View Full Version : Bluies out from pancake near 1770

20-11-2004, 07:31 AM
around middle & outter rock are bluies best fished near the rocks or out from the rock's?
& are ther any other grounds near the rock's that are good for bluies.

Cheers ;)

20-11-2004, 07:37 AM
whats a bluies ???

20-11-2004, 07:39 AM
good question rob

20-11-2004, 07:59 AM
Venus Tusk fish I think he means. You catch them where there is heaps of hard coral plate type stuff and the best bait is crabs. therefore close to the rocks are always an option because they often wait fo crabs to be knocked off by waves. However have caught them away from rocks as well. Hope you have some tough gear kleiny as the big ones bust me off several times on 60 pound handline.

Great tasting though better than trout

20-11-2004, 08:03 AM
that's what i'm talking about devocean , i have hand lines with 80lb

20-11-2004, 08:09 AM
Yeah that will do. Where I am from in NQ they are more prized fish than barras or trout because they are hard to catch. Crabs are by far the best bait and they pull like freight trains. I do spear a few but they are real tough so you need a good sized gun to get right through as they have big scales.

I do find them often ripping the reef to shreds with their teeth. They are great eating though up there in my top 2 for sure


20-11-2004, 11:37 AM
80lb handline is a bit heavy!

I knew some blokes who fished for them around the Keppel Islands. They fished with nothing over 4kg, and used small hooks and small baits.

While spearfishing/diving up that way around the rocks under any whitewater wash against a oyster infested rock would have about 20+ tuskies doing a patrol for food. The bigger ones (5kg+) with the big smooth head (not sure if same species) would always be nestled up in amongst weed on a rocky bottom.

20-11-2004, 11:54 AM
quite regularly around this area people use up to 100lb line because specimen of around 20kg are regular. the reason for 100lb line is they head for cover after hitting the bait & if you don't stop them immediately before they get into the rock snags.however you go for it with 4kg line i'll save my 4kg line for mackeral.

23-11-2004, 05:54 AM
Gday Kleiny
If you know Pancake area well we were spearfishing at Jansons which is to the left comiing out of Pancake they were absolutly every where the biggest one we nailed was 14KG and this was in no more than 3 to 4 meters of water. We also got quite a few big trout down there as well. You will see some of the biggest Cod ever that have been there ever since Ive been going up. We even spotted a few Barramundi Cod but they were safe. You also get alot of pelalgics patrolling the area as well. I dont know how you would go line fishing they are pretty easily spooked in that depth. If you are going to try line fishing for one try the red bouy near the mouth of the creek there are some big bommies arround there and there are some XOS bluies & trout down there fished at the right time. I wish I was up there again. Its gods country. Good luck Jamie

23-11-2004, 07:34 AM
Jim Bob must have has some good hardware to penetrate that fish what type of gun are you using?

23-11-2004, 07:55 AM
One scale of a bluey can get bigger than a 50c piece. Hit one in the wrong spot with the spear and its like trying to hammer a nail into a piece of 2x4 with a drinking straw. Not an easy task at all!

23-11-2004, 08:39 AM
Use a four sided detachable mako head and shoot in the head shoulder area.

Regards, Tony ;)

23-11-2004, 09:25 AM
Are you referring to the pronged spear heads? Do you stock them? Or do you mean those pyramid types?

23-11-2004, 10:04 AM
The detachable heads are a single point with 2 floppers on the side (mako style)
They are usually ground on four sides to achieve the point. The tip detaches from the spear and only remains connected by a short length of stainless multi-strand cable.
You need to be using a reasonably powerfull gun to get the penetration, but they go in a lot easier than some of the other types.
The idea of the tip detaching is so the fish can twist and carry on without being able to bend the spear or use the weight of the spear to lever itself off.
Agreat way to go! Ive always found the multi prong heads useless on big strong fish, ok for small stuff. I do stock most types of heads.

Regards, Tony ;) ;)

23-11-2004, 10:27 AM
I didn't meen we nail every fish that swims in front of us there are plenty of fish up there that are missing some bark but if you can get there & stick ya head in the water you will see what I mean maybe Agnes could back me up on that one. I usually use a mates gear from bundy he spears all the time. And he says my gear is too crap for up there not sure of the brand but I know it has 2 rubbers and the actual spear is a thin material similar of that discribed by agnes he mail orders it up there from the place at the Gabba. We do use the four prongers for the cray fish up the holes. The bluies really arent that hard to get in that depth they are usually all hiding up holes & cracks so its just a matter of finding one & hitting him in the hole ;). But it is with out a dout the best spearfishing experience I have ever had. You will catch more fish line fishing but no where near the quality. Other species in close are sweeties, small cod, pelagics, stripeys, some of the biggest morwong I have ever seen which are good crab bait up the creek & there are shit loads of Wyanetta Cod but we steer clear of them as its a bit grey on the legal length because they dont seem to grow very big. But the bloke i go with has hit a bluey & had to hit it again with cray gun to finish things off.
Cheers Jamie

