View Full Version : Munna Point

16-09-2004, 05:53 AM
Went to "Hooked on Fishing" tackle shop at noosaville and got some advice from very friendly staff. put me onto a fishing club as well. Fished at Munna Point yesterday morn but all I got was a couple good bites. still it was nicer than working in my yard ;) babbs

16-09-2004, 07:21 AM
Good on ya babbs. Just lovely being out there on a nice day isn't it? Better luck next time actually connecting to one of them bites! ;)


18-09-2004, 04:56 AM
A good spot to try is the downstream side of the bridge across the entrance to Doonella lake. Run out tide in the evening with a good live bait ;)
We used to throw a baited shrimp trap in amongst the rocks there. You should be able to catch some BIG shrimps quite easily there. Two of them hooked back to back can produce some nice suprises in that area, particulary in the evenings.

Regards, Tony ;)

18-09-2004, 11:11 PM
g'day tony,

just wondering what sorta surprises you get there? any jacks? thanks heaps mate.


19-09-2004, 05:53 AM
You never know your luck ;) ;) ;)

Regards, Tony ;D ;D ;D