View Full Version : Spear Fishing Southern Bay Islands

26-11-2004, 11:19 AM
Just wondering if anyone knew of any decent spots to spear the southern bay arround Couchie, Macleay ETC & what species Im likley to encounter. All this talk about spearing has got the blood pumping.
Cheers Jamie

26-11-2004, 11:38 AM
Mate I'd check your regs before you go, I've got a feeling that most of the southern bay is off limits to spearos, although i could well be wrong.


26-11-2004, 11:49 AM
Where would i do that

26-11-2004, 11:54 AM
Check with ya nearest boating and fisheris office or DPI centre.

26-11-2004, 03:19 PM
Spear guns and spears must not be used to take fish while using or
wearing underwater breathing apparatus other than a snorkel.Spear
fishing is prohibited in all fresh waters.Spear fishing is prohibited
in the following tidal areas (for precise boundaries consult the
Fisheries Regulation 1995 ,some areas are marked by a SF BB sign):

Southern Moreton Bay:Jumpinpin and the Southport Broadwater
including the seaway Moreton Bay south of 27 o 42 ’ south ((Logan

Artificial reef area Moreton Island near Cowan Cowan.

and just one for you guys who like abit extra fun it aint aloud
Miscellaneous prohibitions
•Using explosives,poisons or electrical devices to take fish (divers
may use a powerhead on a spear gun only in defence against sharks).

26-11-2004, 03:20 PM
sorry you can look at the hole page at


26-11-2004, 03:46 PM
Waters a bit too dirty around there. Closest good visability points are off G.C. Seaway or from Amity rock wall(not south of boat ramp) to point lookout. Good luck. ;)