23-11-2004, 10:40 AM
Yeah Jamie
there are some bloody good fish around that area!
As you say, you will catch more on a line, the bigger fellas only get that way cause they are smart! It can be a real eye opener, to actually get in the water and have a look. Alot of the time you are getting no bites, so you think "there's nothing around today" jump in and there are fish everywhere, just not biting.
It's all good fun!

Regards, Tony :D

23-11-2004, 10:42 AM
I have found my new 7mm spear hawain stainless works well on blueys, nice and quick through the water. I use a 1.4 metre seahornet gun with 3/4 rubbers and I find it has good penetrating power although I have hit big blueys before and it bounces right off them.

I have to agree with you Jamie they seem to be much easier to spear in deeper water as they tend to be spooked quite easy in shallow water.


23-11-2004, 11:02 AM
Agnes, any chance of a discount on a Rob Allen Raily? Could be looking at a hood and gloves as well. Interested in flashers too. If you can help could you please PM me?

24-11-2004, 04:38 AM
I here you can get some cheap flashers at the cricket Mick

24-11-2004, 05:53 AM
Those cricket flashers are no good mate! get nothing but sharks on them!

Tony ;D

24-11-2004, 10:46 AM
Good to hear those big bluey's are still around in good numbers at least somewhere on the coast. I only every seen two while spearing around the Keppels and both 8kg and 3kg ended up in the freezer. That was 10yrs ago. I now only dive up there 2 times a year if i'm lucky. I will have to make an effort to check out Pancake.

They are a rare catch on line and I credit the patience of those who target them. Yes you do need the 80lb gear to stop those buggers!! They gave my spear a bit of a thrashing and not to mention the mess one made of my fingers after I secured a hold under his gills.

24-11-2004, 11:09 AM
We made our own flashers out of a burley pot & some of the wifes celine deon & mariah carey CD's & we actully ended up leaving it in the boat as all that was interested it was bloody sea snakes which made interesting trying to get back in the boat but that was at pancake I dont really spear much in brisbane
Cheers Jamie

24-11-2004, 06:06 PM
Here is one from North Reef about 8km off Pancake on a crab and 15kg line from my 12' barra boat. Adding to the species list for the reefs out from Janson's Rock are Spaniards, Spotties, Schoolies, Gold Spot Estuary Cod, Large and Smallmouth Nannygai, Queenies, Snapper, etc., etc.

Another top Bluey spot is Hervey Bay. I know a couple of Bluey specialists there that don't come home empty handed very often. Really need the right crabs and need to put them on the hook a special way.

25-11-2004, 03:55 AM
sounds good smithy, i can't wait to go there, i live in Maryborough so i fish Hervey Bay quite often & i know of some good bluey spots. can anyone help me i have some gps marks as i have never fished the area would like anyones advice on the gps spots which ones would be best i have inner wides, outer wides, south bustard, 8 fathom, fitzroy bommy & eastern warregos. just any advise if anyone has fished these, some might be to far from where i'm camping anyway i'll sort all that out when i get there (weather permitting)

25-11-2004, 06:12 AM
Careful there Klieny!
I am fairly sure that the eastern warrigoes are now in green zone!
Call in and see me when you get here, I'll give you a few marks and a run down.
I have all the green zone maps etc here.
Its not far out of your way to call in.

Regards, Tony ;)

25-11-2004, 06:36 AM
i will see how i go i would like to drop in & see you have to see what the other guys are doing cause were all travelling together we will have 4 boats leaving maryborough at 3am to catch the high at pancake so wa have enough water to launch. the best way to get to pancake in think by the maps is to go through miriam vale, what are your thoughts agnes jack

can you eat spanish mackeral caugh out from pancake?
i have caught some in platypus bay inside fraser no good sigatera however you spell it

ps thanks for all your help ;D

25-11-2004, 07:18 AM
There are 2 ways to go, thru miriamvale along the highway to the Turkey beach turn off, or turn at miriamvale for 1770 and turn in about 10km before Agnes on the Eurimbula national park road.
I have not ever heard of a ciguatera problem around here, but to be sure, don't eat one over 10kg, throw the bigger fella's back (after a photo)
If you are coming in that early you probably won't get a chance to call in, but make sure you get green zone maps and check your marks.
Weather permitting you should have a ball.
There are some mighty big spanish getting caught around bustard at the moment.
The mackmauler should have some good reports when they return, they are in pancake at the moment I think.

