View Full Version : Deck hand

13-02-2006, 04:24 PM
Just curious how many of u guys have worked as deckhands on commercial boats and how did u rate it.. either fishing charters or commercial vessels..?? am scouting for a deck hand job myself...;)

13-02-2006, 04:39 PM
Worked on one in the UK. Pretty mundane in my kneck of the woods (North West). Casting off, tying up, brewing up, and just talking the clients through stuff. Worked a couple of months before I even got paid. Just happy to be out on the water learning. Tried getting work on the Shark charters down south in Cornwall, but looking for vacancies is like looking for rocking horse poo ;D

Never been on a charter here so can't offer any observations of what deckies do.


As I said before, I never repeat myself.

13-02-2006, 05:12 PM
I have, both out of scarborough and the gold coast. It's great to be on the water, but expect hard work and low pay. I'd even be questioning minimum wage these days. I worked 25hrs straight and got paid $200, and that was on new years. Make shure you get a decent owner/skipper and all will be good. Have fun and scout around.

13-02-2006, 05:31 PM
hi masterdusky

i worked on commercial boats and charter boats out of PORT MACQUARIE .was on 15% on a drop line boat which was good money ,but had to catch something to get 15% also worked on trap boats which i got 25% but didn't get much because we didnt catch much . both boats left early in the morning and was home the same day.also the charter boat i got $60 a day plus free piss . worked on a charter boat up here at bundy where i live now which i got $120 aday but was out at sea for 4 days or 10 days at a time . mate like dave said scout around and ask other deckies what % there getting and how long your away for .because you do atleast 12hr days while out at sea.
