View Full Version : Live Pike n Mullet

25-06-2005, 04:28 AM
Perfect conditions for Jew I note, albeit frozen Jew but anyway....
So everyone reccomends live mullet or live pike but this little piggy has never had either jump into his boat so save netting the beaches how would one go about getting these chaps?
I've jigged for slimies and I've castnetted for poddy mullet but I assume we're talking larger mullet for Jew? I'm up for an evening session in the GC Seaway so reccomendations on livies in the Broadwater would help. HELP>>>>

25-06-2005, 05:04 AM
Just use the yakkas and slimies inside the seaway too mate ;) , i have my parents and my gf's parents on canal estate homes, i get truckloads of live mullet from thier places and load up the bait tank before i head out, so cant help you with mullet in broadwater.

Good luck out there tonight mate, be nice night but dam cold!

25-06-2005, 05:09 AM
Just gotta cross the road to get to the canal, so do you toss bread then toss a net? Just thought the ones I've seen netted in the canals have been quite small.

25-06-2005, 07:40 AM
Burley Boy, sent you a PM


26-06-2005, 07:37 AM
Thanks Jamie.
The evening was flat offshore so thats where I ended up and got a sea pike on my paternoster offshore, sent back dwn with a set of hoks and busted off.

26-06-2005, 01:28 PM
Not exactly at the seaway mate but I know a nice little hole (16 ft) near the pin. I just anchor up, switch on the sounder and wait for 'em to come through......mixed bags of pike and mullet together. Sometime the mullet run just below the herring and it's a bit of a bugger clearing the herring from the net but worth it if you don't mind shitting your boat up and waiting for 'em to show.

Pulled a few tailor last time at the same spot and once again was broken off (twice with 30lb mono) with 30cm tailor live baits.

Didn't post in reports 'cause I'm getting broken far too often there, and you guys will be thinking that I can't tie a bloody simple knot :-)



26-06-2005, 05:49 PM
Well thanks Kev, that will really help me,,,, I'll think of you next time I'm bumbling around the pin and wishing for livebait...If I spot you I'll come over and help you pull in the net. ;D

26-06-2005, 06:35 PM
Well thanks Kev, that will really help me,,,, I'll think of you next time I'm bumbling around the pin and wishing for livebait...If I spot you I'll come over and help you pull in the net. ;D

Can give you the location if you want mate.