Regards, Tony

25-11-2004, 08:13 AM
You guys are talking about it so much I thought I'd post a map - I added the crude grid references to give people an Idea of where everyone is talking about.


25-11-2004, 08:38 AM
Don't give em too much info, or we may lose our M&G advantage!

;D ;D ;D ;D Regards, Tony

25-11-2004, 10:08 AM
agnes or bugman i don't think we'll be getting out from pancake saturday not knowing the area & the ocean the report so far for saturday is 15/20 se, we will be in a 4.4m centre console what are your thoughts?

25-11-2004, 10:36 AM
That looks like it at this stage 15-20se.
You may get out early, has been blowing all week though so there is bound to be some swell. How long are you staying? I don't think the weekend is going to be too flash.
Sounds like pancake creek will be the go!

Tony :-/ :-/ :-[

25-11-2004, 10:45 AM
our last day of fishing will be monday leaving about lunch time. if the weather is no good may have to plan another trip sometime early in the year.

25-11-2004, 12:45 PM
Gday Kleiny
Mate you would get to Jansons in that we were out there in 20-25 SE early in the year in a 4.5 CC. Dont forget you wont miss out in the creek arround the bombies. we were ther the last day before all that area went green zone the fisheries were there that night awaiting anyone to break the law. Agnes also we got pinged for having a camp fire apparently you have to have gas only now he even took photos after making us put it out and came back the next day to compare to make sure we didnt re light it. And we also come in from the causeway up the creek and they tried to ping us for not hving premitts but there wasnt any in the box. He expected us to go into Bundy & get them before going but how were we to know there wouldnt be any premitts. Im sure some these blokes are just power trippers the best thing was seeing smash the prop on his boat on the rocks at high tide out from the camp :D :D :D
Cheers Jamie

26-11-2004, 04:31 AM
I don't think I am giving anything away by telling you about the two lighthouse reef. Line up the Clews Pt light with the Bustard light and when the just start to separate you should be on reef. It is good reef here and should be easily found on your sounder. This is a line of reef which stretches from Jansons rock to a couple of miles offshore.

26-11-2004, 04:48 AM
Yeah Smithy thats what we call the beacon line ups usually good trout on livies
Cheers Jamie

26-11-2004, 06:41 AM
There is better stuff further out that comes up from 19m flat sandy stuff to 14m on top. My line ups were the sand on the north shore of Pancake with a little bump on the upslope of one of the Munro Ranges and the other direction it was where Bustard head hit the sea with the West side of Round Hill Headland - not the hill. These were lineups in pre-GPS days. If you have three or four spots out here and draw a line on a map they are all in line off Jansons. You can also troll this for Mackerels as well which would be a good way of sounding around.

26-11-2004, 07:21 AM
thanks for that smithy i think i need a couple of weeks to cover all the spots i have so a trip early next year will be on the cards. if i get the chance i will definately try that spot. ;)

29-11-2004, 05:52 PM
Gday Kleiny
Mate you would get to Jansons in that we were out there in 20-25 SE early in the year in a 4.5 CC. Dont forget you wont miss out in the creek arround the bombies. we were ther the last day before all that area went green zone the fisheries were there that night awaiting anyone to break the law. Agnes also we got pinged for having a camp fire apparently you have to have gas only now he even took photos after making us put it out and came back the next day to compare to make sure we didnt re light it. And we also come in from the causeway up the creek and they tried to ping us for not hving premitts but there wasnt any in the box. He expected us to go into Bundy & get them before going but how were we to know there wouldnt be any premitts. Im sure some these blokes are just power trippers the best thing was seeing smash the prop on his boat on the rocks at high tide out from the camp :D :D :D
Cheers Jamie

Jamie, what area are you talking about reg green zones, there are none around janson rocks from what i can see, or the creek for that matter.


30-11-2004, 06:25 AM
G day Mackmauler
Mate have a look on the test board Pancake Creek Mouth. From the small creek that comes out on the beach North towards Ethel Rock is Green Zone & from the creek back to Jansons is Yellow the map says it all anyways. And when I was talking about the creek I actually ment Pancake it self arround the red bouy near the mouth back towards where the Yachties anchor up is all good country. Did you manage to do any spear fishing while you were there. Did you get your Spaniards from Outter Rock or around Bustard Head.
Cheers Jamie