View Full Version : MUD ISLAND

05-10-2005, 09:41 PM
Hello everyone,

I have been keen for ages to fish mud island, I hear it can produce some pretty good fish at different times of the year. I am curious to know, are the Squire and larger snapper running there this time of year, and if so, what types of rigs are best used. As I stated before, I have never fished there before, and would appreciate some guidance.

05-10-2005, 10:02 PM
Have only fished Mud a few times and still looking and trying different spots.Best thing is to go out there and have a look around,you will see the concentration of boats around the popular spots but work from there and see what you can find .I will be heading over on Sunday to fish the North/West area then i am going for a look around the Southern end .Hanen't been around that end so who knows what i will find.
Cheers Dazza

06-10-2005, 04:46 PM
Yep they are there... Just gotta find a place away from everyone else out there... Mid week is pretty empty ;) Your rig can be anything really... The easiest is just a running ball sinker down to a hook. Use the smallest weight you can with the current, and I've been using 2/0 - 4/0 hooks with no problems.

09-10-2005, 08:11 PM
Thanks for the info guys, what boat ramp is the best to launch from to head over there? Was thinking about Manly. Has anyone got any sugestions?


09-10-2005, 08:26 PM
Thanks for the info guys, what boat ramp is the best to launch from to head over there? Was thinking about Manly. Has anyone got any sugestions?


Depends where you're based Gos. Southside I reckon manly.......northside, shorncliffe. If you use shorncliffe you cross the shipping lane on the way out and quite often I've never made it to mud for picking up good readings on the way out...............well, they looked good :-[ monster catties and blind shark, ;D although I did pull a 42lb cod once in the channel.



09-10-2005, 08:38 PM
Whats the best part of the tide for Squire/Snapper over at Mud? Incomming? Outgoing? High? Low? Doesn't matter? :)

09-10-2005, 09:00 PM
I will be launching from the southside Kev. So Manly looks like the go.

09-10-2005, 09:10 PM
Whats the best part of the tide for Squire/Snapper over at Mud?

The part when they don't get caught ;D Now if you were to ask me the best part of the tide for catchin' 'em ;) ;D

Seriously Shane, sometimes it's nice just to get out so I don't pay too much attention to the tides unless they are making it nearly impossible for me to fish. What I would say though is that the fish are pretty educated and shy over there and the lighter you fish the better, which would rather preclude strong running tide (king/spring).....not that they *can't* be caught in full flood or that you can't fish light in full flood (neap tides).


10-10-2005, 08:53 PM
Manly's great, except for low tide!!!
Kev, do you use the public at the marina or further up?

10-10-2005, 10:04 PM
Manly's great, except for low tide!!!
Kev, do you use the public at the marina or further up?

The "big public" between the VMR and the boat club further up. The "little public" further down the marina gets used by divers and jet skiers and can get too busy, apart from the ballache of having to do 6 knotts all the way through the marina.

With regards to low tides at the "big public". I once waded to the back of the trailer and my foot went down a bloody big gap in the concrete and I badly sprained my ankle and could hardly walk for a week. Is this what you refer to? The crack seemed to stretch along the full width of the ramp and I'm guessing it's a bad join or something?


11-10-2005, 07:44 PM
I think that all the ramps are pretty suss at full low (There is a limit I suppose that they can run it down) when it is anywhere near the new or full moons. So just don't return at full low. I use Shornecliffe and Whyte Island (which I think is the best ramp to go to Mud from). Just think about the tides for your return trip. You do it for your trip out, so why not the return home. Manly is very good in all tides, but have also had the same super low tide experience there. The other thing with Manly is if you are on your own and return at high tide, the beach runs out. This also happens at Whyte Island, so consider that as well on the full tides.

About 3 months ago I made the mistake and got to the ramp at full low. oops. so headed back out and fished close in for a couple of hours before trying to retrieve. Something to consider if you do get caught out.

As for snapper at Mud.... If I only knew. I have never caught one. Caught lots of big squire though. It is suppose to be the run in apparently. But I think I have caught similar on the run out. The change of tide between run in and run out has been ok too. Sounds like I am having a bet each way...

If you are in shallow I would plan the run in. If you are out wider I am not sure if it makes a lot of difference. Can very much depend on what time you have available to you. Sometimes you catch nothing at times when you think you should be catching them, and then the opposite when everything is not in line.

Familiarity is a big plus at Mud.


11-10-2005, 07:48 PM
Lots of explanations here, but you still havent told us how to catch them :-?

11-10-2005, 08:14 PM
I'm thinking about going out on Monday to see what I can get on to. Apart from trying for the Squire/Snapper what else can we expect to get out there?
And baits? What baits are good?

11-10-2005, 08:24 PM
Very observant there Mr Webb. We are all waffling on about tides and ramps. None of us are anywhere as qualified as you, but I have seen it first hand from the master and still can't explain it.

Put in the time is about the best advice I could offer. That and don't get fixed in your ways. I have had my best results this year and it has coincided with continual changes in my rigs and locations. Light, heavy, big hooks and small hooks. Usually smallish though. And as Dan said, just a standard bottom rig seems to work well with minimum lead. Really depends on the night. Ok, I don't know the best advice!!!!

11-10-2005, 11:08 PM
Have seen snapper up to 8kg caught at Mud, using squid or cuttle fish on a 4/0 hook with just enough weight to sink it. Using a baitrunner reel and longer soft tip rod. All caught in water 12 - 20 feet deep and and believe it or not in daylight. Wind does affect fishing location.

12-10-2005, 04:46 PM
Squid, squid is good.

12-10-2005, 05:53 PM
Squid, squid is good.

Last night it wasn't.............jeeeeeeeez! It was rough out there :-[ :o


12-10-2005, 06:15 PM
Squid is good, rough is not :( I hope its a nice day on monday :-?

13-10-2005, 06:51 PM
depends on which side of the island with what tide u want to fish, i like to fish a spot which sees good eddies off the reef , or areas that see the front of the current ont that tide

14-10-2005, 06:09 PM

This info is excellent, appreciate it. Think I will head out during the day and have a look around, get used to the place in the day light, then will try for the late evening/night, probably a full moon one thinks. Do they bite better on a full moon?, New moon?, making moon? or doesn't it matter?
