View Full Version : Mooloolaba Marlin
21-12-2001, 08:58 AM
Here are the photos of the blue n black caught last thursday and friday on the same spot of mooloolabah.
or the whole page
21-12-2001, 06:20 PM
There have been plenty of Blues caught off Mooloolaba, maybe not that small and as close in as that fish.
22-12-2001, 04:33 AM
Thanks smithy I have found where 350 lb blues have been caught of southport distance offshore n size wasnt clarifed with blues up there. but i can say they were both caught between 7 and 10 klms out
29-12-2001, 04:24 PM
great pics :o - weve been getting decent dolphin fish in much the same area - looks like a reasonable season - did you get them live baiting, trolling lures or baits? ;)
11-01-2002, 06:39 PM
Hi Jaybee
Marlin are be caught in large sizes and quanities at a spot called the 12mile. Troll or if anchored fish floaters(pillies) out the where the water depth drops of to 50meters.
12-01-2002, 03:14 AM
I didnt catch them my bro did on the anchor live baiting using a down rigger. A few days earlier the rod he uses with his overhead was snapped clean in half on a fish, he is still battling with the bait shop to have it replaced. I beleive the rod he caught these 2 with was a jarvis walker North easter...not sure about the reel tho.
16-06-2004, 05:37 PM
17-06-2004, 03:34 AM
Give your brother a right cross for killing two marlin :( :(
What a neanderthal!
17-06-2004, 07:07 AM
Jeffo's gunna spit!
17-06-2004, 07:55 AM
:-/ wow i felt bad when i brought my 150kg black home :-/
But yeh hmmmmm...........
17-06-2004, 01:30 PM
18-06-2004, 10:50 AM
No response from Jaybee yet....
I know it wasn't you who killed these two Marlin Jaybee, but I would be interested to hear where you stand in regards to killing of marlin.
I have made my opinion obvious.
18-06-2004, 01:32 PM
jeremy- read the date on the first post of the thread... those picture are pretty old. joe (jaybee) hasnt been on a great deal lately i dont think.
18-06-2004, 04:12 PM
Hi Jermony
I personally would not take a marlin but they are a an edable species and if some one takes a couple for a feed, thats also there choice, after all it is perfectly legal to do so. Maybe it is time that people that cant say some thing positive reframe from saying anything, after all we will never agree on all things BUT WHY GET PERSONAL
19-06-2004, 02:56 AM
blaze- i agree on what you have said... but i feel it is time something was done to make it illegal billfish (and many other species) are worth far more alive than dead.... just have to see a game fishing tournament to realise that fact!
19-06-2004, 03:06 AM
Hi Jeffo
maybe if the discussions wernt so personal and then the people with the passion put there efforts into lobbying gov departments etc, then some change could be made, I think we all need to remember we all have the same underlieing passion. I would also not take a large snapper (I think they look nearly human like) but people are in there right to eat them and i am not going to put my personal beliefs into a heated debate about right and wrong. Lets all work together for a better outcome for fishing in general
19-06-2004, 03:19 AM
BLAZE - was I getting personal? Was I being offensive? The neanderthal comment was directed to Jaybee's brother and it was chosen specifically to reflect the dinosaur culture that killing marlin represents.
This is on open forum designed specifically for people to air opinions to facilitate discussion. I know nothing illegal was done, but as you would well know there are strong movements in the recreational sector to encourage the release of all marlin and have been for many years now. Expressing my opinion on this subject is my right and I will continue to exercise this right.
19-06-2004, 03:22 AM
I see your point Jeffo. This is an old post that someone has just brought forward. As you say maybe Jaybee isn't around.
19-06-2004, 03:35 AM
Hi Jermery
Mate if you called my brother a neanderthal, I would certaily find that offensive. but like i said we all need to put our energy into working together, I like mutton birds, you dont. does that make you a lesser man NO does that make me a better man NO, but it does make us different
19-06-2004, 03:43 AM
I think the quality of the discussion on these forums is excellent (usually). I do believe that people should be encouraged to express their opinions, positive or negative, controversial or not. We can all learn something from each other and as long as the discussion is kept polite and unemotional, I think the diversity provides alot of interest.
I apologise if I overstepped the bounds, but sometimes the passion and emotion creeps in in trying to make a point.
(Blaze - you will note that I modified my previous post to tone it down a bit - sorry)
19-06-2004, 09:46 AM
cheers jermery, i am all for good healthy debate
20-06-2004, 04:21 AM
Just crusing the board when i saw this old post bumped up. Well i wont go near the neanderthal comment, my brother fishes Mooloolaba regularly, most trips if he catches 2 to 5 fish he calls it quits, as he says when you are up there for up to 4 weeks you cant keep more then the bag limit anyway, he enjoys his fishing and gives a few away at the park, however, doesnt overfish. He has caught and released quite a few marlin up that way, these two werent to be all that lucky, he dropped a feed off for me on the way home, and i found them quite excellent eating.
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