View Full Version : Shultz Canal Advice

26-09-2006, 10:27 AM
Hi guys,

Just moved back from Sydney, been there for 9 months but am gald to be home. I am keen to go and have a fish this weekend and needed some adivce on the Shultz Canal. I have never fished here before, but have heard so many stories on it and though i will give it a try. Can anyone tell me where abouts in the Shultz Canal I should have a fish land based using SP's. Where would the best place to park the car be and is there easy acess to the canal.

Any help on the Shultz Canal would be appreciated. Also I was planning on fishing either on the sat morning or sunday morning, is this th ebest times.


26-09-2006, 12:46 PM
I believe a lot of it is on airport propety so be careful not to trespass.

I have heard some good reports of muddies and big bream in there, but that was a few years ago

Good luck, check out your UBD refodex & work out where you can legally throw in a line. Any decent SP for flatties / bream should work in there !

26-09-2006, 12:52 PM
I presume you're landbaser and there are 2 options.

1st option - off Nudgee road before a Bridge above Schulz canal and take a walk along bikeway toward to Nudgee creek that's about 1.6km walk. But note the parking seem not security you can have a look there and decide to park or not.

2nd option car park at Nudgee creek boat ramp and ply SP along bank.

There were couple of flatties being caught in ausfish reports past

Happy fishing