View Full Version : mooloolaba Snapper on Plastics Help/Info Please!!!

10-10-2006, 01:33 PM
Hi all!! I have been trying to go out with a work friend for the last few months from point cartwright chassing Snapper. The weather or other commitments have stopped us from lining up anything untill this comming weekend!!! Now seeing its near the end of the session for snapper I doubt i will get another chance this year to chase them. and i really want to show my mate (a pure bait fisherman I have only just got using plastics for flathead now ;)) that you can pickup these reef fish on plastics!!! (as well as break my PB snapper witch is a 38cm bay squire :'().

Last time we got out I managed 1 nice grassy 45cm on a snapback in pearl and a parrot around 40cm on the same plastic. as well as one head shaking hit from something that didn't stay hooked :( unfortunatlly on this trip the current picked up and i didn't have any jig heads hevy enough to get my plastic to the bottom :'( Since i have spent way too much money on some more TT jig heads in some heavier weights so should be able to stay near the bottom, but I have also setup a twin rig with a snapper lead on the bottom and 2 jigs rigged about 2 foot from the main line and about 5 foot apart. Do you think this will work?

Anyways here are my questions without the Waffle in between ;D ;D ;D

1. what style and colour of plastic should I try this time of year for snapper around the 30mtr mark?

2. is a 5/0 jig hook going to cut it? I do have some 7/0 jigs as well as 4/0 and smaller?

3. Will my dual jig rig work ok? or should i change it to a single jig? or do something totally different????

any info will be appricated!!!!!!

Cheers N
Tight Lines


11-10-2006, 09:50 AM
can anyone give me some idea on this????????????

even just your thoughts on the bottom bashing setup with 2 jigs :-?
