze them tight lines.
25-11-2008, 03:36 PM
Try preserving your leftover bloodworms in Metho. Similar to salting remove excess water from worms with paper towel then cover worms in a container with Metho. After about 3 minutes remove worms from Metho and place on a paper towel to drain. Place worms in zip lock freezer bag and freeze. Will keep in freezer for ages and I find that they work just as good as live worms. I use these regularly on big Whiting up around Coochin and they work fine.
Metho is a great method to use.
Some things to watch, worms must be alive to start with.
Must be dry completely,before putting into metho.
Dry them again after the metho,and put them in very dry sand,in a zip plastic bag,and then freeze.
Any moisture in the sand spoils the brew.
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